Weakest telltale game?

This game is bland, predictable and dry, there is nothing exciting or innovating about this game. Played 3 episodes and not really excited for the 4th. I want to see how ppl hold this game against likes of TFTB TWAU or twd as they all are masterpiece. GOT was undoubtedly most hyped telltale game pre-release but did it deliver?



  • Game of Thrones

    I'm sorry , but they did a much better job with TWD and TWAU

  • GOT was undoubtedly most hyped telltale game pre-release

    I think they were hyping TftB the most. GoT was more like nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, aaand it's out.

  • While I do consider it my least favorite of the Telltale games I have played, I still think it's a very good game and think, for the most part, it has been well written and has some really great characters. At first I wasn't even interested in this game, as I am not a huge fan of the TV series, but somehow Telltale managed to get me hooked and I was impressed with what I saw. I still think games like TWD, TFTBL, and TWAU are better, but this is still a great game and I am waiting anxiously for the season finale and any future seasons Telltale has planned.

  • :O No way! I've said this multiple times : GOT is easily my favourite Telltale series so far.

  • I respectfully disagree. I have enjoyed the game a lot ever since the first episode. I love the characters and the story. I have a very easy time immersing myself into our playable characters and I have picked choices that I didn't expect to pick. What I find most appealing about the game, it is the theme of family and how far you are willing to go for your family. Coming from a guy who highly values his family, that's what I love most about the game.

    But that doesn't mean that I don't acknowledge the game's flaws and missed opportunities. There are some spot in the story could have been handled better. And they could have handle some scenes differently.

    But in all in, I consider Game of Thrones to be equals to TWAU, TWD and TFTB.

  • The 4th is already out, as is this fifth. The fourth is probably the best episode, and the 5th not so much.

    I like it. But if you want the weakest Telltale game, you have to go before the Walking Dead came out.

  • nah, that award goes to twd s2.

    i'm not too fond of the game either. they fucked up by pandering to tv show watchers. that budget shouldve went to choices and consequences.

  • I highly respectfully disagree, this game is not worse then Jurassic Park, the old Telltale Law and Order game, or as many say, TWD season 2. Hell I'd say its one of the best, up there with season 1 of TWD and TWAU. We can't fully judge until its over, but I for now its truly fantastic.

  • I agree with you man, and I'll tell you why.
    The telltale Walking Deas (S1) manages to stand on it's own and I consider it own par with the comics.
    The GoT telltale game is quite under the bar compared to the show.
    This game seems to give way too much focus to tv show characters and not focus instead, on our characters, developing them, making us intrested in them further. The writing has been pretty poor, I did like the return of Rodrik, I found that to be very Game of Thrones like, but everything else is pretty poor. The villains are very generic, the Ramsay plot armour was just a poort thing to add in. Te be honest, it's only Rodrik I like, I did love Gared but his North Grove plot is just silly. There are alot of plot holes, the plot is predictable past episode 2, and when you compare this to Tales, I found that you like every character, they are interesting and developed with good backstories.
    The main problem I find, is that they have too many playable characters, even in the show we start off by focusing on three areas and then slowly build up and up into them. Tales manages to balance quite well with the characters and it has a clear plot and direction of where it's going, I honestly feel like the GoT writers are just making the plot as they go by each episode.

  • De gustibus non est disputandum they say, I think the worst is still TWD S2, GoT is actually my second favourite after TWAU.

  • TWD Season 2 was their most hyped game ever after the success of Season 1, and also the worst. At least this game knows the story it wants to tell, unlike Season 2, where everything was just all over the place.

    Maybe that's what people want though, to just follow the mainstream hype. Under every goddamn tweet I see someone asking about Season 3 and it pisses me off. Their current games are imo the best they've ever done, and I even find this game better than Season 1 tbh

    I don't say that this game has no flaws at all, there are some issues like with every Telltale game, be it sometimes weak writing or bad animations. But I still like it a lot better than most of Telltale's previous works.

  • Jurassic Park

    That's actually one of my favourites (but not up there with S1, GoT and Tales)

    I highly respectfully disagree, this game is not worse then Jurassic Park, the old Telltale Law and Order game, or as many say, TWD season 2

  • I wouldn't say it is the weakest, but it certainly has a lot of missed opportunities.

