Episode 6: Mira

edited July 2015 in Game Of Thrones

So Mira being in KL her one mission is to take down Andros' army. Hundreds of sellswords seems like it would completely destroy the Forresters no matter how you look at it. Even with the pit fighters and the Forrester army there aren't enough men to win this war. So here is my theory: What if we can turn things around? I'm not sure if Cersei would help after what happens with Tyrion but what if Mira finds a way to command Andros' sellswords to fight for the Forresters? What happened at the harbor was a small ambush and I'm pretty sure the Whitehills have a bigger army than that. So wouldn't it make sense for Mira to finally do something useful for her family and bring them the victory? It's possible for those who didn't burn the Ironwood decree to make a little deal with Cersei and still manage to get help from her (assuming she doesn't kill Mira). Anyway this is just my theory and I just hope Mira gets to play an important role in Episode 6 because she really hasn't done much in KL except trying to find allies and survive.


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