The Final Episode

The final episode looks to be heading our way in 2-3 weeks, thanks to a friend working at TTG for giving me a release date and length of the episode, which could change but looking likely to stay on that particular date. I am afraid I cannot spill, believe me I wish I could but they'd execute me before I even had the chance to type a garrison of letters.

If I had not know of the events of the RD and the length of the episode then this is what I would say.

With still SO MUCH to do in this final episode, I cannot help feeling this will be another rushed episode or if it'll be over the length of two hours, knowing we've lost 1 playable already, seems like the story is going to be shorter but anything could happen.

It's great they included a sixth episode, giving TTG a chance to explore the Forresters story but however six seems enough, FIVE even seems enough but I cannot help (again with those words) feeling that we haven't got enough episodes to FULLY explore the story, maybe season two but I really don't know if the Forresters will make it.. THEY COULD.. but it looks like it truly belongs in Mira's hands.

A total of eight episodes would have done the trick, or even the same number of episodes as the TV series (10).

"This is where the battle starts... and where it ends." - Rodrik Forrester/Asher Forrester.

Bacon From Ice.


  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited August 2015

    My uncle's dentist's cousin works at Telltale and he said this was false. Sorry to rain on your parade, but you obviously need a better source if you want accurate information like what I have from my source who is reliable.

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