Gryff vs Ramsay

I mean... Yeah I hate Gryff too. After season5 I wanna flay him but I think Ramsay is the worst one. Compared with him Gryff is cute.(before season5) He wanted to be a Lord and prove himself because he is a fourth born son. When the maester said "If you persist, Rodrick may lose it (the arm)." He stopped. I didn't maimed him in my first play because of that.(and for Ryon)He has loud voice and pretend he is a real lord. He is a bully but not real evil.
But Ramsay... He killed Ethan. No matter what we did. He flayed Athur. But a lot of people hate Griff more than Ramsay.
Why is that?


  • edited July 2015

    Most people stopped hating Ramsay a long time ago, there's no point hating someone that we can't touch. Plus, Ramsay is THE evil, but he's smart, manipulative and interesting. Gryff is dumb, annoying and he thinks he's the shit.

    Alt text

    Besides, his face annoys me.

  • (I know I know, that kinda came out wrong)

    I don't think so... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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