Episode 6: The Ice Dragon- My Storyline

edited October 2015 in Game Of Thrones

This is a fanmade storyline, I hope you guys like it. I also wrote one for TFTBL, so please check that one out as well

The episode starts with Asher/Rodrik, along with the remaining sellsword army trudges back into Ironrath after the ambush that led to his brother's death. Asher/Rodrik, the Sentinel and Beshka walk into the great hall where Talia and Lady Forrester await eagerly. If Asher was saved in the previous episode, Duncan/Royland calls the maester over to help Asher with his crossbow wound. "Where's Asher/Where's Rodrik?” asks Talia, and the brother who was saved replies with "I'm afraid I have some terrible news..."

The Point-of-View switches over to Gared who is running with Cotter and Sylvi away from the wights. Cotter is falling behind due to his spear injury and the wights are starting to catch up. Sylvi whips out her spear and saves Cotter from an oncoming wight. They realize that the wights will eventually catch up. Gared and Cotter pull out their swords to fight while Sylvi starts to light a fire. Cotter starts to get cornered by wights and Gared runs to help him, but out of the corner of his eye he sees a wight about to stab Sylvi. Time slows down and Gared's eyes widen in realization: he can only save one of them…

Save Cotter

Gared will run over to Cotter and stab the wights (saving him). Sylvi will get run through by the wight's sword and will fall into the fire before being swarmed by all the wights and constantly stabbed. Cotter screams and has to be dragged away by Gared when he tries to run to Sylvi. Gared drags Cotter away from the wights and they continue to the North Grove.

Save Sylvi

Gared will turn and push Sylvi out of the way, while tripping the wight into the fire. Cotter gets killed by the wights and they all swarm Cotter. Gared tells Sylvi that they have to leave and she hits him with the end of her spear. Gared grabs Sylvi's arm and pulls her away from Cotter and the wights.

The following is non-determinant and does not change, regardless of who you saved from the wights.

Gared and the survivor will keep running and the survivor will blame Gared for their brother's/sister's death. Gared will remain silent and they will continue to the North Grove. The screen will fade to black and the intro will play.

The POV switches to Mira.

Mira is brought before Cersei to explain her encounter with Tyrion. Cersei asks how it went. Mira can: a) Lie and say Tyrion was fooled or b) Tell the truth. If Mira lies: Lucan will smack Mira and tell Cersei the truth. If Mira tells the truth: Cersei will be disappointed in Mira.

Regardless of her choice, Cersei will say she has no more use for Mira and leave the room, ushering Lucan to finish off Mira. He draws his sword and advances towards Mira. She slowly backs up into a wall before Lucan suddenly falls to the ground with a poisoned dart sticking out of his neck. Morgryn stands at the door, with a grin on his face.

Morgryn says they have to leave quickly or they will be caught. Lucan starts to wake and Mira must make a QuickTime decision. Kill Lucan or quickly escape. If you choose to kill Lucan: Mira will grab Lucan's dagger and quickly finish him off. If Lucan is spared: He will wake up and see Mira escape and quickly run to warn the guards.

The following is non-determinant and does not change, regardless whether you killed Lucan or not.

Morgryn and Mira will climb down a window and run down the streets of King's Landing, fearing for their lives.

The PoV switches back to Ironrath

Asher/Rodrik will be in the council room with the remainder Small Council (as well as Talia and Beskha) discussing their plan for war against the Whitehills. Talia will immediately want revenge, particularly if Rodrik died in the ambush. If Royland is sentinel, he will agree with Talia. If Duncan is Sentinel, he will remain silent. The Maester will point out that if a Whitehill in command is killed, then the soldiers will most likely be put in disarray. The council agrees and start to debate who to go for. Beskha, Talia and the Maester wants to go for Gryff, and Elissa and the Sentinel wants to attack Ludd. But ultimately the decision falls to the lord.

Go for Ludd:
Rodrik/Asher will agree to attack Lord Whitehill and tells the sentinel to prepare the horses as they are going to attack Highpoint first thing in the morning.

Go for Gryff:
Rodrik/Asher will agree to attack Gryff and his soldiers and tells the sentinel to prepare the horses as they are going to attack Highpoint first thing in the morning.

Suddenly Elaena will burst into the the room, running to the small council table. If Rodrik died she will be in tears and if Asher died she will be sad. She will immediately give Asher/Rodrik a hug and offer condolences to everyone. The sentinel will leave and Elissa takes Talia back to her room to leave Elaena and the lord to talk. If Asher died in the ambush, Beskha will suddenly break down about her best friend's death and tell Rodrik and Eleana about how Asher's death left her broken. If Rodrik died, Beskha will leave to help the Sentinel with the war preparation. "There's one more thing you have to do" says Elaena.

