How can House Forrester win the war?

edited August 2015 in Game Of Thrones

I personally think that Ironrath will be destroyed and we will flee somewhere else. I am curious what you think :)



  • edited August 2015

    Elaena sends Ludd a letter, telling him that she wants to marry Gryff to save her house. They celebrate at the Glenmore keep and drink much wine. When they start the ceremony the Forresters emerge, leaded by Rodrik which says: "Nice night for a wedding". Then the Whitehill soldiers get killed in a Red Wedding style. Rodrik gets the girl and marrys her. Gryff returns to the Ironrath cellars. Ludd will be sent to the Tullys so that they have someone they can plough their fields with. Asher finally meets Gwyn again and they start a new romance. And Ryon finally returns home after he conquered Highpoint by himself.

    And dont give me that one of the brothers died at the ambush. If Gryff is able to heal himself after being maimed then Asher and Rodrik are able to survive much worse.

  • edited August 2015
    1. There are some pit fighters left and , as Beskha said- one pit fighter is worth 10 sellswords; so in the war they will be really useful
    2. House Forrester still have their own soldiers
    3. House Glenmore will surely want their revenge for Arthur's death and their army is really huge and well prepared for war
  • Now that you mentioned the Glenmores i'm expecting to see them at Ironrath.

  • edited August 2015

    To answer this serious: The Forresters have to start playing dirty or at least start to make some good moves. They could ambush them when they are on their way to attack Ironrath or something like that. Or maybe Gwyn decides to help the Forresters after Asher/Rodrik got murdered by her brother. Maybe the Glenmores decide to help the Forresters. Or the North Grove can really help House Forrester somehow.

    But I dont think the Forresters will win this war. The surviving brother will probably die too and most of their men with him. They could leave Ironrath and start living in the grove. The Forresters are called "clan" in the books, and their soldiers are described as hunters and trackers.

    N8eule posted: »

    Elaena sends Ludd a letter, telling him that she wants to marry Gryff to save her house. They celebrate at the Glenmore keep and drink much

  • edited August 2015

    Well, in this case, I don't think a season 2 is necessary. I mean they killed 2 playable characters. Gared will find the North Grove in episode 6 or die trying, Mira will probably escape KL and go to Ironrath, and Rodrik/Asher will die too so I don't see the point. And the survivors will form a clan.

    N8eule posted: »

    To answer this serious: The Forresters have to start playing dirty or at least start to make some good moves. They could ambush them when th

  • And Ramsay is the one who killed Arthur not the Whitehills.

  • edited August 2015

    Yes Iam quite disappointed about how things developed in episode 5. I think the Forresters story is going to end with episode 6. And Iam pretty sure Mira wont escape KL. There are so many items that she has stored and some of them are even unused yet. The items are: the key, the seal, the decree and the dagger. I think they will find all these things and depending on which of these items you possess you will be blamed different crimes: the key and seal = stealing, the decree (working with the "kinslayer" Tyrion) = treason, the dagger = murdering a Lannister guard. Since the Forresters probably wont be playable in season 2 I think they will give Mira a "determinant" status, she will either be killed for having one of these items or she can go home if she has none of them. Or maybe she will be killed nontheless because Cersei wants to get rid of her.

    I think season 2 will be about a different house and we will meet a few characters again like Morgryn, Malcolm or maybe even play Gared. I just hope Gared survives...

    FrostNight posted: »

    Well, in this case, I don't think a season 2 is necessary. I mean they killed 2 playable characters. Gared will find the North Grove in epis

  • I know, but I keep seeing people saying how HF will survive and be in a season 2 and stuff, and I want to see what the fuck are they thinking. HF doesn't have the men, Asher doesn't have the men , Mira is in a fucked up situation and Gared is fucked so...

  • I really hope TellTale will make it before the ASOIAF events, like Robert's Rebellion or Aegons Conquest or something, it will be interesting this way.

    N8eule posted: »

    Yes Iam quite disappointed about how things developed in episode 5. I think the Forresters story is going to end with episode 6. And Iam pre

  • They can't give up. Ramsay is forcing them to fight with the Whitehills.

  • edited August 2015

    Nope he doesnt Mira has taken care of it.

  • edited August 2015

    You talk as if the Forresters is already beaten to the ground while they were just received a fresh army.Meanwhile,the Whitehills just lost the army they were trying to raise.They are now desperate and trying to do whatever they can to beat the Forresters.Both side will at least be in equal condition when the clash really begin.

  • Dude, Asher has 7 pit fighters half died, Rodrik has probably 10 or less considering that every character was saying that Gryffs garrison of 20 men were outnumbering Rodriks army. So: 4+10=14 < 20 plus the men Ludd has at Highpoint

    Herodriver posted: »

    You talk as if the Forresters is already beaten to the ground while they were just received a fresh army.Meanwhile,the Whitehills just lost

  • Visually it seems like a lot of Forresters died, but the way I see it, most of the army were separated by the gate. The Whitehills and Forresters are on equal field now. Rodrik who is a capable leader survived in my playthrough and he has Royland as his sentinel, they are both veterans of war. Also, if the other pit fighters are just as capable as Asher and Beskha, I am still very sure that we have a fair shot.

