Can the North Grove really save them?

How powerful do you think the North grove is?What could it be? In epiosde 1 Gregor says that "the future of the house might depend on it" . Leave your opinions. :D


  • If they think it can than maybe.

  • I'm not sure. They're already doomed.

  • I think the North Grove is very important for the house Forrester, but it is not an army, nor a weapon. I hope it could be some place where the ironwood was preserved, so it could be used for planting new trees where Whitehills chopped them.

  • edited August 2015

    How am I supposed to answer this question if I don't know what the North Grove is?

  • I can't think of anything that could be in there that could save House Forrester without poking a bunch of plot holes in the story.

  • Think about it. Why the North Grove must never be lost if it was never found? And why the future of the house might depend on it if we don't even know what it is?

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    How am I supposed to answer this question if I don't know what the North Grove is?

  • Well considering that it's the only thing that the Whitehills don't seem to know about, I hope so. Of course this also looks like another plot hole if your traitor was Duncan.

  • Yes we know that it's vital to House Forrester but Gregor had no idea of the threats that would come it may be no help in a war effort. I just feel that without knowing what it is I can't make an accurate prediction on it being helpful or not.

    FrostNight posted: »

    Think about it. Why the North Grove must never be lost if it was never found? And why the future of the house might depend on it if we don't even know what it is?

  • Well, it better be useful. I don't want to see Gared killed by the Night's Watch or Wights for some wood or a warm place under a tree...

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Yes we know that it's vital to House Forrester but Gregor had no idea of the threats that would come it may be no help in a war effort. I just feel that without knowing what it is I can't make an accurate prediction on it being helpful or not.

  • Well my traitor was Duncan...but I have a feeling that Rodrik will send someone to look after the North Grove or Gared.

    Well considering that it's the only thing that the Whitehills don't seem to know about, I hope so. Of course this also looks like another plot hole if your traitor was Duncan.

  • It's gonna be a place full of bacon and Ironwood

  • YES, an army of PIGS! Gared would literally be "bringing home the bacon" hahah.

    HelloMyLord posted: »

    It's gonna be a place full of bacon and Ironwood

  • Unless it can give the Forrester's powers, I doubt it can save them. And if it turns out to be a bunch of trees I'm gonna flip.

  • I remember someone saying that, if the traitor is Duncan and you ask him about the North Grove (Rodrik apparently knows about it), he says he didn't tell the Whitehills about it.

    Well considering that it's the only thing that the Whitehills don't seem to know about, I hope so. Of course this also looks like another plot hole if your traitor was Duncan.

  • Here's video proof as well.

    enter link description here

    Abeille posted: »

    I remember someone saying that, if the traitor is Duncan and you ask him about the North Grove (Rodrik apparently knows about it), he says he didn't tell the Whitehills about it.

  • edited August 2015

    I used to think that the North Grove was a forest of ironwood. But Duncan kept mentioning about how it is vital for the Forresters survival. The North Grove seem to directly confirm that the Forresters are descendants of the first men and their blood are as old as the Starks.

    Which means that the house has survived for countless centuries. For a relatively minor or average sized house, they have survived for so long. There must have been countless tragedies, countless wars and dark times in their history where the house would have gone extinct, but the Forresters always survived somehow.

    Somehow I think that the North Grove had always been the key to their survival.

  • Depends what the North Grove is and if they go back to Ironrath in time.

  • If they don't show us what the North Grove is I'm gonna lose my shit !

    I used to think that the North Grove was a forest of ironwood. But Duncan kept mentioning about how it is vital for the Forresters survival.

  • We still have little idea on what it actually is. I mean, we know (possibly) how we'd FIND it, but what's inside? Guess we'll have to wait until Episode 6.

  • I'm still betting on that it's where Bran is.

  • If it were realistic, it'd probably be Ironwood or a secret decree that will crush the Whitehills.

    If it wasn't, it'd be a badass army of Giants that listens to Gared, and Gared uses them to flay the Whitehills.

  • The North Grove is the TARDIS.

  • The north grove is something that the forresters have to protect, and not something to help them win the war. "The north grove must never me lost" and not "Use the north grove to kill the whitehills"

  • An Ice Dragon or an Ice Dragon egg could be the North Grove.

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