So what do you think about...

The pit fighters, and I am talking about Amaya, Bloodsong and Beast. And what do you think is going to happen to them in the final episode?
I honestly love all of them. Bloodsong is my favorite in here. I think he will get his honourable death in the last episode, so that what he said before sailing to Ironrath was foreshadowing. Amaya is pretty cool. I think she might survive in the end, it would be awesome to see her fighting since we didn't in the 5th ep. Beast was pretty awesome, even though he could have killed me when I first saw him and possibly eat me. I hope Harys dies slowly and painfully for killing him.


  • Hopefully Bloodsong will get his honourable death. I haven't made up my mind on Amaya yet and I already miss the Beast. I feel he was underused. I don't wish any ill will on Harys though, he's my brosef. I'm nervous about what they'll do now that Asher is gone on my game playthrough.

  • I don't know much about Amaya so I have to see a little more before I base my opinion. Bloodsong however is pretty a ok in my book, glad I spared the guy...A strong Asian warrior wanting a honorable death, a little cliché but none the less, cool. The Beast was disappointing, for someone who is such a ruthless and great fighter...Dying from a spear within the first minutes upon landing is pretty pathetic.

  • Amaya's my favourite she's really cool. I think Asher might be attracted to her

    Asher: That's Amaya?

    Beskha: Keep your cock in your pants little brother, she's likely to chop it off

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