Will the lord survive?

Im assuming asher/rodrik last episode 6 (most of it anyway at the least)

However do they have a shot in season 2 /beyond?

I'm thinking they could if they were relegated to a npc, The fact you have to have one or the other helps as like Carley/Doug they can still play a role/ be present in the story. Their role would be greatly diminished however.


  • edited July 2015

    I'm thinking the "Lord" role is permanently determinant and we decide if he will live or die.

    EDIT: I could actually see them make it to where if we ultimately decide to go to all out war with the whitehills then the "Lord" will die in battle sacrificing himself for total victory for house Forrester, but if we decide to make peace with the whitehills then the "Lord" will live and the house will be made stronger together.

  • edited July 2015

    The Lord who survives won't be long for this world.

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