Penultimate curse

What do you guys think? Was the Penultimate curse in effect for Episode 4?


  • I think, to an extent, it was.

  • I thought the episode was good, but I really hate that term "penultimate curse". It sounds fucking ridiculous to be blunt, it's all opinionated whether a "curse" even exists or not.

  • Not for me, this wasn't even on the level of Amid the Ruins or In Sheep's Clothing, so many great character moments, one of the greatest action scenes I've ever seen in any fiction, and a final choice that made my head explode. I am extremely perplexed at people who say this episode was rushed and deserves a 6/10 cause that just leads me to suspect that these same people have never played Amid the Ruins or In Sheep's Clothing which are the definition of RUSHED and "oh shit we got to get the story done!"

  • I liked it just fine. Much better than that mess of a Game of Thrones episode.

  • TWD s1 - 4 (weakest).
    TWD s2 - 3 (worst).
    TWAU - 5 (disappointing finale).
    TftB - 3 (today).

    It doesn't work every time so there's no curse.

  • I heard people complain it was rushed and super short before I had a chance to play it today, but I had a ball. I don't think it felt rushed at all.

    J-Master posted: »

    Not for me, this wasn't even on the level of Amid the Ruins or In Sheep's Clothing, so many great character moments, one of the greatest act

  • I honestly feel like this has been the most rewarding penultimate episode Telltale's done yet.

  • The short complaint is a little interesting cause I pretty much try to scan everything when I'm playing as Rhys and maybe that made it longer for me and during the long intro I was kind of wondering when the title music screen was going to come up cause it really felt long to me. The only area which I'll say was rushed was the technical side of things as I felt there were more glitches this time around, I even had to restart the game because it froze during a transition and maybe the HUB exploring was toned down a bit.

    But other than that, this episode never felt like "oh shit, let's get the story done!"

    nursethalia posted: »

    I heard people complain it was rushed and super short before I had a chance to play it today, but I had a ball. I don't think it felt rushed at all.

  • edited August 2015

    Not only was this the best penultimate episode Telltale has ever done, this is now my new favorite episode from the series. This episode had everything, there were some hilarious moments (the shootout), some emotional ones (Scooter), the choices were hard to make (the final one), and the choices from previous episodes had some great impact as well I thought. This was a fantastic episode through and through, the fact that some people give it a 6/10 is just flat out ridiculous.

  • the fact that some people give it a 6/10 is just flat out ridiculous.


  • The only thing I dislike was the "gun fight" with Hyperion nerds. it was freakin' hilarious, don't get me wrong, but I feel like that time could have been devoted to more dialogue or something.

  • That was the funniest scene in the entire game for me.

    fayescarlet posted: »

    The only thing I dislike was the "gun fight" with Hyperion nerds. it was freakin' hilarious, don't get me wrong, but I feel like that time could have been devoted to more dialogue or something.

  • It was the funniest episode yet. They did a great job, no penultimate curse here.

  • No way, the curse was indeed broken in this case. The episode was amazing.

    They managed to make us sad about a secondary, purposely annoying (although might not be the case for some) character's death. They managed to make us feel worried about both of the choices at the end we could make. They even made us feel hatred for a character we once liked and thought was harmless. Not to mention that we got to ride a huge rocket ship, enter Ass-quez's body (and talk like him), had funny moments with Jack, partake in a fake gunfight, see Butt-Stallion in the flesh, and have some closure about whether Vaughn's okay or not. And he is!

    Best episode from the entire series. Hyped for episode 5.

  • The Trial and Execution of Guybrush Threepwood.

    nursethalia posted: »

    I honestly feel like this has been the most rewarding penultimate episode Telltale's done yet.

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    Who needs dialogue when you can slide down a rail gunning down hordes of pissed off accountants

    fayescarlet posted: »

    The only thing I dislike was the "gun fight" with Hyperion nerds. it was freakin' hilarious, don't get me wrong, but I feel like that time could have been devoted to more dialogue or something.

  • edited August 2015

    I'm actually immune to the Penultimate curse since I've enjoyed every Penultimate Episode to a certain extent, so yeah the episode was fantastic and I can't wait to replay it later.

    enter image description here

  • It was an amazing episode.

  • The curse has been lifted! We've been saved! Praise the mighty writer team of Tales ;) It was a truly fantastic episode!

  • The curse had no effect on this episode, it was very enjoyable from beginning to end. I was worried like hell for this episode in particular after the latest GoT episode but the only thing I'm shaking my fist at is that cliffhanger ending. Another great episode!

  • edited August 2015

    i loved the episode but i hate the ending you get if you "accepted hyperion" the "refuse hyperion" ending was way better imo

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