Forced Story Lines?

Can we maybe get someone to look more into the storylines when your going against the story? It makes the choices redundant otherwise. Look at Mira story, if you go against Margery's favour you end up in line with lord Tyrion trying to save the family and have an attempted murder on your life. If you stick with lady margery, for some reason you get dragged with Tyrion to the meeting with the whitehalls and him saying well you asked to be here.......which again leads to an attempted on your life, even when you say to Tyrion at the start your not risking any alliance. So what was the point in my choices in that storyline, it just feels really forced and confusing when its putting you into situations you didnt put yourself into. Same with Ethan, you be aggresive towards whitehall and the boltons, they kill you naturally. You stay quiet and be respectful......They kill you.....let alone it forces you at times to have a choice of 3 options, all of which are the same just worded differently, or stay quiet which just forces it along the story anyway. I just feel like theres no point in this Telltale because the story forces itself anyway regardless of choice even if its not a natural progression it still just dumps you into it as if you chose the opposite to your actual choice. Does anyone else feel like this and cant you look into making it more diverse depending on what you actually pick and not have 3 options that can only lead 1 direction?


  • Choice never matters in any of the games, you just kind of have to accept that

  • Look at TFtB and LiS and tell me that choices never matter in games. Choices can matter, it's just up to Telltale to make them matter. Although, with GoT, I'm guessing that HBO is probably pushing them along a timeframe, which doesn't give them time to put in choice impact. At least, I hope that's why.

    Choice never matters in any of the games, you just kind of have to accept that

  • Never played borderlands but how has choice mattered more in life is strange? Are you at a different point at the end of episode 4 to anyone else? I dont doubt life is strange will have alternate endings as the story is going to end there permanently.

    On that note when did I say it wasnt a major weakness and flaw in any game based around choice, i'm hopeful future developers really start to work on it.

    derrickd95 posted: »

    Look at TFtB and LiS and tell me that choices never matter in games. Choices can matter, it's just up to Telltale to make them matter. Altho

  • Kate can either commit suicide or be saved. Frank can die, get injured, or be talked to. Victoria can believe your warning or not depending on your previous choices. Frank or Chloe can have David's gun, and if Frank has it, Chloe can take Nathan's gun. Max, Nathan, and David can be suspended from the school.

    The list of consequences goes on and on and on. The overall story doesn't change, but most everything else in LiS can.

    Never played borderlands but how has choice mattered more in life is strange? Are you at a different point at the end of episode 4 to anyone

  • The overall story doesn't change

    There you just said it. Choices dont result in a change.

  • Just because they don't change the overarching story doesn't mean they don't result in changes. You can't seriously deny the fact that all those things I listed are changes caused by choices.

    The overall story doesn't change There you just said it. Choices dont result in a change.

  • edited August 2015

    I never denied that there are alterations, just like in all the telltale games, Life is strange does a much better job referring to these changes but nothing you do in the game alters the outcome of the story. Aside from as i predict the ultimate ending of episode 5 which likely will differ quite a lot due to it being the final episode.

    All current choice games offer illusion of choice with offscreen implications and more often than not a varied finale

    derrickd95 posted: »

    Just because they don't change the overarching story doesn't mean they don't result in changes. You can't seriously deny the fact that all those things I listed are changes caused by choices.

  • True I wish our choices had a major impact on the story line and not just the dialogues.... Hopefully episode 6 should fulfill any unsatisfaction from players...that is to say our choice will actually matter and there will be two endings

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