The Secret Of Monkey Island Fan Movie -- Post Production Completed! It is confirmed the movie will be published on October 1st on YouTube! - The Secret Of Monkey Island Fan Movie -- World Premiere -- in a real cinema with Dolby sorround! - Sunday, September 27th in Brescia, Italy
The Secret Of Monkey Island Fan Movie -- Post Production Completed! It is confirmed the movie will be published on October 1st on YouTube! -… more The Secret Of Monkey Island Fan Movie -- World Premiere -- in a real cinema with Dolby sorround! - Sunday, September 27th in Brescia, Italy
I thought it was pretty good for a low-budget short film. It was more like watching a video game than a movie, but I knew that. I just wish you'd managed to get Stan in there somewhere, because it would have been funny to see those arms go all directions in real life!
Cool! Now you just gotta make the movie without Disney getting on your case!
For those who don't wanna click the link, here's the embed of the same thing.
(Edit: Updated for new trailer.)
News Trailer ===>
New trailer ===>
I updated the video embed in the first reply.
It looks like you're really coming along there!
Trailer 2 !! ===>
Wow, that looks really, really good. Can't wait to see the end product.
The Secret Of Monkey Island Fan Movie -- Post Production Completed! It is confirmed the movie will be published on October 1st on YouTube! - The Secret Of Monkey Island Fan Movie -- World Premiere -- in a real cinema with Dolby sorround! - Sunday, September 27th in Brescia, Italy
I can't quite make it to Italy by Sunday, but congratulations for getting it "in the can"!
enter link description here
sorry spadoni! I appreciate the idea...but the "movie" is damn awful!!!!
To be a film with no budget.
I could not do more.
I thought it was pretty good for a low-budget short film. It was more like watching a video game than a movie, but I knew that.
I just wish you'd managed to get Stan in there somewhere, because it would have been funny to see those arms go all directions in real life!