The Lost Legion's fate

I believe that Lord Andros had hired them along with various other sellswords for the march for Ironrath, tying their loose ends.


  • I don't know how much power a minor house in the North has over things in Essos. Anyway they're dead as dog shit

  • edited August 2015

    I don't think a group as arrogant as the Lost Legion would sail all the way to Westeros just to fight under some d-tier house like the Whitehills, not that they could afford them.

  • The legion got lost looking for Asher and Beshka

  • lol there are people who still remember these guys ?

    Im pretty sure the Lost Legion stopped searching after 2566664444 of their men got either killed or burned to death lol

  • Daenerys said something like they wouldn't enter in camp or something.

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