The Key

Hey guys I have a theory that basically shows the rest of the tv show. Watch John Bradley, Kit Harrington, David and Dan at Oxford Union.(just look it up on youtube) At around the twenty minute mark, a question is asked. Who would u want to be on the show? John says u wants to be Varys. Then Kit says "I would want to be a warg. I want to put myself into a wolf." Everyone laughs and then Dan states " I have two words for you, Season 6". This confirms Jon Snow is still alive and that he will see a flashback of the Tower of Joyas it would be the only way it would make it into the story. When he figures it out he will realize that he is not Jon Snow but Jon Targeryen, rightful heir to the throne. Many speculate, as do I, that he is also the Azor Ahai as he has the blood for it. He could do many things when he comes back take revenge on the Watchmen who betrayed him or he could go help Sansa and Theon. Many things can happen with this theory tell me what u think.


  • What do you think

  • Azor = Hot

    Ahai= Pie.

  • I never thought of it that way. U did it. That's awesome.

    Azor = Hot Ahai= Pie.

  • You fool ! Patchface is obviously Azhor Ahai

    (Pun not intended)

    Azor = Hot Ahai= Pie.

  • Haha but srly I think that it just proved Jon Snow is alive and soon to be a Targeryen

    _DIO_ posted: »

    You fool ! Patchface is obviously Azhor Ahai (Pun not intended)

  • Well it does seem like Benjen warged into that piece of wood so yeah...

    More seriously it's pretty clear Jon will be brought back. The question is: How much of him will be left ?

  • Well put. Idk if u read the books but a quote says That Jon Snows second life would be fit for a king

    _DIO_ posted: »

    Well it does seem like Benjen warged into that piece of wood so yeah... More seriously it's pretty clear Jon will be brought back. The question is: How much of him will be left ?

  • Even if R+L=J is confirmed, he's still a bastard. He has no right to the throne

  • I don't think he'll ever be "Jon Targaeryen" but who his parents are may come into play. And by "may" I mean "absolutely will."

  • Yes I'm a reader. Jon could very well be the next Night's King you know, doesn't necessarily means the IT ;)

    Well put. Idk if u read the books but a quote says That Jon Snows second life would be fit for a king

  • He isn't a bastard they L and R were married in the eyes of the wierwood tree

    I don't think he'll ever be "Jon Targaeryen" but who his parents are may come into play. And by "may" I mean "absolutely will."

  • Yeah well that qualifies as bullshit in the eyes of Westeros. He's still a bastard and i'm not sure anyone could legitimize him at this point except Young Griff or Dany

    He isn't a bastard they L and R were married in the eyes of the wierwood tree

  • There aren't any Weirwoods in the south, and none of the religions in Westeros recognize polygamy. Aegon the Conqueror did it but he didn't have a Westerosi religion (I don't think he had a religion at all)

    He isn't a bastard they L and R were married in the eyes of the wierwood tree

  • Halloran Reed can support it
    He was at the Tower of Joy

    _DIO_ posted: »

    Yeah well that qualifies as bullshit in the eyes of Westeros. He's still a bastard and i'm not sure anyone could legitimize him at this point except Young Griff or Dany

  • King in the North, Night's King, King on the Wall, King beyond the Wall, etc. Also, his normal place of residence would be the "King's Tower" if Stannis and Co. weren't using it. (On account of the Lord Commander's Tower being burnt down.)

    "Like a king" is very vague.

    Well put. Idk if u read the books but a quote says That Jon Snows second life would be fit for a king

  • He can say that Jon is Rhaegar's and Lyanna's but nothing else. If anything, Jon Snow just becomes Jon Waters.

    Halloran Reed can support it He was at the Tower of Joy

  • Or the Spice King

    King in the North, Night's King, King on the Wall, King beyond the Wall, etc. Also, his normal place of residence would be the "King's Tower

  • edited July 2015

    Dude Howland Reed is believed to be dead by almost everyone and is a total redneck. He can try to explain they were married if he wishes to, no one will believe him.

    And like I said someone would have to legitimize him

    Halloran Reed can support it He was at the Tower of Joy

  • And he was a motherfucking conqueror as well so there's that...

    There aren't any Weirwoods in the south, and none of the religions in Westeros recognize polygamy. Aegon the Conqueror did it but he didn't have a Westerosi religion (I don't think he had a religion at all)

  • Yup, his religion was the religion of "I have an army AND dragons, I do whatever the fuck I want."

    _DIO_ posted: »

    And he was a motherfucking conqueror as well so there's that...

  • I think I might convert into this religion after thinking about it...

    Nah screw it I stick with my Rhyona religion :P

    Yup, his religion was the religion of "I have an army AND dragons, I do whatever the fuck I want."

  • False religion! Rhack is the one true God!

    One realm, one God, one ship

    _DIO_ posted: »

    I think I might convert into this religion after thinking about it... Nah screw it I stick with my Rhyona religion :P

  • Your ship looks more like a boat to me...

    Who's supposed to be your god ? Handsome Jack ? Your god is a prickly dead guy

    False religion! Rhack is the one true God! One realm, one God, one ship

  • It's a love boat

    Rhack is my god. Both Rhys and Jack. Rhys is life, Jack is death. Two halves of one whole.

    _DIO_ posted: »

    Your ship looks more like a boat to me... Who's supposed to be your god ? Handsome Jack ? Your god is a prickly dead guy

  • Yes they have one hole. Fiona has two holes. 2>1

    It's a love boat Rhack is my god. Both Rhys and Jack. Rhys is life, Jack is death. Two halves of one whole.

  • edited July 2015

    They aim for quality over quantity

    It's a very high-class hole.

    _DIO_ posted: »

    Yes they have one hole. Fiona has two holes. 2>1

  • Mine aim for variety over repetivity

    Allows to enjoy different pleasures

    They aim for quality over quantity It's a very high-class hole.

  • Eh, I personally have a thing for sardonic power hungry sociopaths. To each their own.

    _DIO_ posted: »

    Mine aim for variety over repetivity Allows to enjoy different pleasures

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