Is Mira's Arc Going Anywhere?

I know someone made one for Asher but it's Mira I don't get. In the latest episode nothing with her progressed whatsoever. We didn't see much of the characters from the previous episodes in her arc in the last episode (Coalboy, Morgryn, Lyman etc) and she literally gained nothing from talking to Tyrion. In the episode prior she literally just walked around and made Andros mad. Many of the choices we've made with her have not and probably won't matter or come back to haunt us in any way.


  • edited July 2015

    I don't "get" Mira's arc. It feels like she stumbles from one blunder to the next, always screwing up somehow. At this point I'm hoping that she gets sent away from King's Landing so that we can play as her traveling on the Kingsroad or even exiled across the narrow sea.

  • She mentioned transporting an army in Episode 5, which could mean something.

  • Her death.

  • Mira's been one of my favourite characters to play it's a lot of fun and I do think it's going somewhere.

  • I do think it's going somewhere.

    Where exactly?

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Mira's been one of my favourite characters to play it's a lot of fun and I do think it's going somewhere.

  • I can't really guess but Episode 5 seems to be setting something up for her in Episode 6.

    Clemenem posted: »

    I do think it's going somewhere. Where exactly?

  • It's clearly setting her up to supply the Forresters with a large amount of soldiers - the start of episode 5 shows this pretty obviously.

    Clemenem posted: »

    I do think it's going somewhere. Where exactly?

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