It's not like they both are traitors.

I saw a lot of posts saying: they both, Duncan and Royland, are traitors and you just picked which one. I think... It's hard to explain, but they probably are saying this just beacuse they rewinded game or watched other gameplays on youtube and then started to yell "what a bullshit".

How to explain this... In real life you can't rewind game, you can't face again with the same situation and the same choice. You choose ONE patch and then the story goes on. You don't look back. And i think this is how you should treat this game and this case with traitor. You chose one guy as a Sentinel and he's loyal to the end; and the second one is discovered as traitor. And that's it. It happened. The thing is that you shouldn't focus on "what if?", It's like... new, alternative story.

Someone just had to betray. I know the way that telltale did it wasn't perfect (well, it was ok for me...), but don't look on "what if". You have your Sentinel, your traitor, stick with it, stick with your story.

It's hard to explain in detail, but i hope that you know what i mean.


  • No I agree that the one thats your sentinal is loyal I think its more that people think its a betrayal of both characters making them turncloak in the non sentinal scenario based on their actions throughout the game.

    For me the reason I hate the traitor scene so much is that both of the characters were so well designed and developed which is why the scene is just so bad with them acting so out of character. And a furthur problem is it causes me some concern that other characters might just suddenly do something random also with no warning etc.

  • I believe that only one of them had to be unstable and the other one... well, truthful with us and himself. I think that was the point and now we can count on our Sentinel no matter what.

    No I agree that the one thats your sentinal is loyal I think its more that people think its a betrayal of both characters making them turncl

  • I actually would have liked it better if the decision hadn't been determinant. So, regardless of who you chose for sentinel, just one of them is the traitor. If you happened to pick him as your sentinel, then you have to figure out how to deal with the consequences of having made a bad decision. As it stands, there's no reward for which way you choose.
    Also, if you picked the wrong man to be sentinel, then ,maybe you go back and think things through. What clues or hints might you have missed that would have warned you not to trust the person who ultimately betrayed you. Rather than, well I wasn't chosen sentinel so now I am going to betray all these people that I've known for so long and cared about. And if you made the right choice... well, that's great.

  • I get what you're saying, but I believe most people hated the traitor scene not because he was determinant, but the way TT handled that. As far as I know, even if you pick Duncan as sentinel but side with Royland all the time, Royland's still going to be the traitor. If they had handled it better, I guess most people would've liked it.

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