Why Morgryn should never be trusted in the next episode.

edited August 2015 in Game Of Thrones

Now, I know how you think Morgryn is the perfect man for Mira and they are perfect for eachother oh my they even made a Ship for both of them.
But I am gonna prove you wrong.

Morgryn in the game is depicted as the most perfect and handsome man that we see in the game. But we are talking about George R.R Martin's universe here..what are you gonna expect? a strong and Handsome fella with the strength of Robert fucking Baratheon? not likely.

And for some reason, I felt like Morgryn was rather acting strange in Episode 4. The way his Facial expressions look when Mira says something just gives me an idea of what he is trying to plan.

enter image description here

"He is a handsome fellow, isn't he? He has an odd reputation though. People say he's dangerous... but I couldn't say why."

And for me, Morgryn gives me the Little finger vibe for some reason. SO far in Game of Thrones. Every "Good guy" that have been helping our protagonists in the show and the game have either fucked us over or died.

So, I recommend you DO NOT trust Morgryn this episode. No matter how friendly he acts.


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    He really gives me the Littlefinger vibe. I can't trust him. I didn't tell him what I did with the decree - though I'm sure he can figure it out on his own - and I do not intend on telling him anything else if I can help it.

  • We should keep this going until Episode 6 releases, maybe bump this when it becomes old so I can warn everyone so they can have second thoughts.

    Abeille posted: »

    He really gives me the Littlefinger vibe. I can't trust him. I didn't tell him what I did with the decree - though I'm sure he can figure it out on his own - and I do not intend on telling him anything else if I can help it.

  • I don't know, there isn't much to discuss regarding him (not enough screen time) and maybe it can be more entertaining for people to make up their mind about him on their own. If they didn't ask Tarwick about Morgryn and didn't see anything about it online, they don't even know he has that strange reputation of being dangerous.

    I expect him to shatter my heart either way. Though I don't trust him, I really, REALLY like him, I love to interact with him and I really hope he doesn't die because he is the kind of character that is simply entertaining to watch, for me. But at the same time I'm damn sure he is going to do something to make Mira's life harder, and once he gains the status of "enemy" our interactions with him will be very different.

    We should keep this going until Episode 6 releases, maybe bump this when it becomes old so I can warn everyone so they can have second thoughts.

  • Would you rather we trust Tom?

  • Well, good point. Don't trust anyone. Tom might be nice, but we know nothing about his boss. At least we know what Morgryn wants with Mira.

    Morgryn betraying us wouldn't be such a big deal. It is not like he is Mira's ally, he is just some guy that was nice to her, proposed an alliance that never happened and stood there looking pretty. Tom? Tom's betrayal would wreck me. It would be the most heartbreaking thing in the entire game for me.

    Would you rather we trust Tom?

  • You don't have to trust a character to like him or work with him. I'll be cautious around him but if a chance to work with him comes up I'm taking it. You need allys in Kings Landing whether you trust them or not. I'm still gonna ship Mirgryn though :p.


  • There's no need to force your opinion onto other people buddy, bumping a thread is not cool.

    We should keep this going until Episode 6 releases, maybe bump this when it becomes old so I can warn everyone so they can have second thoughts.

  • As I said before, King's Landing is a nest of vipers, so don't trust anyone there.

    But I ship Mirgryn so hard! ;-;

  • edited August 2015

    I'm a Mirgryn shipper and I am sorry, but I trust him!

  • I'm a Mirgryn shipper too, but I guess it won't be too shocking if he ends up betraying us.

    I'm really curious about who Tom's boss is. My Mira has always been appreciative of Tom and cared about his safety, so I never got the lines about how he's only looking out for Mira because someone is paying him to do it. I don't ship Tom+Mira (Tira) because a) Tom's obviously not of noble stock and so a union between them couldn't really help Mira or her family and b) he's younger than her. Although, it sort of seems as if Morgryn is 15 or so years older than Mira... so maybe that age thing is silly since Tom and Mira are closer in age than Morgryn and Mira...

  • Who can we trust really? I think we are in a trust Morgryn or die situation, so... I'd gladly accept his help even if he's plotting something.

  • I don't and will not trust him for anything. Same goes for Tom. My Mira plays them and uses them as her pawns and nothing more.

  • Yeah he's gonna betray us so much it isn't even funny.

    But I'm still a Mirgryn shipper cos god dayum, their banter is the cutest.

  • I've never trusted him from the start. I've always felt like there was something shifty about him. I may be wrong, but I think he may have been the one to hire Damien to kill Mira. When Lucan tries to confront Mira about Damien's disappearance, Morgryn is very quick to step in.

  • edited August 2015

    Age doesn't matter much in Westeros, yeah. And yes, Morgryn seems to be on his early thirties and Mira on her late teens (and Tom on his early teens).

    I was always appreciative of Tom too, and he is very nice to my Mira. I heard if you are mean to him, he says that "nobody is worth this much trouble" while in Tyrion's office and is not with Mira when she gets the chance to burn the decree.

    I can't wait to know who is his boss. I really hope it is someone that is already in the game. I would like this kind of issue to be solved within the narrative. I won't be as satisfied if his boss is Varys, Petyr or Olenna, since they didn't show up in the game so far.

    ShampaFK posted: »

    I'm a Mirgryn shipper too, but I guess it won't be too shocking if he ends up betraying us. I'm really curious about who Tom's boss is. M

  • Good choice. Though I do care about Tom (and he will break my heart if he betrays my Mira), I don't trust his boss because I don't have the slightest idea of what they want with Mira.

