Iron from Ice video project

Just as a disclaimer I'm not sure if this is appropriate for this forum but the hell with it.

I used to make fan-made trailers before I started college(tacky, I know.) Usually for Halo or Fallout and I really hadn't gotten the urge to until after I played episode 5 of GoT. I think the idea of a fan made trailer for even a telltale game quite doable. I had an idea for it to be about the brother Arshur and Rodrik and how they both overcame adversity and resistance in their own way. And I thought "coming home", while overplayed and old, would be the perfect fit to capture the theme and story arc of the two brothers, while at the same time maintaining a dark attitude. Perhaps the boyce avenue version. The lyricism for the song is perfect for how both brothers came home, whether If it was across the sea or on a corpse cart. If you're not familiar with the song, at least look up the lyrics, and you'll quickly see what I mean. I may wait until episode 6 releases however, for some more dramatic scenes. Idk, what do you guys think?

I also had an idea for the death scenes. Since they are both the same scene with different character models I could totally just layer them over each other at different points. I just have a lot of ideas for it, and wanted input.


  • Great idea! I recommend waiting for EP6 release there may be some scenes and dialogue you'll want to use.

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