Moments from episode five that you liked



  • Obviously the Red Wedding ish type if attack

  • I actually thought Sons of Winter was referring to Asher because he was a Northerner in Essos. But that's just me.

    However, you may want to check how many main choices for each character are in each episode, because I think Mira might have the most main choices.

    Iron from Ice: title Ethan oriented, Ethan front of title screen, episode Ethan oriented. Good job Telltale. The Lost Lords: title Asher

  • Those credits were amazing. Everything else though....

    transfo47 posted: »

    If I'm being competely honest, the credits were the only thing I "liked."

  • edited September 2016

    Oh also forgot to mention...

    Kibarann posted: »

    Those credits were amazing. Everything else though....

  • I liked the story Cotton shared with us about his sister and him, I liked Asher all story with the Pit figthers, I liked ASher/ROdrick (in me case Rodrick) last stance against the WHitehill army to save his brother and his house. And Mira's talk with Tyrion was pretty good, but I think it could have bene better, maybe it's the way I answered that may have took a little bit of it, I don't know, I told him the truth, maybe if I lied the talk would have been coller.

  • HAHAHA good one xD

    The sex was so good that he could walk again without the cane.

  • This is just so funny.

  • Personally I enjoyed the episode. I think the hate is mainly due to the fact that we had to choose between Rodrik and Asher and like you say the traitor's reasoning. I would've like to have played more Mira scenes too.

    All of the scenes from Asher and Rodrik's stories were incredible in my opinion. My only complaint was that, given the title of the episode

  • Well I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks this. I'm glad that the people who wanted to see white walkers got their wish though.

    The only thing i really didn't like in Episode 5 was the fact that Gared's story made almost 0 progress. Oh, and yeah, it was a really short episode.

    • I liked the fact that there was a lot more fighting scenes in this episode.

    • I don't know about anyone else, but when during the conversation between Mira and Tyrion; Lucan tries to interrupt. The scene goes from Mira and Tyrion having this casual back and forth conversation and then next minute Mira suddenly tells Lucan to "BACK OFF"! I just found this to be so funny, I guess it was because I wasn't expecting that kinda response from Mira. Then Tyrion just calmly says "go away you imbecile we're not finished yet". I still think this scene had more potential though, because given the response we have as Mira your made to appear stupidly oblivious to the fact that falling out of favour with Margeary is detrimental to you and that Cersei is a scheming bitch. Also I just don't get why Mira wasn't given the option to just nod when Tyrion specifically asks her if she was sent by Cersei. I think it would've been nice to be able to demonstrate that Mira has actually learned something from Tyrion.

    • I love the way the beast underestimated Asher and then I head butted him without hesitation.

    • I also love the way we get to fight in the fighting pit as Asher. His rousing speech and wining the pit fighters to our cause.

    • Being able to fight White Walkers, burning them was quite satisfying. Did anyone else find it amusing seeing that severed hand try to grab Gared's ankle? Also did anyone else feel apprehension at not burning Finn's body (he would make a bad ass White Walker!). Also the rabbits, they went to the effort of hunting those rabbits and then they just leave them lying there! I was all like dude don't forget to grab the rabbits.

    • The scene when Rodrik is standing in front of the window shirtless and then all of a sudden it's reveal that Elanor is in his bed (wasn't expecting that) and then to top it all off poor Talia walks in on them, there is an awkward conversation between her and Elanor and then Talia blushes (that's what happens when you don't knock haha) Although saying that what would they have done anyway? hidden Elanor in a closet? I found the way Elanor awkwardly leaves the room wearing the bed sheet to be funny to.

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