The Ice Dragon

Do u guys think there will be an ice dragon in the North Grove? Do u guys think the Ice Dragon is a puzzle? Do u guys think this Dragon can save House Forrester?


  • Na, won't be a dragon. It's most liikely a reference to that star thing.

  • A literal ice dragon? Definitely, definitely not. Not only are they not confirmed to even have ever existed, the only three known dragons are with Dany in Essos. If there was an ice dragon flying around Westeros in the middle of the War of the Five Kings it would probably have been noticed. So yeah, that's a definite nope on it being literal as it would badly break the lore.

    It's much more likely to be referring to the stellar constellation of the same name, "Beneath the eye of the ice dragon" likely being a clue to navigation when it comes to the North Grove's location.

  • Why am I the only one that actually thinks they will play it literally? I know about the constellation, but would you really name an episode after just a way to guide someone? And they are a legendary creature mentioned in the books and the World of Westeros book. So it's not just made up for the game. Now what role one would play is something I can't answer, but I just have a feeling, it won't just be a constellation. I mean hell, they said White Walkers, Giants, and Children of the Forest were legends, look how that turned out.

  • Ice Dragons aren't mentioned in the books. A third-tier house with something like that would completely rek the lore and HBO would never allow it.

    I would not be surprised if an Ice Dragon existed in the ASOIAF/GoT universe, but it'll be found by Bran, Jon, or some other Stark (Benjen?) rather than some tiny house with no bearing on anything.

    Why am I the only one that actually thinks they will play it literally? I know about the constellation, but would you really name an episod

  • George RR Martin did write a children's book called 'The Ice Dragon' which featured a literal ice dragon, although while press releases implied the book was set in the ASOIAF universe apparently George refuted this at some point. Either way, I very much doubt the game will feature one. That's a bit too much of a revelation for them to allow Telltale to do.

  • The last episode was named 'A Nest of Vipers' as a reference something Tyrion said earlier and that barely had anything to do with what happened in the episode. The episode title could easily be something as trivial as a passing reference or a constellation, and revealing the existence of an actual ice dragon in Game of Thrones canon is just not something they would let Telltale do.

    Why am I the only one that actually thinks they will play it literally? I know about the constellation, but would you really name an episod

  • edited August 2015

    White Walkers, Giants and Children of the Forest have all appeared in the books/show. They are rumoured as legends among the people in the books/show, but they all actually appear, and we know they exist as readers/viewers because of that. The same cannot be said for Ice Dragons, so far in the books/show they are only legend.

    Actually showing an Ice Dragon would mean one really exists, and at the same time of the main storyline. No way GRRM and HBO allows the first Ice Dragon to be introduced in a game. It would affect the books/show WAY too heavily. There is no way Telltale would be allowed to dictate events in the books/show by introducing new creatures. it would be like them introducing a new country, it's just way too world shaking.

    Why am I the only one that actually thinks they will play it literally? I know about the constellation, but would you really name an episod

  • ^This

    Showing an Ice Dragon would do more damage to the lore than if Rodrik had killed Ramsay in the grove.

    White Walkers, Giants and Children of the Forest have all appeared in the books/show. They are rumoured as legends among the people in the b

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