For starters: a lot of this evidence wasn't found by me and came from reddit. I just decided to post it here because I love this theory and wanted to have a discussion about it with you guys. So as a lot of you may or may not know, a fairly popular fan theory is that Daario Naharis, Daenery's lover and sellsword is actually Euron Greyjoy, younger brother of Balon and now the Iron King. The theory, without a lot of details, goes on to explain that Euron has gotten closer with Dany to further his own ambitions, and that during Daario's long absences throughout random parts of the books while he claims to be going on "missions" for Daenerys, he is actually back in the Iron Islands as Euron. The same applies to Euron, just that he's posing as Daario during his absences. So, without further ado, here is the evidence...

Book Evidence-

  • similar physical appearance (both described as handsome with blue eyes, white, tall, etc...)
  • During Daenerys's conquest of Yunkai and Mereen (where Daario was present, mind you,) Euron's location was stated as unknown during an Asha Greyjoy(I think?) POV chapter
  • Daario was not with Daenerys, and had not been for a while, during the kingsmoot of the Iron Islands and the assassination of Balon
  • We learn that Euron is confident that he'll be able to marry Daenerys and secure her dragons. Why would Euron, a fairly smart man, be so sure he could waltz right over and offer himself to Daenerys without fear that she'll reject his proposal?
  • When Dany was in Qarth, the Warlock prophecy mentioned "three mounts you [Daenerys] must ride; one to bed, one to dread, and one to love." It's quite obvious the one to love was Drogo. You could argue she dreaded him at first, or that he was just a lustful Dothraki savage who wanted to have sex with her all of the time, but she ended up loving him in the end, and he ended up loving her. The prophecy's all about how she feels towards the end, obviously. Hizdhar zo lhoraq is the one she is to bed, to secure the marriage alliance and hopefully weaken her opposition in Meereen. Daario/Euron will be the one she has to dread. Also, when the word 'dread' was mentioned to Dany during the prophecy, she had seen grey lips. Euron has grey lips, and he is a GREYjoy.
  • Daario is a pretty pointless character with unknown motivations, unless this is true. Seriously, he has no relevance to the plot. Almost all of GRRM's characters serve at least some relevance.
  • Euron tried to sneak Ironborn into Oldtown during the Reach invasion by making them look Tyroshi-- Daario is Tyroshi. He obviously knows a few tricks of having that Tyroshi look pay off. ;)

Show Evidence-

  • D&D said in an interview that they understand the importance of the Ironborn plot, but that they didn't think it fit into season five. This is why Euron has (obviously) yet to be introduced in the show, because this arc hasn't really gone anywhere in the past two seasons. If they understand the importance of the plot, why haven't they brought it up yet? The answer is simple--it's a hard plot to translate into a TV show. 'Why?' you might ask. 'Why is it hard to do that?' Because the books rely on the fact that it's medieval times and due to the lack of technology you can't see what people look like like you can in our world. e.g. everyone knows what Hillary Clinton looks like, but all people in Westeros knew about Joffrey's appearance was that he was a scrawny blond boy. That's something the TV show also relies on, but what it doesn't have that the books does is that the viewers are watching what happens rather than reading it, and thus actually get to see the characters rather than just making a mental image in their head. Because of this, if the actor of Daario also appeared as Euron, it would demand explanation immediately. The producers are clearly waiting for the right time to do this, and will hopefully do it right.
  • The original casting call for Season 3 Daario of the show wanted an actor who was "anything but caucasian". But then... in season four they casted a white man as him? My guess is GRRM didn't pick up on this until it was too late (he was only directly involved in the casting of the major characters such as Arya, Sansa, Dany, etc.) and he didn't let D&D in on the theory yet, so they had to recast someone who had the Ironborn look about him in Season Four.
  • Daario captured the Ironborn fleet of Meereen after the city was taken. The Ironborn are known for their sea skills and their fleets.
  • Daario's blade shows a woman with hands covering her mouth, similar to how Euron's ship's sail was described with a woman with hands covering her mouth...
  • Daario claimed to want to marry Dany after they had sex. I forget which episode this is in, but it's in season five.

