Book, Game, Show

How would you rank them? Best to worse? I'm thinking of reading the Game of Thrones novels.


  • Never read the books, but...

    TV Show S1 until S4 >>>>> Game >>>>> TV Show S5

  • edited August 2015

    Whats bad about S5? I've only watched snippets of the show on YouTube so I don't know much.

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    Never read the books, but... TV Show S1 until S4 >>>>> Game >>>>> TV Show S5

  • InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
    edited August 2015

    Dorne is usually one of the things.

    AAA_Jane posted: »

    Whats bad about S5? I've only watched snippets of the show on YouTube so I don't know much.

  • It's not as bad as most people say in my opinion. But, for a few reasons, I didn't find it so enjoyable to watch. The first episodes are kinda slow, but after EP8 it gets better.

    And I won't spoil anything to you, but I was expecting Sansa's arc to be very interesting this season... it wasn't. I thought it was very disappointing.

    AAA_Jane posted: »

    Whats bad about S5? I've only watched snippets of the show on YouTube so I don't know much.

  • You shouldn't really compare the game to the show/books the storys are completely different.

  • Didn't read the books:


  • Board game >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Book > Show > Game

    enter image description here

  • I've read the books and watched the show up until season 4. They both start off pretty much the same, but then the both go along different plot lines. As much as I like the show, I prefer the books. I really like the game too.

    I would recommend reading the books.

    1. Game: The story is more simple to grasp and faster paced.
    2. Show: Story is great, but is very complex making it hard to follow.
    3. Novel:????
  • Honestly? Show and Game are more or less tied, game is that good, and I love the show to death. Read all the books, very close third, might be tied if book 4 wasn't such a slog at times, still worth reading.

  • Book > Show > Game

    Easy, but hardly fair.

    edited August 2015







  • Books>>>>>>> S1 & S3> Game = S2 & S4>>>>>>>>>>A Turtle's Turd>>>>>>>>>>>Dog Shit>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> S5 = A Nest of Vipers (Worst episode of any episodic game I've played)

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