Sylvi's drawing

One think I saw last episode, that may impact the next one. Did you see in Sylvi's tent that she had a drawing that had a "moon", a "bear", "fish" and a "spider" in it?

Well, in this episode, Cotter said that he called his sister "little moon". Also, Sylvi called Gared "fish face". The bear is the same we saw on the medal that she has in her tent. And what about the spider? What does this all mean? Maybe they are up to something? And where is their mother?


  • Her mother and the rest of her Wildling clan kicked her out.

  • Cotter could represent the spider. Sneaky, legs (hands), can creep places well.

    So it could just be the bear that could mean something. A giant maybe? Something protecting the north grove? I mean, a fish is food for a bear so it could try to eat Gared? Maybe he dies that way?

  • edited July 2015

    Hmm, I dont think this drawing is a hidden message or something important. I guess it could be boring to be alone in the cold and frozen world. Maybe she just draws things in her sparetime, she is still young and there are not many things you could do, especially if you are alone.

    Or these 4 smybols represent each character: The bear for Finn since he is very strong, like a bear. The spider for Cotter, since he can be silent and sneaky and steals other peoples stuff. The fish for Gared, since he has a fish face. And the moon for Sylvi, since she is also known as "little moon".

  • Cotter's is actually a potato.

  • The bear probably represents their clan, because they have the bear signal everywhere on the trees and on that medal.

    Or the bear may be another wildling they know and can be introduced on the next chapter.

    Also, maybe Sylvi has some kind of power and thats why people were afraid of her.

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