  • Sadly I do have to say that I do consider this the weakest Telltale game I've played (which includes a lot of their older stuff) I just haven't been intrigued by most of the characters and I don't really care about the plot. It's not bad or anything, it's just... OK. That's its biggest problem to me, it's kind of bland. There are a lot of good moments and some good characters, but if I'm not interested in the plot or most of the characters I'm not going to care very much. But hey, if you are interested in the story and the majority of its characters, then good for you.

  • No way can I say GoT is the weakest of the TellTale games, the 5th episode was the worst imo but not enough to drag the whole thing down. The weakest game goes to TWD S2, had the worst writing by far, dumbest and most worthless characters I've ever seen, and I was soured by the fact that despite 400 Days claiming to have impact on S2, there was nothing.

  • It's not the weakest, it's just that it could have been better than it is now.

  • Eh, it wasn't bad per say, but fairly mediocre, and that's a damn shame.

    Jurassic Park That's actually one of my favourites (but not up there with S1, GoT and Tales)

  • I started with TWDS1 so i don't Know how good the Games Are Who came before. But i would say GoT. because the Constellation is Pretty much like the Starks. It's awfully Predictable and our decisions don't matter At all. Even the Illusion of decisions was Handled poorly. The writing is Pretty meehhhh, too. For me it's hard to believe that some People say that got is their favorite TTG SO Far. I mean wtf? I can Understand that some find it Better than Borderlands but Better than TWDS1? You Cant be serious.

  • edited August 2015

    I honestly feel like the GoT writers are just making the plot as they go by each episode.

    I feel the same, which is an awful feeling. I'm a book reader, and I did not expect the game to be on par with the books, but there is one thing about the books that I wish had translated to the game: The plot is solid. I can't say the same about this game. It seems to me that they are putting the shock value before the actual plot, ending up with a story that makes little sense. Don't get me started on Ramsay's participation on this game, it was simply ridiculous, unnecessary and the absolute worst participation of a canon character I have ever seen in a TellTale game. And the whole traitor thing? Nonsensical, idiotic and disappointing at best. I wish I could just forget episode 5 exists.

    kaza125 posted: »

    I agree with you man, and I'll tell you why. The telltale Walking Deas (S1) manages to stand on it's own and I consider it own par with the

  • That award goes to TWD S2, but hey, we shall see.

    GoT is actually my second favorite TT game, after TWD S1.

  • I agree with you kappafan, Got in MY opnion is the weakest among TWAU, TWD, TFTB, the other i did not play, afeter episode 3 i had the same thoughts that you, afeter episode 4 i was realy sad because it was just BaD in MY opnion, they(telltale) make amazing work and have great writers but GOT have to many people from the show how kinda ruins the suspance, i love Got show but not the game sorry telltale :(

  • They Teased Game of Thrones quite a bit. I remember Telltale releasing a bunch of Character Teasers all over the web.

    Pipas posted: »

    GOT was undoubtedly most hyped telltale game pre-release I think they were hyping TftB the most. GoT was more like nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, aaand it's out.

  • I can imagine, jsut like TWD S2, that at the time most people will say it's great, but later, once a few months have passed, people will be criritzing the living poop out this one.

  • I can't understand where all the hate for TWD S2 is coming from. No one is even giving specific examples of what they didn't like. Is it just because they failed to replicate how much we cared for Lee?

  • Oh, I know. It was more of a hyperbole. :P Just compared to TftB the teasing felt kinda bland.

    They Teased Game of Thrones quite a bit. I remember Telltale releasing a bunch of Character Teasers all over the web.

  • Srsly, everygame from telltale that came out these days, some fan makes such a thread. "This was the weakest Telltale game" i read those threads in twd s2, in twau, and now in got. Imo twau was the weakest, but still good.

  • It's like Season 5 of got. Change Things People didnt expected and the Hate is all yours. But Yeah Season 2 had Major flaws like how they handle determinant Charakters or Characters in General. But to be fair, Only the Forum cares about These Problem. Ign or other Sites Only Sees the Game in it but we See Way more. So Yeah you shouldnt Trust their verdicts.

    Sarson posted: »

    I can't understand where all the hate for TWD S2 is coming from. No one is even giving specific examples of what they didn't like. Is it just because they failed to replicate how much we cared for Lee?

