
edited August 2015 in Game Of Thrones

My theory after playing through all five episode is tht in episode six gwyn will turn out 1 of two ways depednig on how u handled the white hills
1)if u were peaceful and kind with her and her family and Asher stays behind and dies she will probably betray her family she does still love asher after all and gryph and his men murdering him wont sit well with her shell probably reneg on her peace talk and help Roderick
2) if Asher lives and Roderick did everything peacefully u might be sieng a lot more of her but possibly not in a good way she did say she wanted to see asher return but not like this under ther cuircumstances there in now I think it will put them at odds with each other and make the father act more reckless and make for a more interesting story plot my thery would be asher conving gwyn to mary him to join the 2 houses together without making the forrrester the slaves or a complete 360 and he just flips out and kills everyone and sees he accidently killed gwyn and cant forgive himself for it

the other half would be if u kept Roderick prideful and didn't let gryph push u around gwyn will blame u for ashers death and most likely become ur enemy gwyn may be ur enemy alrdy bt she does ant peace so in this case it wouldn't matter to her anymore

and finally if ahser was left alive and Rodrick stayed prideful gwyn will be more temperd and less likely to help asher because Roderick didn't show compassion she might not have respect for the family and not help them anymore

i like gwyn and asher i think there story is and intrestig one and suits the story well if u read there backround him and gwyn practically started a war within the two families it would be nice to see the two youths of the story show ther change and how they've changed form there past ideals to now and stop a war between the families this time instead of start 1
Roderick to me just feel to outa place he was ment to be the initial lord of the house but the story to makes it seem like hes changed form the red wedding even if u stay prideful Asher has no thought of ruling and thts what makes him suitable for it everyone wants power and the right to rule but he just wants to live life to me thts what make him a true leader he doesn't care what anyone thinks of him he does what he does for the moment and handles i like a leader should evry leader needs to make brash descions when needed and Roderick doesn't seem like the tye to do tht hell either kill everyone in his choices or be merciful i think asher will be the latter hell have more of honorable choice save ryon and kill evry yeah but what if tht doesn't work what than i think asher always has the more lordly descions than roderick

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