Who will die in the finale?

Honestly i don't think finch Kroger and Yvette will escape Helios august might but i defiantly think finch and Kroger will be dead early on. Val wil probably die near the end by either the vault monster(Ala steele) or by jack who seems to be in complete control of Helios. What do you guys think about my theory? what are your guy's theories?



  • Definitely Sasha.

  • Gortys, there is no purpose for her to exist after the vault is opened so why not kill him off dramatically.
    Somewhere a staff member also mentioned that tears will be shed during the episode, I don't remember if he said it because it's the last episode or because people are going to die.

  • Sasha would be nice

  • Nah.

    Definitely Sasha.

  • I was meaning that she would be killed off when the vault is being opened, but your theory is valid as well.

  • I think that something is probably going to happen to loader bot and gortys (considering the stranger, rhys and fiona are picking up gortys' parts) otherwise.. yeah, vallory, finch, kroger.. maybe even august (even though i would be a little sad about that.) Maybe sasha, even though i can't really see that happening for some reason.. But then again, i did not think they were going to kill scooter off either.

  • Everyone. And Lee comes back.

  • Vallory reveals she is holding both Vaughn AND Timothy Lawrence hostage and has cyborg-bullymongs slit their throats.

  • Actually i would love moxxi to kill val for revenge but that's unlikely

  • I honestly think that in some outcome Vaughn will die! He could be in three different places depending on you're choices; one, safely with Cassius, two, held hostage by Vallory, and three, wondering Pandora after his escape. If he's with Cassius then he might be safe, but the other two I dunno. He's most likely to die if he's by himself, because Pandora is highly dangerous, especially without weaponry. If Vaughn's with Vallory he's still not safe! If Vallory hears of how Rhys rules Hyperion now she might think she's getting screwed, and Vaughn will likely be killed. Lastly if you reject Handsome Jack, then it could go either way, he's still held hostage and Vallory is still CRAZY! So these are the reasons I think Vaughn will die, but I could be wrong and in every outcome Vaughn's a hero, YAY!

  • Sasha. But please no :'(

  • Hopefully no one on our side, but that's me being way too optimistic. Probably Yvette, Finch, Kroger, and maybe August (as Fiona said Scooter was the "first" casualty of the mission).

  • I feel like Sasha and Vaughn would be too obvious. I think telltale would rather surprise us, but also this game has a humorous touch and doesn't seem as super serious as other games, so big drama about one of the mains would seem a little... weird? Out of place?

    For Gortys, well they need her to keep the Vault in one place and after that she might die :(

    Also Telltale managed to make me like August and even Finch and Kroger so that could be dramatic. Especially August, he's not entirely a bad guy...

  • I was under the assumption that they haven't opened the vault yet when they're travelling with the stranger.

  • A fair trade

    It depends on what tone they're going for. I doubt they'll make the tone too serious since its a comedic game. Probably Vallory and her goons, possibly August, and no one else

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Everyone. And Lee comes back.

  • Well yaknow, I hope nobody dies and everyone goes on to live but............ its telltale games who knows for sure. Hopefully nobody on our side :(

  • enter image description here

    Wait, sorry, forgot that this isn't Game of Thrones.

  • I think he becomes the stranger, I have some pics and they are like the EXACT same height

    Dekon55951 posted: »

    I honestly think that in some outcome Vaughn will die! He could be in three different places depending on you're choices; one, safely with C

  • If Vaughn's the stranger why is he asking them about the Gortys project, he knows like everything about it...

    I think he becomes the stranger, I have some pics and they are like the EXACT same height

  • If August dies, he has to go down as the very last one to fall, dying like a Badass saving the gang and getting overkilled horribly. Also, TellTale will probably have him die smiling for once despite the horrific pain he's in.

    And then Fiona and Sasha and Vaughn decide that enough is enough, too many people have died today, August's horrible, bloody death is too much and they abandon Rhys, who then spends the rest of his life looking for Fiona to apologize.