    FrostNight posted: »

    Dude, Asher has 7 pit fighters half died, Rodrik has probably 10 or less considering that every character was saying that Gryffs garrison of 20 men were outnumbering Rodriks army. So: 4+10=14 < 20 plus the men Ludd has at Highpoint

  • Do you remember when Beskha said every 1 pit fighter is worth 10 sellswords? Or do you remember when Lyman told Mira that Ludd invested great amount of gold to raise more army,and then she foiled the plan? Telltale pointed out this details for a reason.Besides,it's not like the Whitehills didn't lose some of their men in the ambush.Also it could be just Telltale limited their models to quicken the animation process,and we probably would see more in the next episode.

    FrostNight posted: »

    Dude, Asher has 7 pit fighters half died, Rodrik has probably 10 or less considering that every character was saying that Gryffs garrison of 20 men were outnumbering Rodriks army. So: 4+10=14 < 20 plus the men Ludd has at Highpoint

  • Have you seen what happened to the pitfighters when they were shot by crossbows? They are good only on a melee fight besides they don't even have armor. If TellTale limited the models they did it for a reason and will probably do it again so I don't expect more pitfighters in ep 6. Ludd has more soldiers than HF with or without the army Andros was supposed to bring. If Rodrik/Asher will win the war will be because of tactics otherwise I don't think they will survive.

    Herodriver posted: »

    Do you remember when Beskha said every 1 pit fighter is worth 10 sellswords? Or do you remember when Lyman told Mira that Ludd invested grea

  • edited August 2015

    Dunno maybe they can win, but I think that TellTale is trying to show us how House Forrester became clan Forrester. Which means they lose somehow.

    Visually it seems like a lot of Forresters died, but the way I see it, most of the army were separated by the gate. The Whitehills and Forre

  • I think the Forrester's army being small is a good thing. They have fewer mouths to feed and if they managed to steal all of the Whitehill's food supplies, his big army will be massively weakened and many would probably desert.

    FrostNight posted: »

    Have you seen what happened to the pitfighters when they were shot by crossbows? They are good only on a melee fight besides they don't even

  • Well if the last Game of Thrones game is any indication, then it all ends badly for everyone.

  • edited August 2015

    So? crossbows is just a weapon,The Forresters could have those too.It's not exclusive for the Whitehills,armors aren't gonna make people invincible.Numbers alone isn't always enough to win a battle,especially when the plot pointed us that they suffered a great loss while raising it too.

    If Rodrik/Asher will win the war will be because of tactics

    Then you admit that there's a chance for Forresters to survive,they have a decent leadership,and a bunch of good quality soldiers too,of course they're gonna use tactic.Why did you say they will obviously crushed in the first place?

    FrostNight posted: »

    Have you seen what happened to the pitfighters when they were shot by crossbows? They are good only on a melee fight besides they don't even

  • You never know what will happen, like when walking with Ramsay, everybody was expecting to be a option to tell him about ironwood, but hey it's telltale. Now we are expecting Rodrik/Asher to make a strategy but because Telltale and reasons we won't have the option so we will fight in a fair fight. And now, about crossbows, have you seen a Forrester soldier having a crossbow? I didn't. The Whitehills have them and could easily kill a good amount of soldiers. It will be a tough fight and they can barely win it.

    Herodriver posted: »

    So? crossbows is just a weapon,The Forresters could have those too.It's not exclusive for the Whitehills,armors aren't gonna make people inv

  • edited August 2015

    The Whitehills have them and could easily kill a good amount of soldiers. It will be a tough fight and they can barely win it.

    You never know what will happen


    You said it yourself,the last two points will only strengthen my argument.

    FrostNight posted: »

    You never know what will happen, like when walking with Ramsay, everybody was expecting to be a option to tell him about ironwood, but hey i

  • "The Whitehills have them and could easily kill a good amount of soldiers. It will be a tough fight and they can barely win it"- I was saying that the FORRESTERS can barely win it. And the last two I was saying that TTG will make us think that we will use some tactics but they will most likely fight face 2 face so this is why u never know what to expect from TTG.

    Herodriver posted: »

    The Whitehills have them and could easily kill a good amount of soldiers. It will be a tough fight and they can barely win it. You ne

  • In the books they are a clan so they surely lose the war with the Whitehills or something happens.

    Herodriver posted: »

    The Whitehills have them and could easily kill a good amount of soldiers. It will be a tough fight and they can barely win it. You ne

  • edited August 2015

    Then your expectation about the Forresters will be utterly defeated then flee or they won't strategize because of "fair fight" can't be proven too,because we'll never know until we actually see how it goes.I've also pointed out that the Whitehills has suffered some losses too,so it could be an even fight,you don't even know the exact number of the forces on both sides.Crossbows is just a weapon that can be overcome with a tactic.

