A little prediction of episode 6 leading toward Season 2!

edited August 2015 in Game Of Thrones

So the latest episode 5 had a tough choice. I know it's kind of early to think of what will happen in season 2, but no doubt these are my predictions and deaths in episode 6. It will end with an illusion of choice, all you did was for nothing and your house falls. Or the other way around. Or the decisions actually mattered and your choices will either result in the two.

The Sentinel will die. Asher and Rodrick both die anyway. Mira dies. Choice between Talia or Lady Forrester. (Unlikely though) Gared might live and make it back, but he has a chance to die too. Out of those I feel that The Sentinel will die, Asher or Rodrick both die anyway and Gared dies. You might have to choose between either chasing down Gryff or Ludd, meaning you can only kill one while the other escapes. Or have a chance to capture one of them and you get to kill them, I hope there is a suffer choice like with Gared when you fought Britt. Anyway that's when whoever you let escape retreats, too sad to lead the war from the death of their Dad/Son.

And then the season 2 comes in place. You either won the battle or barely made it out. You are now on the road from Ironrath in ruins. Now playing Talia or Lady Forrester, your choices might affect with how many soldiers you have from last season, now on the road as well or settled somewhere. You can play as Malcolm in Essos, helping Khaleesi when he hears the news he wants to go back but is denied. (Obviously an illusion of choice to actually go back) But the best way to help is in Essos. Beshka (sorry if misspelled) is now playable however is separated or either plotting revenge on whoever you let escape. Mira or Gared now. If Mira is alive she comes back on a boat but is almost killed from the remaining Whitehills waiting for her arrival. Then a soldier comes to get you and you have to follow him, maybe Tom is with you. Or whoever is helping Mira is rescued by them when she leaves Kings Landing. Gared comes back from the North Grove or is still in the North Grove somewhat like Bran. I'm sorry but I cannot think of anything good for Gared which is why I think he's likely to die as well.

But I would hate it if they went for another house or another story. Although I wouldn't mind my predictions on season 2. So that's all I gotta say! So, please give me some feedback! What is horrible and what you like lol. Also I edited this part: I think they'll go to the North Grove when or if Ironrath is in ruins. Maybe Mira might die and Gared might actually live.

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