  • The stranger is collecting pieces of Gortys as he moves along, I think the vault got opened but the mission wasn't successful and now he wants it to himself... It's just a thought though, likely wrong

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    If Vaughn's the stranger why is he asking them about the Gortys project, he knows like everything about it...

  • Totally could be true, but why would Vaughn be so violent with Rhys? Plus he never went to Helios and the the stranger's gun is from Handsome Jack's office. Whoever the stranger is he's gotta be someone from Helios (or with us). What if it's August, I haven't seen anyone guess him!

    I think he becomes the stranger, I have some pics and they are like the EXACT same height

  • Like Dojo said

    enter image description here

    But in seriousness, probably the Stranger and Vallory and her goons, including poor August ;-;

  • I'm hoping the power of Nolan North will let August live on. And on. And on.

    LawmanZero posted: »

    If August dies, he has to go down as the very last one to fall, dying like a Badass saving the gang and getting overkilled horribly. Also, T

  • edited August 2015

    I'd prefer he'd live.

    blue_pen posted: »

    I'm hoping the power of Nolan North will let August live on. And on. And on.

  • edited August 2015

    Theory to how August will die:

    August smashes the glass case, grabs the Conference Call and goes to fight the now-actually armed accountant gangsters, plus a fully possessed Rhys...so Fiona and the gang, who are being pinned down, can escape with the treasure they got form the Vault.

    He puts up a good fight, but he gets shot hundreds of times and then gets beaten the crap out of by Rhys, until August finally knocks him out and collapses.

    Then, he dies smiling, still in horrible pain, while the gang cries, around the blood-splattered Hub of Heroism, surrounded by hundreds of the dead soldiers, employees and robots...

    Cue the present day, where Fiona sadly says "And that was the final casualty of the mission."

    And the whole duel between Rhys and August will be a homage to:
    Rhys? Who the hell is Rhys?

  • edited August 2015

    Finch and/or Kroger, Vallory, Gortys (Temporary Death, of course), and possibly Jack (Hopefully not).

  • A choice between Fiona and Rhys

  • speaking of kroger where was he? finch was chilling in the hub of heroism

  • Meh,jack won't die......if it is destroyed hyperion will die perm....

    Finch and/or Kroger, Vallory, Gortys (Temporary Death, of course), and possibly Jack (Hopefully not).

  • Anyone but Jack.

  • I really want to see Timothy in this game. Although it's really unlikely at this point ;-;

    Vallory reveals she is holding both Vaughn AND Timothy Lawrence hostage and has cyborg-bullymongs slit their throats.

  • At first I thought that at least one of the main protagonists will die but now it would seem really unfitting. As you said, this is a comedic game, not a depression festival like TWD.

    I just hope that Handsome Jack doesn't die again. He's too much fun to have around.

    Bromid123 posted: »

    A fair trade It depends on what tone they're going for. I doubt they'll make the tone too serious since its a comedic game. Probably Vallory and her goons, possibly August, and no one else

  • Nah, Vaughn is really short. Stranger is even taller than Rhys.

    But then again he could be wearing stilts, what do I know? :D

    I think he becomes the stranger, I have some pics and they are like the EXACT same height

  • Yeah, the stranger mentioned "an attempt to open the vault" in some episode, probrably 1.

    Greenzoid2 posted: »

    I was under the assumption that they haven't opened the vault yet when they're travelling with the stranger.

  • enter image description here

    Fiona was just being overly dramatic and she just lost another hat or something. Yep.



  • Vaughn AND Timothy Lawrence

    cyborg-bullymongs slit their throats

    enter image description here

    Please NO.

    Vallory reveals she is holding both Vaughn AND Timothy Lawrence hostage and has cyborg-bullymongs slit their throats.

  • I don't see anyone dying... Then again I certainly didn't expect that one casualty in the last episode.

    Maybe just this once everyone will live? Hah, probably nah...

    enter image description here

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