Popular Exclusive Question: What are some facts you know about The North Grove?

Lets start a new discussion about this topic thanks. Everyone please be respectful and try to explain why some comments may be wrong instead of bashing them with memes and hurtful comments okay? Special thanks to a user recommending this topic to me.



  • Why does it always seem to boil down to trouble with these threads? The thing is we hardly know anything about it other than:

    *It's one of the most far points beyond the wall

    *It's an urban legend or myth

  • Crazy George recommended I make a thread about this. I suck at making discussions XD

    Clemenem posted: »

    Why does it always seem to boil down to trouble with these threads? The thing is we hardly know anything about it other than: *It's one of the most far points beyond the wall *It's an urban legend or myth

  • My friend also told me that's a place you go when you need prostitution and stuff. I don't know if its true. It mainly has adult bars and venues.

  • No wonder wants to get there so bad

    My friend also told me that's a place you go when you need prostitution and stuff. I don't know if its true. It mainly has adult bars and venues.

  • edited August 2015

    Maybe it's a place of "trolls" trolling around,who knows.

  • Not referring to me I hope

    Herodriver posted: »

    Maybe it's a place of "trolls" trolling around,who knows.

  • edited August 2015

    It's some sort of an abandoned citadel in a forest within a forest. That's almost everything we know and I have no idea in what way it will help us but I'm guessing it must be a forest we are looking for (North Grove)

    I watched an anime (Rokka no Yuusha) in which there is some sort of a temple and if you trigger, let's say it's a button in it, a fog surrounds the temple and the forest around it and it is impossible to leave. So I have this idea, what if this "forest" is surrounded by some kind of a fog like in the anime and whoever enters in it can't leave, so that's why the Ice-river clan never came back. They were trapped in it and maybe died there. I'm just thinking out loud, sorry if this theory seems stupid or i dunno but I would be happy to hear your theories. :D

  • Uhhh welll.... it's in the North :D

  • It's under the ice dragon constelation.

  • That's not a fact though. Yes, it's the most logical explanation to the "under the watchful eye of the ice dragon", but we can't be 100% sure yet: it could be some kind of sculpture instead or an actual ice dragon (yes, I know, chances to that are 0,00001%).

    Or was it confirmed at some point that the riddle speaks of the constellation?

    darko22 posted: »

    It's under the ice dragon constelation.

  • Your friend is probably right. I mean, Littlefinger boasts with his brothels, but they got nothing on the North Grove Frozen Bad Pussy -stripclub.

    My friend also told me that's a place you go when you need prostitution and stuff. I don't know if its true. It mainly has adult bars and venues.

  • Lord Gregor Forrester said: "North Grove must never be lost" - it can't be lost , not just found. Also, when the Wildlings went to seek for it, they have never come back - 2 options - they have been killed, or they didn't want to leave this place.

  • Whatever is that place it needs stripper pole. Oh, and strippers.

  • And potatoes, if Cotter is going with us.

    PanJogurt posted: »

    Whatever is that place it needs stripper pole. Oh, and strippers.

  • The main thing we know is it's a citadel hidden from the world Cotter heard a similar story to what Duncan told us "I've heard stories, old tales of a secret forrest within a forrest"

  • It's the Vault of The Traveler.

  • Vault of The Time Traveler. :P

    Lewsblake23 posted: »

    It's the Vault of The Traveler.

  • spoiler tag plz

    Kateis posted: »

    Vault of The Time Traveler. :P

  • That would be so hilarious.

    Gared: 'Finally I reached the North Grove, after many hardships and all my friends dying...who the hell are you people?!'

    Loaderbot: 'Hi.'

    Gortys: 'Hi, it's soooo great to meet you!'

    Vallory: 'Are you sassing me, son?'

    August: 'He said 'who the hell are you people', how's that sassing?'

    Vallory: 'It was the tone.'

    Vaughn: 'Omg I think that's the vault monster! Oh wait, no. It's just a guy.'

    Fiona and Sasha: 'You don't get anything of this treasure!'

    Rhys: 'Guys, he's dead. Poor guy had a heart attack. Anyway, why is it so cold?'

    Lewsblake23 posted: »

    It's the Vault of The Traveler.

