Is there any play through that didn't chose him?

Does anyone know of any playthrough where anyone chose to save Rodrik? Literally every playthrough I saw chose to save Asher. I want to see what the Rodrik version of episode 6 is like so does anyone know of at least one playthrough where Rodrik lives?


  • Selvesleadercarson saved Rodrik (but Carson can be a bit irritating sometimes) and I think Yogscasthannah did as well not entirely sure.

  • Here He choose Rodrik and he has the best Telltale games playtroughs.

  • edited August 2015

    I Chose asher for 1 reason 1 subtle hint tht telltale put into the episode 5 ending
    Anyone notice how when Roderick met asher at the dockw once everyone but asher and Roderick were behind the gate Asher was the only 1 who saw the bad guy going for the gate controls thts why I chose Asher he more alert and aware of his surroundings hes the btter choice think thts why a lot of people didn't choose him plus he was to prideful asher isnt

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