Wigams has a point

The other day, a forum user by the name of Wigams made a excellent point regarding the criticism of Telltale's Game of Thrones.

I think one of the main problems is the fan base thinking they could write a better story :P

Before I address Wigams' comment, I would like to talk about the perceived hate on the forums. While there's been a lot of vitriol about the game, there's been just as much constructive criticism.

However, I admit that many of us haven't handled our criticism in the most tactful way. But one thing should be clear. We do not hate the game or Telltale. We're just extremely disappointed. I myself enjoy the game, but I'm not going gloss over its faults.

No back Wigams and his/her comment. I can understand that the constant hate and criticism on the forums can be tiresome. Which is why I'm going to stop complaining and start enjoying the game for what it is. I will be buying Episode 6 when its released and playing Season 2 if it's made.

I will also be rewriting Telltale's Game of Thrones as choose your own adventure and sharing it with the community when I'm done. If you think you can write a better story, I encourage you to try. I encourage Telltale to prove me/us wrong. So us Telltale that you're the best when it comes to story-driven adventure games.

I love Telltale, but we need to take them to task when it comes to the choices and presentation in their games. Don't settle for less because you're a fan.


  • edited August 2015

    I spent this entire week writing a plot for episode 6, and IMO is being hard af. Writing something decent is REALLY hard.

    I think that people think that having ideas and writing those ideas down (turn it into dialogue/actions) is the same thing (which is not).

    Well congrats to TT writers I really don't know how you do your job so fast and with such great quality.

  • edited August 2015

    While Wigam makes a valid point. For me personally, it's not so much that I think I can write a better story. It is more to do with, in my opinion, feeling like more could've been done to at least make it seem, that in some situations the things we did and said were better or more competent than things that we could've other wise done or said.

    An example of this is in episode 5 (I don't hate this episode by the way, I actually enjoyed some elements of it) when as Mira we go to Tyrion's cell. Both he and Mira know that the guard is outside listening in. Yet both Tyrion and Mira are remarkably very unsubtle in their conversation.

    I understand that for the purpose of the story, things have to lead to a particular ending. However I think Tell Tale still could've achieved this, while still giving us some illusion that we as Mira can either choose to be cunning in our approach regardless of if we choose to tell him the truth or try to lie. Let's face it he will do one of three things (iirc).

    1) He will either give you a false list of names (if you lie to him).

    2) Give you a list of names that seem more likely to be true (if your honest with him).

    3) Or he won't give you any names.

    So if and when Mira does return to Cersei, she will most like have the option to make up some names regardless of the outcome with Tyrion. I also think it would've been a nice touch, considering that Tyrion has been trying to give us helpful advice since episode 1, that we could've demonstrated that Mira has taken some of it on board and has come a long way since she first arrived at Kings Landing, or since she first came south to be Margaery's handmaiden.

  • I agree, writing is very hard and some ideas don't translate well into good stories. To be fair, Telltale has been very constrained by the creators of the TV show.

    Telltale was told that they couldn't contradict the show or have any big ramifications in the game so it doesn't affect the show. Yet, Telltale was still able to make a decent game. I'm just saying it could have been done better.

    I spent this entire week writing a plot for episode 6, and IMO is being hard af. Writing something decent is REALLY hard. I think that pe

  • edited August 2015

    I agree that it could've been better, all I'm saying is that writing is not an easy thing and that people can't really say that they'd do better without even getting a taste of how writing is.

    I agree with most of what you posted especially this part: "Which is why I'm going to stop complaining and start enjoying the game for what it is."

    If people did this instead of being always looking for something to complain about, they'd be enjoying the game much more :)

    Kireilt posted: »

    I agree, writing is very hard and some ideas don't translate well into good stories. To be fair, Telltale has been very constrained by the c

  • edited August 2015

    That's a good way of handling the scene, but I would cut this witness thing out entirely. To be honest everything involving Tyrion (including Jon Snow and Daenerys) is poorly done fan service. Telltale is forcing us to interact with characters of the show to justify the game.

    While Wigam makes a valid point. For me personally, it's not so much that I think I can write a better story. It is more to do with, in my

  • Yes I must admit that this particular scene between Tyrion and Mira, felt like filler; like an excuse to have us interact with him. However some of the scenes between them do make some sense. For example, the scene in the throne room, the scene with Mira, Tyrion and the merchants. These scenes at least had a good reason to exist. The idea being that we are Mira were trying to negotiate an Iron wood deal.

    Another thing that has bothered me a bit is this. House Redwyn owes their allegiance to the Tyrells, house Redwyn are famed for their fleet of ships. So to me it would've make sense that we could've offered to sell Iron wood to the Tyrells, who would then be able to help bolster the Redwyn's fleet of ships, with more ships make from Iron wood. Now you might wonder why they would want to do this. One of the reason this might appeal to them is because they are still in somewhat of a power struggle with the Lannisters. If they had an even more powerful fleet of ships, or even be able to demonstrate that they have the ability to provide more ships, this would give them an advantage over the Lannisters. It would also be good to have some ships in reserve should the Redwyn fleet numbers be depleted.

    This way Mira could've stayed in Margeary's good books while also proving a valuable ally, this would give the Tyrell's more incentive to help protect the Foresters. Especially if Mira suggested that her family would destroy all the Iron wood trees before letting the Whitehills claim the whole grove.

    Kireilt posted: »

    That's a good way of handling the scene, but I would cut this witness thing out entirely. To be honest everything involving Tyrion (includin

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