    FrostNight posted: »

    "The Whitehills have them and could easily kill a good amount of soldiers. It will be a tough fight and they can barely win it"- I was sayin

  • What does this has to do with the book? this is based on the show that barely follow the book.

    FrostNight posted: »

    In the books they are a clan so they surely lose the war with the Whitehills or something happens.

  • There's no winning for the Forrester's at this point, they can either go out in glory or flee and survive. The only way they're going to win is if some deus ex army appears.

  • The Forresters first appeared in the books, if they were not introduced in the books then they didn't appeared in the game. Even though the game follows the show.

    Herodriver posted: »

    What does this has to do with the book? this is based on the show that barely follow the book.

  • So far the Forresters have acted way to much awkward. They knew there was an ambush when Asher returns and they didnt secure the passage. The Whitehills had at least some more or less good moves (have hading a traitor, ambushing them and killing one brother, planning to attack them at the trade). So far the Forresters were too passive, always had hopes of making peace, while the Whitehills planned to destroy them the whole time. It looks dark and the night is full of terror. I just hope the Forresters learn to play dirty and ambush them as well or something like that. But the Forresters are doomed to become a clan nontheless and that could imply that they will lose. Or they have no food, land and money left and have to leave after great losses from the war. I guess we have to wait and find out...

    Herodriver posted: »

    The Whitehills have them and could easily kill a good amount of soldiers. It will be a tough fight and they can barely win it. You ne

  • Forresters did cunning intrigues too.Mira foiled one of Ludd's plan,Rodrik managed to liberate Ironrath from Gryff,and Asher brought an army as we all expected.The only last person that should contribute now is Gared.

    N8eule posted: »

    So far the Forresters have acted way to much awkward. They knew there was an ambush when Asher returns and they didnt secure the passage. Th

  • You have to remember that the game follow the Tv-show continuity not the books. Just because they are following Stannis in the books, they might not do so in the Tv-show. Also, you said they are a clan, but that may be so in the books, but in the Tv-show continuity, they are a house.

    FrostNight posted: »

    The Forresters first appeared in the books, if they were not introduced in the books then they didn't appeared in the game. Even though the game follows the show.

  • They've never been mentioned in the show, so they might follow the books in this case ( i mean about being a clan and following Stannis)

    You have to remember that the game follow the Tv-show continuity not the books. Just because they are following Stannis in the books, they m

  • Just because they have never been mentioned in the show, that doesn't mean that they don't exist in tv-show's continuity.

    And it has already been established that the game is taking place just after the end of season 3 of the show.

    FrostNight posted: »

    They've never been mentioned in the show, so they might follow the books in this case ( i mean about being a clan and following Stannis)

  • What you're trying to say is that if they lose the war they basically die? No surviors, just dead?

    Just because they have never been mentioned in the show, that doesn't mean that they don't exist in tv-show's continuity. And it has already been established that the game is taking place just after the end of season 3 of the show.

  • We can't count on the books, that's why the Forresters story is unpredictable right now.

    FrostNight posted: »

    What you're trying to say is that if they lose the war they basically die? No surviors, just dead?

  • Ok so everyone keeps going on about the cross bows, but at the same time forgotten that the foresters have ironwood shields! These are the same shields that Ramsey couldn't stab through and in the very first episode Gared actually uses one of these shields to avoid getting shot by multiple crossbow bolts!

    Also regarding the whole issue of the book mentioning a Clan Forester. Has it occurred to anyone that maybe there is a Clan Forester and a House Forester. For all we know this Clan Forester could be descended from House Forester. Maybe a member of House Forester was exiled, but instead of going/staying in Essos, they returned to form Clan Forester.

  • The pitfighters don't have shields, and if they battle without them they pretty much die.

    Ok so everyone keeps going on about the cross bows, but at the same time forgotten that the foresters have ironwood shields! These are the

  • The Forrester can give them shields

    FrostNight posted: »

    The pitfighters don't have shields, and if they battle without them they pretty much die.

  • Short of Dany lending us Drogon or something I think the only hope is the dirtiest of dirty tricks. Invite Ludd, Gryff and Harys to Ironrath to discuss "surrender terms" and invoke guest right. Then have the surviving pit fighters slit their throats. The Red Armistice.

  • I was actually talking about this war-scenario. I mean Rodrik had at least some war experience since he fought for Rob Stark and Royland has also much experience with that. Because of that I expected better moves of them and not just run into that ambush, especially since they knew there was going to be one. Mira did well with stopping Andros (if thats true) and Asher brought more fighters, but now they have to start using tactics, they are at war. They have to prove that they know how to make the right moves. And so far they failed with that. I hope they will do better in episode 6.

    Herodriver posted: »

    Forresters did cunning intrigues too.Mira foiled one of Ludd's plan,Rodrik managed to liberate Ironrath from Gryff,and Asher brought an army as we all expected.The only last person that should contribute now is Gared.

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