
Anyone have a theory on why Telltale chose Gryff to lead the ambush rather than Ludd?

It seems a strange choice. Gryff just escaped from Ironrath and we know from the traitor that the ambush had already been planned whilst Gryff was in captivity.

Wouldn't it have made more sense for Ludd to lead the ambush ? Gryff didn't even do any of the fighting anyway.

That would have avoided the whole miraculously healed crippled Gryff plothole/image error.

Perhaps the reason is that they want to keep one of the Whitehills alive.

Thus, they are setting Gryff up to take the fall rather than Ludd in episode 6?


  • The way I see it is Ludd is Lord while Gryff will fight with the soldiers.

  • Satisfaction. Gryff hates Forresters more.

  • Gryff is fourthborn son so he could lead soldiers and die in battle, without making mess in succesion. Anyway we have plot hole because of this "whitehill is a whitehill" thing.

  • edited August 2015

    I don't think he was supposed to participate in battle.He was there to enjoy the win

    PanJogurt posted: »

    Gryff is fourthborn son so he could lead soldiers and die in battle, without making mess in succesion. Anyway we have plot hole because of this "whitehill is a whitehill" thing.

  • I get the feeling that Harys was the one actually commanding the fight and they just let Gryff think he was commanding to make him feel important. And Lord Whitehill seems like the type who'll only risk himself if victory is certain.

  • Ludd is a fat fuck who is only good at joking

  • Ludd is Lord anyway, it's foolish for the general and most important person on the battlefield to fight in the front lines. That's why Tywin and Stannis command from the rear.

    We'll probably not see him in the Ep. 6 battle until either side has won or he'll appear before

  • They just got tired of trying to make Gryff an interesting and not one-dimensional character, so they wanted to make sure, that after episode five every single player would feel the same way about him.

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