Episode Six - Predictions & Theories

What to expect from E6? Post yours now!

  • Ludd Whithill killed.

  • Gryff Killed.

  • Ryon not coming back.

  • Mira finally helps her family by some soldiers from King's Landing.

Those are my predictions. Post yours now!


  • Yeah, lol. I don't know. Nice prediction though.

    (DISCLAIMER: Finally brought myself to day lol).

  • Well, we should at least find out what in the seven hells is the North Grove and why it is so important. Also, Finn will be back as a wight too because we didn't get the obvious choice of burning his body (and, come on, it wouldn't take long. Look how quickly we burned those wights that were attacking us!).

    On my favourite POV and the one I care and speculate about the most, Mira is either getting killed or running away from King's Landing. I can't see how she can possibly survive there any longer on her situation, especially once Tyrion escapes. Also Morgryn is going to do something really bad for Mira, but on a really charming and cunning way, and I will find it amusing instead of revolting because I like this kind of character. We will learn who Tom's boss is and what they actually want with Mira. Cersei will get crazier.

    I think Ryon is coming back, and I don't think both Ludd and Gryff will die. I think we will get to pick the one that dies, out of the two of them. Also, I don't think the surviving brother will die on this season. Elissa will get crazier.

  • It is really hard to imagine how they are going to wrap things up, but I have faith that telltale won't disappoint.

  • edited August 2015

    Rodrik/Asher dies

    Ryon lives and become a protagonist in season 2 probably (Hope not)

    Lady Forrester dies

    Mira leaves on the boat with Tyrion or Morgyn saves her

    Gared finds the North Grove, but dies immediately.

    Gryff and Ludd die.

    Gwyn or Elissa die depending on episode 5's Rodrik/Asher choice

  • Everybody lives!

    Everybody dies!

  • North grove has the ice dragon that will kill all white hills ..Elissa dies .... Beshka kills harrys if Asher is left behind, Asher If Rodrik is left behind! Hmm what else ......

  • Madness and stupitidy

  • My predictions:

    Either Gryff or Ludd is going to die. Not sure if we'll have a chance to choose between one of them though.

    Mira is not going to die. But of course she can no longer stay in King's Landing, she will have to get the fuck out of there somehow.

    Asher/Rodrik is not going to die. Stop killing Forresters telltale!

    I have no idea what's gonna happen to Gared. Since he's a deserter, the most logical fate would be death. But... I'm not sure, we don't know what the North Grove is and how he can arrive at Ironrath before the Whitehills kill every Forrester left.

    And of course, lots of people are going to die!

  • It is pretty obvious what will happen. Mira has to flee King's Landing or gets killed, Asher/Rodrik will die from another obvious ambush discovered, ryon will get killed for the lolz, Gared will find what the North Grove really is then get caught by the Night Watch and die decapitated while Ludd and Gryff are left alive because Telltale likes to mess with us. The ending screen will have a huge message saying '' Forrester house lost'' then credits roll over

  • I'm with theCatWolf... stop killing the Forresters Telltale!

    KronusX posted: »

    It is pretty obvious what will happen. Mira has to flee King's Landing or gets killed, Asher/Rodrik will die from another obvious ambush dis

  • so am I, but seeing how telltale somehow do not like house Forrester, it will happen

    ShampaFK posted: »

    I'm with theCatWolf... stop killing the Forresters Telltale!

  • I'm completely expecting for us to get the option to kill either Ludd or Gryff but not both. And in the ensuing chaos, either the remaining Forresters will flee or fight to the death.

    Mira will die.

    And I bet this episode is going to end just as Gared finds the damned North Grove and we won't be able to see it.

  • Why do you think Mira will die?

    I'm completely expecting for us to get the option to kill either Ludd or Gryff but not both. And in the ensuing chaos, either the remaining

  • Cotter will, at some point, fuck a potato.

  • That will have to be a very large potato.. or he has a tiny member...

    Cotter will, at some point, fuck a potato.

  • She's just in too bad of a spot in my eyes. Now that Cersei has her in her clutches I'm sure w/e Mira tries to do or say will be countered by everything else; the murder, the bloody knife, the agreement she got from Tyrion's room. I do think she'll escape momentarily but ultimately she'll get caught and be killed. I do like her a lot, but that's the only route I foresee, I would like her to escape safely but realistically I see it ending in her death.

    ShampaFK posted: »

    Why do you think Mira will die?

