
Jack wants to check on her, but isn't she dead?


  • Yup, but he doesn't know that.

  • And that is based just on the fact that he didn't know about his own death?

    Yup, but he doesn't know that.

  • You can actually tell him that his "family was murdered" if you have Rhys say that he died a loser at the end of Episode 4.

    Yup, but he doesn't know that.

  • He knows that he died by the hands of the vault hunters. Obviously he died after Angel was killed. I'm thinking he meant to see her grave. I've heard people say that they want to visit their loved ones after they passed away.

  • That is literally all that is needed.

    jarmoksk posted: »

    And that is based just on the fact that he didn't know about his own death?

  • Maybe he was not informed about her death. Or, also maybe, he was just trying to make us feel bad for him so he could manipulate us.

  • Jack knows how he died, though. He said he was shot in the sternum, and that it was painful and sucked. Rhys never told him how exactly he died.

    That is literally all that is needed.

  • this

    Jack knows how he died, though. He said he was shot in the sternum, and that it was painful and sucked. Rhys never told him how exactly he died.

  • The manner of his death would be common knowledge. He is inside Rhys' cybernetics, he would have access to that information (if Rhys' cybernetics can track/be tracked, make calls, and access the data that it does (like Vasquez's deal, or Nakayama's credentials) then it can access information like that) I figured that the "it hurt and it sucked, etc." was just him trying to get sympathy from Rhys and seem more human. I mean, he does spend the entire game trying to manipulate Rhys.

    Jack knows how he died, though. He said he was shot in the sternum, and that it was painful and sucked. Rhys never told him how exactly he died.

  • You make a fair point. But does he really spend the entire episode manipulating him? I mean, if you accept his offer to rule Hyperion, the first thing he does is promote you like he said he would. If you don't, he just forces your hand. We don't really know if he's sincere or manipulative yet because there hasn't been a sudden change. (Despite being pro-Jack all the time, but rejecting Hyperion. I can understand why he starts to insult us, we basically reject Jack from his company and "all we've ever wanted.")

    The manner of his death would be common knowledge. He is inside Rhys' cybernetics, he would have access to that information (if Rhys' cybern

  • Yeah, that makes sense.

    DoubleJump posted: »

    He knows that he died by the hands of the vault hunters. Obviously he died after Angel was killed. I'm thinking he meant to see her grave. I've heard people say that they want to visit their loved ones after they passed away.

  • Perhaps the IA was completed before the death of Angel, and that`s why he didn´t know she was dead or he was either.
    as "WhatEvenIsThis" says Jack's death is known throughout Pandora even how he died, but the existence of Angel ... Besides vault hunters Who more knows? If Rhys had known he would not have asked who is it? to see the photo. Even Jack says he does not often talk about it with anyone.

  • Depends on when he was created I think.

    Either he was made before the death of Angel (as said before by others) and the real Handsome Jack; and therefore logically wouldn't know (would also explain why he he reacted the way he did in episode 2 with the news of his own death). Or he was made during/after and he doesn't know.

    But..if he was made after the events of Angel's death..why would an AI; programmed with the apparent memories and personality of HJ, not know? He could be lying to manipulate us,sure...but maybe he might have not been programmed with the memory of her death on purpose?

    Think of it this way, How did human Handsome Jack react to his daughters death? Sad, yes...but it also caused him to sort of snap (moreso than already) and go on full vengance 'nothing left to lose, im gonna kill all VH's' mode. Wouldn't it be inconvinent for an AI designed to find a 'heir' to the throne of Hyperion to instead be focusing on memories of what happened (in this case his daughters death) and trying to continue the path of vengance?

    Though i suppose, if he did know and he was manipulating us the entire time to get a new body. (he couldn't do much with access to the right tools)..especially a apparently a big 'immortal' supplied with a infinte number of guns (and big ones at that), lackies and eyes everywhere.Then all the more perfect way to enact revenge on a long standing grudge...

    Shrugs I'm probably really overthinking it (Occam's razor ftw). I'm looking forward to any reason that telltale and the gearbox team put forward anyway and whatever might come of it crosses fingers for HJ not being deleted/blown up/destroyed :)

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