  • I don't hate TWD Season 2, but I have to agree with a lot of the flaws that people mentioned. For me, the most important thing in the Walking Dead game is the characters. You are suppose to be a crew who stick together and overcome obstacles together. Season 1 was perfect with how they handled the characters. Everyone added something to the story and the group dynamic. You get to know their strengths and weaknesses and you came to love their flaws and good sides.

    Season 2 didn't have the same feel to it. For example, the Cabin Group was wasted with most of them dying before we got to know them properly. There wasn't an opportunity or peaceful time space where we could camp and have Clementine talk to them about their backgrounds. For example, what was Alvin doing before the Apocalypse? How was Sarah's life before the apocalypse? By the time we have a moment to talk, most of them have died. All in all, Season 2 felt too fast-paced and rushed. There simply wasn't given time to get to know and care about the characters that are introduced in Season 2.

    Sarson posted: »

    I can't understand where all the hate for TWD S2 is coming from. No one is even giving specific examples of what they didn't like. Is it just because they failed to replicate how much we cared for Lee?

  • I often wonder what this game's reception would be if it were released instead of TWD season 1. How much of this game's criticism is it about being tired of the Telltale formula and how much is legitimate complaints about the writing? I think it's both, but it's interesting to think about.

  • It is. I feel absolutely no emotions while playing it, storyline is predictable and dry, like you said it. I'd like to enjoy it since I love ASoIaF universum, but I just can't get into this game.

  • My disdain for S2 had nothing to do with not getting something similar to Lee, the best thing I got out of the first season was how much the game made me care for this cute little girl named Clementine. Getting to play as her in S2 sounded like a dream come true but it was weighed down by so many things.

    -Omid's death was too early and felt like a quick pull at our emotions, and Krista just disappeared despite us finding one of the attackers later in the same episode.

    -All the characters turned to Clem to fix everything even though they're the adults here, and some acted so dumb I couldn't believe it. Instead of Mike, the biggest.strongest guy doing something when Kenny started over-reacting he just said Clem better do something about it. If you did the smart thing and just shot the Walkers instead of going out to Luke, Bonnie blames you even though it was her fault he fell through. And the scene with Arvo at the end of episode 4 made no sense if you hadn't taken the drugs, and more so after the fact when Luke is somehow the only one who suffers any kind of injury despite your group being surrounded and the Russians have shotguns and rifles.

    • 400 Days. As told through that game and before the beginning of S2, we were told 400 Days would have impact on that season. All you got for w/e characters you brought was the chance to see them once (not including Bonnie of course) and one line of dialogue. That total lie really hurt the whole experience for me since I figured they might play a pivotal role in the season or their own pasts might catch up to us here. But it didn't and nothing mattered at all with what you did/didn't do.
    Sarson posted: »

    I can't understand where all the hate for TWD S2 is coming from. No one is even giving specific examples of what they didn't like. Is it just because they failed to replicate how much we cared for Lee?

  • edited August 2015

    Its a disappointing mess

    I really don't feel invested in the characters (maybe because we have too many of them), the plot is predictable and choices don't really matter
    (as always but its bugging me more here), Episode 5 especially was just awful

    TWD S1 and TWAU are still Telltale's best without a doubt, wish they would step up their game again
    They need better writers and a new engine + less projects at once

  • I seem to love the game. It's actually my favorite Telltale Game. I love the characters (because they're not just killed off straight away and we're left to see them develop!). And, well, I don't give a fuck about choices mattering. There. I said it. How on earth is the plot predictable and bland? Nobody expected to choose between Asher and Rodrik. And the North Grove? None of us know what it is. We have no idea if House Forrester will survive, we never expected Mira's story to go in this direction... I could go on. And on. Seriously, do you think that ANY Telltale Game is perfect? They all have their weaker episodes. 'Weakest Telltale Game' okay. Honestly, not sure why I'm wasting my time on a thread made just to complain. Oh God, I'm afraid to check to see if I get any replies to this. strolls off