  • The North Grove storyline comes to it's conclusion. Might be real, might not be-- who knows? Also, Gared survives because I say he will.

  • The murder was self-defense. She'll need to figure out who ordered the kill, and that may take some time but it should be doable. She already did, or still could destroy the decree. She has the option of appeasing Cersei, and I now kind of expect another scene with her. So actually, I have a little bit more optimism about Mira's chances than before.

    She's just in too bad of a spot in my eyes. Now that Cersei has her in her clutches I'm sure w/e Mira tries to do or say will be countered b

  • Gared's murder was self defense too, see where that got him

    ShampaFK posted: »

    The murder was self-defense. She'll need to figure out who ordered the kill, and that may take some time but it should be doable. She alrea

  • edited August 2015

    Asher/Rodrik (depending on who manages to get away) falls off his horse and breaks his neck, killing himself.

    Beskha, Sentinel and other sellswords are ambushed and slaughtered by Ludd and his army.

    Gared dies of frostbite.

    Mira is beheaded for treason by Cersei.

    All the Forresters are dead, missing or imprisoned.

    Ironrath is burned to the ground.

    THE END.

  • George r.r. Martin's version ;_;

  • Exactly what KronusX said in regards to self-defense. Even in the best scenario with anyone, Gared still gets the execution sentence so I expect Mira will go down the same route too. True, while you could have destroyed it, most people did keep it intact since, why would you destroy it at that point? And I just can't expect her to worm her way into Cersei's favor, trying to get the info from Tyrion was her one chance, at least how I saw it.

    I wouldn't be miffed in the slightest if she did get out alive but I'm seeing this just like the Forrester's where the odds are stacked insanely out of everyone's favor that I can only see this one way. But here's hoping!

    ShampaFK posted: »

    The murder was self-defense. She'll need to figure out who ordered the kill, and that may take some time but it should be doable. She alrea

  • Couldn't Gared just become a Wildling? I mean, is that outside the realm of possibilities?

    Re Mira killing Damian. The only person who knows for sure is Tom, and she did it to save his life. So far, though the Lannisters (or Damian's family?) spent money trying to figure out who killed him, there isn't that much to link her to his death. Lucan knows that she was in the courtyard and that Damian spoke to her. Beyond that, it doesn't seem as if Lucan prove Mira did it.

    Just because Mira kept the decree before doesn't mean that she can't destroy it later, does it? I don't get why keeping the decree necessarily has to be damning.

    The odds do seem to be stacked against Mira, but she has a friend. I hope we get to find out who that friend is.

    Exactly what KronusX said in regards to self-defense. Even in the best scenario with anyone, Gared still gets the execution sentence so I ex

  • Maybe but I'd bank that as a really thin possibility. Jon Snow had a hell of a time convincing them so Gared would have his work cut out for him just the same. Plus, Gared doesn't have the same advantages as Jon did, it was only after Jon killed the older Crow that the Wildlings started to trust him, Gared may have Sylvi's help but we don't know if she or Cotter will survive, and Sylvi is already ostracized already so that's another disadvantage.

    Tom is the only other one that knows but that's what also turns him into the biggest liability, Cersei could easily gather him up and have him tortured to tell everything he knows. That's certainly not out of the realm of possibilities.

    And with the decree idk, really that's up to TellTale if you can get rid of it again but I'd wager that if you didn't burn it then that it'll be a permanent item. The reason it can be damning is because Cersei could easily use that as leverage/evidence against Mira for anything, since the decree was signed and such by Tyrion, it could easily be assumed Mira and Tyrion are plotting something in Cersei's eyes since you have this trade agreement.

    ShampaFK posted: »

    Couldn't Gared just become a Wildling? I mean, is that outside the realm of possibilities? Re Mira killing Damian. The only person who kn

  • They're going to give him the snow treatment.

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    My predictions: Either Gryff or Ludd is going to die. Not sure if we'll have a chance to choose between one of them though. Mira is no

  • Can women declare the Black(night's watch)?

    Exactly what KronusX said in regards to self-defense. Even in the best scenario with anyone, Gared still gets the execution sentence so I ex

  • Don't hold this to me since I haven't read the books, but I don't think so, could be dead wrong though.

    Can women declare the Black(night's watch)?

  • Women can't join the Night's Watch, no. The only exception was Gilly but that was only because Sam appealed to Maester Aemon.

    Can women declare the Black(night's watch)?

  • By him you mean Gared? Snow treatment? I hope not :(

    They're going to give him the snow treatment.

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