A few things to note-

  • GRRM has said before that how things fit into the timeline are important, but not a make or break deal for him. An example of this is that Stannis making it in time for the attack on the wall is actually fairly unlikely as far as it fits into the timeline and the distance between Braavos and the Wall. The same thing could apply to Daario- I haven't looked into it, so it actually could perfectly fit into the timeline, or there might be a timegap that may not quite make sense, though the point is that it still does in the grand scheme of things. GRRM once said that if you try to perfect a timeline in a story nothing will ever get done. Keyword: perfect. He still takes it into account.
  • Euron claims to wear his eyepatch for aesthetic reasons.
  • GRRM said in an interview that there is more to Daario than meets the eye.
  • The Stormcrows were the original name of Daario's sellswords, though they were changed to the Second Sons in the show. Either way, it fits Euron-- Euron is commonly called Crow's Eye and also said in the books "I am the storm... the first storm, and the last." He is also the second son of four.
  • Euron seeks to gain Dany's influence. I predict that he isn't trying to betray Dany, just get her on his side before revealing who he truly is. Unlike Jorah and Jorah's lies, Daario knows how to manipulate Daenerys,



  • Really? This theory is cracked. No way.

    Euron's at the Sunset Sea, where they are going to attack the Reach. Daario is a hostage outside Meereen.

    enter image description here

  • edited August 2015

    Euron is never confirmed to actually still be stationed with the forces at Sunset Sea. As for Daario, that is a hole to the theory, I won't deny it. There could be an answer, because I think the evidence is highly suggestive. If I ever find an answer for you, I'll come find you.

    Really? This theory is cracked. No way. Euron's at the Sunset Sea, where they are going to attack the Reach. Daario is a hostage outside Meereen.

  • isnt euron balon's brother? wouldnt he be fucking old?

  • Nope. Balon is not that old... Neither is Euron. He's like almost at his 40's, I guess

    jamex1223 posted: »

    isnt euron balon's brother? wouldnt he be fucking old?

  • InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
    edited August 2015

    Euron got cast for Season 6, didn't he?

  • Not confirmed who was cast for what, to my knowledge. It's possible, which would completely disprove this theory, but who everyone was casted for is not known. All that was open to the public was what they were looking for, not why.

    Euron got cast for Season 6, didn't he?

  • Yes, and when they announce the actor/it gets leaked this theory can finally be put to rest, thank god.

    Euron got cast for Season 6, didn't he?

  • No need to be an ass about it.

    Yes, and when they announce the actor/it gets leaked this theory can finally be put to rest, thank god.

  • Nothing personal against you, sorry if you took it that way. I just don't like Daario=Euron theory and I would be very disappointed if this really was revealed to be true.

    No need to be an ass about it.

  • Understandable. I can see how you think it's annoying, just like how in the other thread I feel the same way about Tyrion possibly being a Targaryen. To each their own, I suppose.

    Nothing personal against you, sorry if you took it that way. I just don't like Daario=Euron theory and I would be very disappointed if this really was revealed to be true.

  • Euron's in his 30's in the books and Daario as a character makes no sense. Euron tells the Iron Born Euron plans to marry Dany and take her dragons in order to do a full scale invasions on Westeros like Aegon Targaeryan did. He is a pirate and probably one of the best in all of Westeros which makes the trip from the islands to Essos feasible. Here are some connections I've noticed:

    They both look very similar

    Both give poisonous gifts

    Barristan says he witnessed 93 ships drawing closer to Essos (the same amount Euron told Victarion to bring)

    Daario's merc group are known as the storm crows, Euron is called the crow's eye

    And finally why would Euron so confidently tell the Ironborn marrying Dany was such a sure thing? Daario is the key to marriage and marriage is the key to her dragons

  • Euron says he'd get her dragons and then they'd shout for grapes (The Reach). If the Reach means anything to him it's probably a secondary objective

    Really? This theory is cracked. No way. Euron's at the Sunset Sea, where they are going to attack the Reach. Daario is a hostage outside Meereen.

  • He says in the books his objective is the Iron Throne, not the Reach itself.

    Anyway, Daario is a hostage, and Euron had riches all over the world at his ship Silence... Even a dragon garish(is that how is called in english?) from Valyria. Daario can't be at two places at the same time.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Euron says he'd get her dragons and then they'd shout for grapes (The Reach). If the Reach means anything to him it's probably a secondary objective

  • He could have been captured and is just waiting Victarion to lay siege going east. If someone blows the horn, the dragon will come to Daario

    He says in the books his objective is the Iron Throne, not the Reach itself. Anyway, Daario is a hostage, and Euron had riches all over t

    edited August 2015

    The more likely theory is that Euron Greyjoy actually found and killed Daario, then took his place. That would explain his sudden change in behavior. It might also be possible that Daario is a faceless man.

    What evidence do we really have? Well, there's the fact that he said "When the kraken weds the dragon, brother, let the world beware." It seems that Pyat Pree told him of Daenerys, and he is interested in her womb, much like Khal Drogo and Green Grace.

