Gortys Choice Theory

So I'm thinking, since Gortys is kind of crucial to find the Vault, maybe once we get there, there will be a choice in episode 5 to sacrifice Gortys or not in order to gain access into the vault. It would be a hard choice for me considering they've been trying to get to the vault all this time and if they haven't found it before they go back to Hyperion they're pretty much dead, but I love Gortys so much. I actually kind of hope this happens because it would be a nice way to wrap up the season and the game.


  • I suppose for some it'd be difficult. I however would have no issue with kicking Gortys to the curb for some riches.

    The only ones in the group I'd be unwilling to sacrifice are Rhys, Vaughn, Jack, Fiona, Loader Bot, Dumpy, Rhy's shoe, and Fiona's hat. Sasha, Yvette or Gortys I'd be okay with losing.

  • well she's only been around for an episode. She might have some time to change your mind.

    I suppose for some it'd be difficult. I however would have no issue with kicking Gortys to the curb for some riches. The only ones in the


    I'm genuinely torn, because when I was playing TPS I said to myself over and over that if the game had allowed me the choice I never would have done that to her - so to be given that choice by Telltale would totally call me out on it and put me in a genuine moral dilemma because I'm playing it as a Jack loyalist and of course he'd choose the vault over little Gortys...

    But: I think given the fact that I already know Gortys has been dissembled to some degree (they find her energy chassis in the future scenes), maybe that would influence it? But maybe she's just reverted to her ball form and is running around all adorably with Loader Bot and Dumpy...?

    Gah, I really don't know what I'd do.

  • I feel like that wouldn't make sense. Gortys was created after the vaults.

  • They Have to go back to Hyperion before they can even look for the vault, Gortys' next upgrade is there. So the hard part will be getting out of Hyperion to actually go in search of the Vault.

  • mee too.... i was too sad for Felicity :( </3

    NOOO, IT'S FELICITY ALL OVER AGAIN!!! I'm genuinely torn, because when I was playing TPS I said to myself over and over that if the game

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