  • Popular Exclusive Question

    Thats a new one

    Anyway there is no information about the place if it exists even

  • I made a thread a few weeks ago, saying it could be where is Bran is, since there is some stuff supporting that, but I got debunked in that thread, so maybe not :D

  • Honestly, I'll be very disappointed if this isn't canon. Gared needs to find them! Just get Loaderbot to kill Frostfinger, or something. Telltale, make it happen!

    That would be so hilarious. Gared: 'Finally I reached the North Grove, after many hardships and all my friends dying...who the hell are y

  • There are no ice dragons..

    That's not a fact though. Yes, it's the most logical explanation to the "under the watchful eye of the ice dragon", but we can't be 100% sur

  • You just had to say that even after me stating it being the slightest of the slightest possibilities. Anyway, how do you know are there ice dragons or not? Are you GRRM?

    darko22 posted: »

    There are no ice dragons..

  • A dragon for such a little house?I can't see that happening. But i would love to see a dragon stomping Gryff.

    You just had to say that even after me stating it being the slightest of the slightest possibilities. Anyway, how do you know are there ice dragons or not? Are you GRRM?

  • edited August 2015

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

  • Well we know it's North and it's most likely a grove. So based on my calculations it must be a North Grove.

  • Actually it isn't very far. If Sylvie has a rough idea of its location then it can't be that far. She agreed with Gared that they had a better chance of making it there rather than Mance's army, if it was very far North there'd be zero chance of survival. The most far points beyond the Wall aren't mapped (The Lands of Always Winter), those that are mapped are either not far, or abandoned because they've become impossible to survive in.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Why does it always seem to boil down to trouble with these threads? The thing is we hardly know anything about it other than: *It's one of the most far points beyond the wall *It's an urban legend or myth

  • Well, I wouldn't say the ice dragon would really be Forresters' if there really was one by the North Grove. I mean, I don't see even the North Grove being something that belongs only to Forresters.

    darko22 posted: »

    A dragon for such a little house?I can't see that happening. But i would love to see a dragon stomping Gryff.

  • I've also heard it's a good place to get some... ice.


    Get it? You know... 'cause "ice" is "meth" but it's also water when it freezes. Because it's cold... I'll see myself out.

    My friend also told me that's a place you go when you need prostitution and stuff. I don't know if its true. It mainly has adult bars and venues.

  • Well, as an Other (or White Walker) I must tell you that to me it's in the South.

  • Actually the chances of that are literally 0%.

    The sculpture explanation still works though. Although the constellation is more likely because its existence is confirmed.

    That's not a fact though. Yes, it's the most logical explanation to the "under the watchful eye of the ice dragon", but we can't be 100% sur

  • I wouldn't even be mad if that happens. That would be so awesome! Try to imagine Loader Bot wiping out the Whitehills? That would be a sight to behold.

    Lewsblake23 posted: »

    It's the Vault of The Traveler.

  • edited August 2015

    And Gared is the Stranger, when the Stranger says he knows what it's like to lose someone you care about he's talking about Lord Forrester and also possibly Sylvie and Cotter as well as (determinate) Duncan and Finn.

    It all makes sense now.

    Lewsblake23 posted: »

    It's the Vault of The Traveler.

  • Holy shit. I've never thought about it like that!

    Also, Lord Forrester telling us that "The North Grove must never be lost." Gives me a feeling that it might be important and we shouldn't lose it.

    Well we know it's North and it's most likely a grove. So based on my calculations it must be a North Grove.

  • Huehuehue. Wouldn't be great if it didn't exist and Lord Forrester was just stupid?

  • Lol.. this is ...brutal.

    Huehuehue. Wouldn't be great if it didn't exist and Lord Forrester was just stupid?

  • Woah. Can't believe we just worked this all out! No point in playing the rest of the game now, we know the end.

  • Hopefully Telltale are listening to this. We should be writers for this game, tbh.

    I wouldn't even be mad if that happens. That would be so awesome! Try to imagine Loader Bot wiping out the Whitehills? That would be a sight to behold.

  • "A secret forest within a forest within a forest within a forest within a forest..."

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    The main thing we know is it's a citadel hidden from the world Cotter heard a similar story to what Duncan told us "I've heard stories, old tales of a secret forrest within a forrest"

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