Would the Forresters have died...

In the vanguard in the war with the Lannisters had the Red Wedding nit happened. The vanguard is usually where the best fighters of an army are stationed and are often slaughtered. Honestly I think ol' Walder did a justice for the Forresters. Gared, Rodrik and Gregor may have been killed leaving who? Ethan hahaha. The Boltons would've put the house to torch


  • edited August 2015

    lol what ?

    The WHOLE Northern army was going to fight the Lannisters , Tywin mentioned that the Northern army is about 20 thousand men

    If the red wedding didn't happen , I'm pretty sure that the Lannisters were going to get slaughtered

    And BTW , the Lannisters won the battle of blackwater against Stannis only because they had Tyrion and the backing of the Tyrlls

  • edited August 2015

    Or because Stannis is an incompetent loser who would have lost every battle he started

    HelloMyLord posted: »

    lol what ? The WHOLE Northern army was going to fight the Lannisters , Tywin mentioned that the Northern army is about 20 thousand men

  • Let's talk sense here

    Do you think the Lannisters would have won without Tyrion and the Tyrlls ?

    And even if Stannis is a loser , he's the rightful king by right

    Clemenem posted: »

    Or because Stannis is an incompetent loser who would have lost every battle he started

  • Except you know, the Siege of Storm's End, the Fall of Dragonstone, the Battle of Fair Isle, the Siege of Great Wyk, the Siege of Pyke, the Battle of Castle Black...

    Clemenem posted: »

    Or because Stannis is an incompetent loser who would have lost every battle he started

  • He's not anymore. What kind of army gets wiped out by 20 men? What kind of great house gets destroyed by a vassal house? He couldn't take the throne, he couldn't even take the north. He's a failure.

    About Tyrion's leadership, yes he did do well but it was Tywin Lannister's genius that destroyed the Starks im one night. Say what you want about the Red Wedding but it was needed and was damn effective

    HelloMyLord posted: »

    Let's talk sense here Do you think the Lannisters would have won without Tyrion and the Tyrlls ? And even if Stannis is a loser , he's the rightful king by right

  • It all depends on *why *there's no Red Wedding. Have Walder and Roose not turned against Robb? Is Walder unwilling to carry it out? Is Tywin Lannister unwilling to give certain assurances?

  • edited August 2015

    Don't get me wrong , I don't really like Stannis , he's not smart ( he thought burning Mance is good idea , while in fact it made the free folk hate him more ) , he's reckless ( he went to fight the Boltons even tho half of his men escaped before the battle ).

    My point is , the Lannisters aren't really better than him

    Clemenem posted: »

    He's not anymore. What kind of army gets wiped out by 20 men? What kind of great house gets destroyed by a vassal house? He couldn't take t

  • The reason Tywin resorted to such a tactic as the Red Wedding was to avoid that battle so no I think Gregor and Rodrik would've survived.

  • Remember this is the vanguard which is the front plus Stark soldiers aren't as better protected or equipped as Lannister soldiers

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    The reason Tywin resorted to such a tactic as the Red Wedding was to avoid that battle so no I think Gregor and Rodrik would've survived.

  • Yes I'm aware of that.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Remember this is the vanguard which is the front plus Stark soldiers aren't as better protected or equipped as Lannister soldiers

  • edited August 2015

    Most of the Lannister soldiers aren't well protected. Their armies are peasant armies like the North's. The Lannister armour we see often (the set worn by Lucan, Damien, Tywin, Tyrion, etc.) isn't common in their army, that's reserved for their lords and knights. Being in the front doesn't always equal death, plus they were going to siege Casterly Rock, so there wasn't likely to be a battle immediately, everyone would have time to form up. The Forresters and Co. would attack first but they'd immediately be supported by the rest of the army.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Remember this is the vanguard which is the front plus Stark soldiers aren't as better protected or equipped as Lannister soldiers

  • Stannis was head of House Baratheon of Dragonstone... he was a vassal house too. He isn't a failure by any means, every character in the series would disagree with that, even his enemies (particularly Tywin and Roose.) He was going to take King's Landing and it took the two strongest houses in all of Westeros to stop him. Armies need supplies. It isn't hard to stop an army (at least not a late medieval one trapped in the snow), especially when you and your Twenty Good Men™ have plot armour and bad writing on your side.

    The Red Wedding was effective, but not genius by any means. It doesn't take a brainiac to say "let's just kill them while they can't fight back."

    Clemenem posted: »

    He's not anymore. What kind of army gets wiped out by 20 men? What kind of great house gets destroyed by a vassal house? He couldn't take t

  • You should remember that the Starks were not marching to King's Landing, where the bulk of the Lannister force was.

    They were planning on going west to Casterly Rock, which was largely undefended. The Stark vanguard likely would have rolled over the token garrison left in the West and the Starks would have claimed the Lannister stronghold.

    This was Robb Stark's entire plan. Let the Lannisters march to King's Landing where they would be occupied defending against Stannis' attack, then he would move into their vacated lands. If he hadn't been an idiot and broken his marriage pact with the Freys, the Forresters would have had a pretty good shot at surviving.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Remember this is the vanguard which is the front plus Stark soldiers aren't as better protected or equipped as Lannister soldiers

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