    And I love the idea of playing Morgryn while he thinks he is playing Mira.

    I don't and will not trust him for anything. Same goes for Tom. My Mira plays them and uses them as her pawns and nothing more.

  • I'm not forcing my opinion, I am only giving them a heads up just incase Morgryn tries something. I'm trying to give everyone a second thought before trying to trust Morgryn.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    There's no need to force your opinion onto other people buddy, bumping a thread is not cool.

  • Tyrion mentioned not trusting anyone in King's Landing, because it was a "NEST OF VIPERS."

    Would you rather we trust Tom?

  • enter image description here

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    You don't have to trust a character to like him or work with him. I'll be cautious around him but if a chance to work with him comes up I'm

  • You've doomed us all..

    YForrester posted: »

    I'm a Mirgryn shipper and I am sorry, but I trust him!

  • What exactly are you saying no to? I said I'll be cautious what more do you want from me?

  • I was saying no to the Mirgryn.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    What exactly are you saying no to? I said I'll be cautious what more do you want from me?

  • Oh. Why? It's a great ship!

    I was saying no to the Mirgryn.

  • edited August 2015

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Oh. Why? It's a great ship!

  • I don't think it's Varys or Petyr... but maybe Olenna? Olenna might know who Mira is, since Mira has been serving as her granddaughter's handmaiden. That seems like the sort of thing Olenna would care about.

    Abeille posted: »

    Age doesn't matter much in Westeros, yeah. And yes, Morgryn seems to be on his early thirties and Mira on her late teens (and Tom on his ear

  • You're just gonna reply with gifs?

  • edited August 2015

    I think that's very likely. The Tyrell seem to care a lot about their own family members, and Olenna already killed Joffrey to protect her grandchildren (to protect Margaery from being hurt by him, and Loras from ending up as a Kingslayer in order to protect Margaery). Getting a child to spy on Margaery's handmaiden doesn't seem too far-fetched for her.

    But then, would Olenna want to keep Mira alive? Or just use Tom to know if it is safe for Margaery to keep Mira as a handmaiden? Could Olenna decide that it was too dangerous to keep Mira around and make Tom turn on her? I really like Tom, but it is hard to fully trust him because I don't know who his boss is and what they really want.

    ShampaFK posted: »

    I don't think it's Varys or Petyr... but maybe Olenna? Olenna might know who Mira is, since Mira has been serving as her granddaughter's handmaiden. That seems like the sort of thing Olenna would care about.

  • I never trusted that guy from the start, But that doesn't mean I can't enjoy having a conversation with the guy. He is so charming!

  • Why do you sound so dull and serious?

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    You're just gonna reply with gifs?

  • Sorry if I seem that way but I don't like it when I'm trying to have an actual discussion and people reply with childish gifs. I like the occasional gif there's a time and place for them but now doesn't feel like one of those times.

    Why do you sound so dull and serious?

  • The second, making sure that Mira is not betraying Margaery, seems more likely.

    Abeille posted: »

    I think that's very likely. The Tyrell seem to care a lot about their own family members, and Olenna already killed Joffrey to protect her g

  • And that puts Mira at great risk, since her situation with Margaery is not so good right now. If that's the case and she tells Tom to get rid of Mira, I will be heartbroken.

    ShampaFK posted: »

    The second, making sure that Mira is not betraying Margaery, seems more likely.

  • edited August 2015

    I never trusted him. We are forced to act with him in episode 3, but I never told him anything. He is a liar and treacherous guy.

  • I don't trust him.

    But my Mira is a cocky brat who thinks she's playing everybody. So I'm gonna be trying to play Morgryn too.

  • When did he lie? What proof is there that he's been treacherous? All we have to go by is Tarwick saying that Morgryn has a reputation. Other than that, we have people conjecturing that he was the one who hired Damian to kill Mira.

    I never trusted him. We are forced to act with him in episode 3, but I never told him anything. He is a liar and treacherous guy.

  • Yeah... Keep thinking that. Mira is in a very risky position between Margaery and Cersei... Morgryn would never help Mira, cuz he will angry one of them, or both; He would only do if he benefits himself.. And if he start thinking is getting dangerous, he will sold Mirra out.

    That's what I think, at least. King's Landing is a nest of assholes.

    ShampaFK posted: »

    When did he lie? What proof is there that he's been treacherous? All we have to go by is Tarwick saying that Morgryn has a reputation. Other than that, we have people conjecturing that he was the one who hired Damian to kill Mira.

  • We can see how quickly he bails by how he ran away and left Mira alone once Tyrion was arrested, right after he told Mira he could be the one person in King's Landing she could really trust, heh.

    Yeah... Keep thinking that. Mira is in a very risky position between Margaery and Cersei... Morgryn would never help Mira, cuz he will angry

  • I might be wrong, but I think Tom's boss might want to keep Mira alive; because she is the eldest daughter. Think about it, if the entire male line of House Forester is killed, whoever marries Mira would become the new Lord. You might be wondering why anyone would want to be Lord of Ironrath, but I imagine that whoever it is would have powerful allies that would allow them to defeat the Whitehills.

  • They would also have control of Forrester Ironwood I imagine.

    I might be wrong, but I think Tom's boss might want to keep Mira alive; because she is the eldest daughter. Think about it, if the entire m

  • Yes this too.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    They would also have control of Forrester Ironwood I imagine.

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