  • I never understand this. Whatever Telltale does it always seems like the forum community disagrees and when they do something that a lot of fans wanted those same fans complain about it. Episode 5 seemed to get a good reaction at first but I guess it only took us, what? A week to start complaining about it and bring up the good ol' argument of bad writing. Huh, ok, so, what you're saying is, whenever something happens that you don't like it becomes bad writing. Ok, maybe I'm ranting on but you know what gets me every time? I will love an episode and it will be cool and then these forums make me hate it and I'm sorry but this rant needs to be said, you guys need to stop getting SO hyped up. Telltale might not be as small as they used to be but what do you expect from them? Do you expect every little choice to matter and them to still meet their 6 week deadline? Because that is never going to happen. It would take them a year or so just to do one episode if every choice mattered. They use the 'your choices matter' as a marketing ploy not a set fact. And then you get threads like this... Just, why? Does this community really need to hate on every game? If you want every game to be like TWDG Season 1 then I'm sorry but, heh, it isn't gonna happen.

    This game is bland, predictable and dry, there is nothing exciting or innovating about this game

    Why are you playing it then? If you think so low of it, then don't play it. So what if it's predictable, I would rather have a game where I can guess what is going to happen and be like 'YESS I CALLED IT' than want something for so long and be disappointed when it doesn't happen and is replaced by something else, all you TWDG fans know what I'm talking about. If it's dry then, so be it, if it's bland then good for you. But do you really need to make a thread where you whine about it being the 'weakest' game?

    Haha, I sound like I'm a raging fan. Well, I could be idk. All I'm saying is, does this thread need to exist? (in a ranty sort of way :P)

  • Episode 5 seemed to get a good reaction at first but I guess it only took us, what? A week to start complaining about it and bring up the good ol' argument of bad writing.

    Actually that argument became widespread on the day it was legitimately released.

    Kateis posted: »

    I never understand this. Whatever Telltale does it always seems like the forum community disagrees and when they do something that a lot of

  • Opinions, I guess. Except from the traitor, I loved Episode 5. I always have unpopular opinions on Telltale Forums. Surprised I haven't been torn to shreds, tbh. xD

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Episode 5 seemed to get a good reaction at first but I guess it only took us, what? A week to start complaining about it and bring up the go

  • edited August 2015

    So you write this game off as "weak" yet you managed three full episodes?
    When on the other hand, you praise TFTB and TWAU, the telltale games I personally hated and didn't even bother finishing episode one of the latter mentioned [despite it being free].

    I just think it's funny how me and you handled our dislike of these games. I call it straight and don't pick sides at all so don't think I'm saying this all in honor of protecting GoT, but in my opinion TFTB & TWAU are both ass. Wasn't expecting to enjoy any of these games, I stumbled upon them in fact, so I don't know whats been hyped more, but GoT was a pleasant surprise at least for me, since you asked.

  • I think the thread should exist, it shows Telltale just how we feel about the game.
    I's annoying for me, because I loved the books and show, and the game just doesn't meet those levels. Unlike TWD S1 which is on par with the comics. I think since episode 2 I have critized the game, it suffers from quite a few problems as I've already stated, but I could go into more detail if you want :)

    Kateis posted: »

    I never understand this. Whatever Telltale does it always seems like the forum community disagrees and when they do something that a lot of

  • 1) I completely agree with your first point. Omid's death was just ridiculous. I never liked or cared about Krista (Christa?), at all, so getting rid of her was quite welcome.

    2) Not straight away, they sort of learn quickly that Clementine can handle shit. From what most of them can see this is a little girl who has survived on the road by her self. With Kenny, they're unfamiliar with him whereas Clem has a history with him and it's obvious that he cares about her so he's more likely to listen to her. That's the way I saw it. As for Bonnie we know she's two faced, it wasn't that surprising that she'd cover her own ass and throw Clem under the bus, that's her character. The Russians, yeah I agree that was just stupid. But for me it's not enough to ruin the series as it's only a tiny part of the story. And it's not like S1 was perfect, didn't have plot holes, made sense at all times. All TT games suffer from this, but I think most of us give TT games quite a lot of leeway in regards to the story making sense. Occasionally they push it too far as they did with the last episode of GoT. I would put this last GoT episode as the weakest of all episodes.

    3) I don't think it's fair to count 400 days against the rest of the series. Although it's impact was very disappointing.

    My disdain for S2 had nothing to do with not getting something similar to Lee, the best thing I got out of the first season was how much the

  • Nah just that terrible episode 5 other than that I'd say it's better than TFTB and TWD S2 by a looooooong shot. So no I don't it's the weakest

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