    He followed Dany to Astapor, and we know that because he knows that Dany is in Slaver's Bay, and he knows that she needs ships. At that time, Daario is supposedly just up the road in Yunkai. Dany has sexual dreams about a lover with a shadowy face: "Sometimes she would close her eyes and dream of him... her lover was always younger and more comely, though his face remained a shifting shadow." Later, they become about Daario, and then about Hizdahr. There's something weird about Daario when she first meets him, when she first meets him, he's quiet, subtle and well put together. But in subsequent meetings he's loud, over the top, has wear in his clothing, and salt stains on his boots, as if he'd been on a ship.

    We're supposed to believe that he, dressed as a banana with blue hair, somehow sneaks out of his camp with his co-captain's heads, gets caught by Dany's men, but then has no worries about trying to sneak back into his camp, as if it would raise no suspicion that his co-captains are missing. It would only make sense if he could change his appearance to one of the regular sellswords when he came back to the camp. It seems to me that he had snuck into the Stormcrow's camp, killed all three leaders, and impersonated Daario Naharis.

  • Well, the show is the show and the books are the books.

    Euron got cast for Season 6, didn't he?

  • edited August 2015

    Man, c'mon, there's a place for this tinfoil, it's called /r/asoiaf. Next I'll see a thread about D + D = T.

  • It's not that tinfoil if you consider the similarities, and there are much stupider theories, like Dany being the daughter of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen, and Jon Snow being the son of Brandon Stark and Ashara Dayne.

    LeFedore posted: »

    Man, c'mon, there's a place for this tinfoil, it's called /r/asoiaf. Next I'll see a thread about D + D = T.

  • It's not tinfoil, but Euron must have Malcolm Branfield level travelling speed in this theory, and basically the only thing to explain this is the laziest possible: "because magic".

    And funny thing is that probably the same people who bitch about Littlefinger's "teleporting" in the show (which happens inside Westeros whereas in this theory Euron travels all the way from Sunset Sea to Slaver's Bay several times in one book) hype the shit out of this theory. And if this theory happened to be true then we can pretty much say goodbye to there being anything for the Greyjoys in the show because I'm pretty sure they wont do this even if GRRM will.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    It's not that tinfoil if you consider the similarities, and there are much stupider theories, like Dany being the daughter of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen, and Jon Snow being the son of Brandon Stark and Ashara Dayne.

  • edited August 2015

    Yes, he was captured while he is still at the Shields commanding a fucking army against the Reach...

    So no, that's theory is not possible. And who think it is, need to think a little more and read the books all over again. That's my opinion, of course.

    We don't even know what the horn will do to the dragons, Rhaegal and Viserion, they can even be pissed and burned every single breathing person around it. And, dragons only obey dragonlords with the blood of the dragon.. So neither Daario or Euron could get near one... Only if they want to get eaten.

    enter image description here

    Clemenem posted: »

    He could have been captured and is just waiting Victarion to lay siege going east. If someone blows the horn, the dragon will come to Daario

  • But it's not that biased if you think about it. He knew warlocks, maybe he practiced blood magic or they somehow granted him speed, it seems the text supports this to be possible. Melisandre claims that it's possible. I don't know what they'll do in the show, but it's safe to say that the show will be very different now that they don't have the exact timeline and events for what happens were they left off.

    It's not tinfoil, but Euron must have Malcolm Branfield level travelling speed in this theory, and basically the only thing to explain this

  • edited August 2015

    It's not confirmed that Euron is at the Reach though. And the point of the horn is to... I dunno... tame a dragon even if you don't have the blood of the dragon?


    Yes, he was captured while he is still at the Shields commanding a fucking army against the Reach... So no, that's theory is not possible

  • GRRM has said before that how things fit into the timeline are important, but not a make or break deal for him. An example of this is that Stannis making it in time for the attack on the wall is actually fairly unlikely as far as it fits into the timeline and the distance between Braavos and the Wall.

    and for the record, I actually defended the plot hole with Malcolm travelling to Essos so fast.

    It's not tinfoil, but Euron must have Malcolm Branfield level travelling speed in this theory, and basically the only thing to explain this

  • Euron's only in his 30's actually

    Nope. Balon is not that old... Neither is Euron. He's like almost at his 40's, I guess

  • They could make Darrio in the show the rogue that tries to marry dany and then the guy they cast gets the better parts of victorian and euron in one character.

