Cersei,Tyrion and Mira

What do you think about this ?


  • No idea what you mean :P AH AH But Istill have the decree Tyrion signed for me, and I told him the truth, that Cersei sent me. Also I don't think we should keep a relation with Cersei whatever the nature of it... I just want that decree to be signed by someone now that Margeary is not my biggest fan after I went and talked to Tyrion... IF I can garantee that the crown ONLY buys Ironwood from the Forresters and I can guarantee that Andros doesn't get that army of Sellswords to the WHitehills. I mean Mira was already able to inform the family about a lot of things, but I'm still hoping I can achieve these in the last.

    Also I think Cersei will call us to testify against Tyrion or something, and that will suck but if I can guarantee that she passes that decree I will do it, the thing is, like Tyrion said, I can't trust Cersei's word on anything...

  • What are you asking?

  • Did you mean the chat between Mira and Tyrion? I told him the truth that Cersei sent me.

  • Of course I lied, the guards would be able to hear me. Being that I did not sell it, I can play it off to Cersei somewhat regardless if she backs me or not.

  • Tyrion will soon be out of scene and Cersei will soon be crazy and paranoid.

    Mira is in deep trouble.

  • I was a bit dissapointed, since I really love Cersei and don't really care about Tyrion, but it feels like the game is forcing you to take side with Tyrion, not that great for a game which is all about choices. Bacon.

  • I think... Wait what was the question again ?

  • Haha I love the way the OP is just like, hey I can't think of anything to say. So I'm going to let everyone else come up with the goods =p. It's a good way of potentially getting a decent amount of responses as we could pretty much just talk about anything Cersei, Tyrion or Mira related. For instance, why did show Tyrion have a beard and game Tyrion didn't, or is it just a case of he won't get it until after his trial? Just like Griff and his magically reappearing eye! Now you can't see....oh wait wait....Telltale magic.....and hey presto now you can see again.

    Also the whole issue with the wine. The way Mira is surprised by the idea that the wine might be poisoned (not that I believed this for a second, that and the show cannon). No my reason (show cannon excluded) is that Cersei doesn't have to resort to quietly killing Tyrion off, in fact she wants him to be found guilty in public so she can:
    1) Get rid of the brother she fears
    2) Make it appear as though no one gets away with killing the King.
    3) To make people fear her
    4) She is actually stupid enough to believe that Tyrion would actually poison Joffery and make himself look guilty and that Sansa was somehow this mastermind seductress who persuades Tyrion to do it.

    Oh and just to lighten the mood, I wish we could've told Tyrion that we didn't think the wine was poisoned......we just think the guard pissed in it! =p then when he spits it out we could've been like "hey at least we know it's not poisoned now" or if nearly chokes on it gasps "it's poison". I think given that he ends up in Essos where they prefer Arbour wines to "that Yunki piss" this would be quite fitting, like Beska said "it goes in yellow, it comes out yellow, what's the point".

    I also wanted to tell that guard Lucan that I could make him disappear.......Like Lucien. Not a smart thing to do, but the look on both his and Tyrion's face would've been priceless. Especially after Tyrion is lecturing Mira on the importance of having Margeary as an ally.

  • Screw Margaery! She has been a horrible ally. She doesn't listen, leaps to erroneous conclusions, and generally is selfish. I don't need allies like her.

  • Cersi , Tyrion and Mira

    What do you think about this ?

    Hmm , they would make a good threesome ?

  • You .... love CERSI ?

    Did you watch the show ?

    I was a bit dissapointed, since I really love Cersei and don't really care about Tyrion, but it feels like the game is forcing you to take side with Tyrion, not that great for a game which is all about choices. Bacon.

  • Did you read the books? Also I think the main reason that Telltale chose to make us ally with Tyrion, is because it fits his character better than Cersei's and also Tyrion tends to be favourite of a lot of people.

    I was a bit dissapointed, since I really love Cersei and don't really care about Tyrion, but it feels like the game is forcing you to take side with Tyrion, not that great for a game which is all about choices. Bacon.

  • I did watch the show and I did read the books, but I still think Tyrion is just there to jest around and make fun, while Cersei is way more complexand interesting, but that's just my opinion, no hate. Bacon.

    Did you read the books? Also I think the main reason that Telltale chose to make us ally with Tyrion, is because it fits his character better than Cersei's and also Tyrion tends to be favourite of a lot of people.

  • Also the queen.

    I don't need enemies like her.

    ShampaFK posted: »

    Screw Margaery! She has been a horrible ally. She doesn't listen, leaps to erroneous conclusions, and generally is selfish. I don't need allies like her.

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