Game of Thrones: Episode 5 - A Nest of Vipers Review - Alternative Magazine Online

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"Game of Thrones: Episode 5 – A Nest of Vipers isn’t a terrible episode by any stretch of the imagination, but it does feel like the extra episode in a series that didn't really need one. The decisions thrown at players are as difficult to make as always, but their outcomes seem far more rigid than usual. It doesn't help that the concurrently running Tales from the Borderlands is blazing an envious trail, continuing to surprise and delight with each new episode released."

Game of Thrones: Episode 5 - A Nest of Vipers (PlayStation 4) Review - Alternative Magazine Online

Agree? Disagree? I'd love to hear your thoughts! :)


  • 3 of 10 because i know telltale can do much better, By far the worst episode they release in years, So many things wrong in my prespective.

  • Thanks for the comment jackymasdar - may I ask why you think its Telltale's worst episode they've released in years? I thought it had faults but still enjoyed it overall...

    jackymasdar posted: »

    3 of 10 because i know telltale can do much better, By far the worst episode they release in years, So many things wrong in my prespective.

  • Well I guess I am in the minority of the people who actually enjoyed the episode. It wasn't the best but it certainly wasn't the worst at least for me.

  • I still enjoyed the episode to be fair - but I'm just curious why they decided to make 6 episodes instead of the usual 5? It wasn't a bad episode at all, but it certainly didn't move things forward as much as I would have hoped. I also felt the inclusion of characters from the TV show actually sapped away some of the tension, because the outcomes are already known. It will be interesting to see how much the final decision effects the final episode!

    FetchWalker posted: »

    Well I guess I am in the minority of the people who actually enjoyed the episode. It wasn't the best but it certainly wasn't the worst at least for me.

  • I also felt the inclusion of characters from the TV show actually sapped away some of the tension, because the outcomes are already known.
    exactly, we had to many moments with people from the TV show that take all the tension away.
    All the scenes with Mira were pure fillers
    The scene with the traitor? not even going there
    Asher was a good scene we never know whats going to happen exactly because its all new characters that we dont know and with a nice choices.
    overall in MY opnian it was not good. its shorter time and quality. I played TWD TWAU TFTB and GOT, i would rate Telltale GOT on the last position, HOWEVER it dosent mean it dosent have quality, its a good game but we all know that telltale can do better they have done better but relesing GOT so "fast" is having scrip and lenght problems, TFTB takes 30 ou 40 days more but the wait is relevant in quality,

    martymcfly posted: »

    I still enjoyed the episode to be fair - but I'm just curious why they decided to make 6 episodes instead of the usual 5? It wasn't a bad ep

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