  • I really never quite see the euron character people always talk about, hes barely in the book; victorian for me sums up the ironborn and their philosophy, plus hes the only one really with a story. Euron is the same for me as the sand snakes I never saw them as anything that memorable. True the show made them memorable (for the wrong reasons however) yet I never saw the reason for the complaints over lost characters

  • Fair enough, still, I just don't get why people want Euron to be Daario when they can be two great separate characters with their own functions to the story.

    GRRM has said before that how things fit into the timeline are important, but not a make or break deal for him.

    Someone should tell that to book purists who whine about LF.

    GRRM has said before that how things fit into the timeline are important, but not a make or break deal for him. An example of this is that S

  • edited August 2015


    Fair enough, still, I just don't get why people want Euron to be Daario when they can be two great separate characters with their own functi

  • When did the guy say anything positive about littlefinger, he was making a comment about how people whine how littlefinger seemed to teleport to kings landing from winterfell as an example how book fanboys complain about fast travel of characters in the show

    Clemenem posted: »


  • I was talking about the fast travelling of him in the show that some see as plotholes. Yes, LF is an asshole there is no question about that.

    Clemenem posted: »


  • edited August 2015

    Ramsay seen in episode 1 took at least a few days to get to the dreadfort. By this point he's supposed to be seizing Moat Cailin so a quick trip isn't believable plus isn't Euron a pirate said to have travele all over? And and srry ill edit it xc

    When did the guy say anything positive about littlefinger, he was making a comment about how people whine how littlefinger seemed to telepor

  • B + A = J and L + R = D actually make way more sense than R + L = J. Viserys wouldn't tell Dany because then she'd know she was first in succession. "Promise me Ned" could be Lyanna making Ned swear to get Dany to safety, hence why he's so against sending assassins after her in AGOT. As for Jon, it makes a lot of sense that Ned would want to protect his brother's honour by not letting anyone know he fathered a bastard, and Ashara Dayne's supposed suicide means that can't be spread (though I'm in the camp of believing she'll reappear at some point).

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    It's not that tinfoil if you consider the similarities, and there are much stupider theories, like Dany being the daughter of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen, and Jon Snow being the son of Brandon Stark and Ashara Dayne.

  • What, you don't want to see the TellTale community's reaction to Time Travelling Fetus?

    edited August 2015

    In my opinion, that theory makes no sense at all, people who support it argue that Dany couldn't have grown in Braavos because you can't grow lemons there, and she had a lemon tree. While being untrue, it also does not matter, you can grow anything with the right conditions, and nothing gives us reason to believe that what Viserys has said to her about her nature is a lie. We have to believe that he was very clever at a very young age to come up with such stories and for Dany to not notice any flaws in it. I think she was clearly born on Dragonstone to Rhaella Targaryen.

    I believe Ned being so against sending assassins after the Targaryen girl and her unborn baby is something GRRM had wrote in order to emphasize his lawful and uncompromising sense of honor. As Littlefinger said;

    “You rule like a man dancing on rotten ice. I daresay you will make a noble splash. I believe I heard the first crack this morning.”

    It seems more plausible to me that his sense of justice even towards the ones who murdered his father and brother serves as a reminder of who he is, where he comes from and what his values are, and also a contrast to Robert, who just wants to commit Targaryen genocide.

    I'm also not one to believe that noble women would commit fake suicides and stuff like that in a setting like this one, they're not as clever as some people might take them for. Everyone forgets that this is medieval times, and even the most clever of manipulators don't really have that much edge. I think that it fits the narrative better if Jon Snow is the son(g) of Rhaegar and Lyanna, since he is very much hinted to be Azor Ahai come again (in fact Melisandre straight out says that R'hllor shows her Snow when she prays to see the divine hero reborn), and he couldn't be Azor Ahai come again without Targaryen blood, could he?

    You know what's the most compelling evidence that this theory is just too much? GRRM asked D&D who Jon Snow's mother is, and they answered correctly. Do you really think those two would build this kind of theory up? I don't believe in their wit. I think it's way simpler.

    LeFedore posted: »

    B + A = J and L + R = D actually make way more sense than R + L = J. Viserys wouldn't tell Dany because then she'd know she was first in suc

  • Actually, there's further evidence for Dany not being in Braavos. Not only is there a line that says lemon trees only grow in Dorne, but she describes running through an area with the hot sun on her back, which sounds much more like the Water Gardens. Plus, Braavos is never ever described as anything but wet and cold.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    In my opinion, that theory makes no sense at all, people who support it argue that Dany couldn't have grown in Braavos because you can't gro

  • The worst line in the show perhaps in all of fiction

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