Flash-Foward to Asher/Rodrik either at the traitor's grave or at the traitor's cell depending on whether Rodrik killed the traitor in the last episode. If Rodrik executed the traitor: Asher/Rodrik will be at Duncan/Royland's grave and will comment on regardless of what he did, he was still a man who his father respected and a man who served House Forrester for a long time and offers a drink to Beskha while they talk about how Duncan/Royland helped the surviving brother out as a kid. If Rodrik spared the traitor: Asher/Rodrik will be at the Traitor's cell and Duncan/Royland will be happy to see Asher returned (if Asher was saved) or surprised to see Rodrik visit among all the chaos (if Rodrik was saved). The Traitor will ask the brother how Asher/Rodrik is doing. The brother will remain silent. Duncan/Royland will express sorrow, but will tell Rodrik that he can't say he couldn't see it coming.
The camera will eventually pan out and fades to black as Rodrik or Asher leave the cell/the grave.

The PoV switches to Gared

Gared and Cotter/Sylvi sit on some rocks. Gared tries to comfort him/her, but they shy away and remain cold to Gared. "Let's just get to this North Grove already" mumbles Cotter/Sylvi. They start walking and start to feel a especially frosty chill. Sylvi/Cotter let out a small gasp as they see a white walker trudging on a horse. They immediately hide behind a large rock. The White Walker commands a wight to walk behind him; it's Finn (If Finn deserted the Night's Watch). If Finn did not come along then it is just an unnamed wight. The White Walker and the Wight will slowly walk away, leaving Gared shocked.

The Point-Of-View goes back to Rodrik/Asher

The Lord of Ironrath rides a horse with the pit fighters on his side, as well as the Sentinel and the Ironrath troops. They arrive at Highpoint, but through a back gate. Beskha spots troops preparing, but not ready in any way for battle. Asher/Rodrik realize that if they sneak in and just kill Ludd or Gryff (whoever you planned to attack at the Small Council meeting) then they could prevent bloodshed or even negotiate a surrender.

So they sneak into Highpoint in 5 different groups; each led by a different commander. Amaya leading one, The Sentinel leading another, Rickard (the commander of the Ironrath troops) leading the third, Beshka leading the fourth and finally Asher/Rodrik leading the final group. The plan is to tie up or kill any Whitehills they find, but if Ludd or Gryff are found… “Leave them to me, he’s mine”

The groups go in separately and Asher/Rodrik’s group goes in third, they immediately encounter Whitehall soldiers. They are quickly dealt with and they proceed up to the meeting room where the Highpoint meeting took place back in “Sons of Winter”. They go to leave, except they realize that they are locked in. The Sentinel’s group reveals they are also locked in and they merge groups. “HELP!” they hear and they all turn to the door concerned. Suddenly the sound of an arrow firing is heard and the Sentinel falls to the ground, an arrow sticking from his shoulder. Whitehill soldiers emerge all-around the group and prepare for attack. But Duncan/Royland gets up and starts full-on attacking, taking out soldiers with each and every strike. He took out over 15 soldiers before finally getting cut down by a Whitehill. The army takes out the final soldiers and Asher/Rodrik runs to help the Sentinel. He utters his last words “Iron from Ice, m’lord” before closing his eyes.

PoV switches to Mira

Mira and Morgryn are almost at the gates of King’s Landing, Tom comes out and offers to take Mira from there back to Ironrath as Morgryn cannot leave otherwise he will lose all his family riches and inheritance. But then Morgryn offers Mira something. Something huge; marriage. Then they could stay and Mira would inherit riches of the Morgryn name. Mira must decide whether she comes back to her family or stays in King’s Landing...

Accept Morgryn’s proposal and stay

Mira will say yes and Morgryn will hug her. Mira will thank Tom for all his help and Tom will bow, leaving Mira to report back to his master (who he reveals to be Varys). Morgryn leads Mira back into the city to his quarters as Tom smirks. Tom picks up a bucket of coal and walks away.

Leave with Tom

Mira will say sorry and walk out of the gates with Tom. Morgryn will not be mad and will wish Mira well, and walk back into the city. Tom will leave Mira to take one last look at the city that she loved so much. Then Mira turns around and walks with Tom, starting the quest back home.

*PoV switches to Rodrik/Asher at Highpoint *

The door of the meeting room gets broken down and the group runs to the sound to fighting in the Tower of the Hand. Asher/Rodrik burst in and sees Ludd in a room with a bunch of dead Forrester soldiers on the group. Lord Whitehill turns around and Beskha runs in and immediately drop-kicks Ludd in the face. “What the!..” exclaims Lord Whitehill. Asher/Rodrik pulls out the sword and advances towards Ludd. “STOP!” They turn around to see Gwyn at the door holding Ryon roughly. If Asher is alive, Gwyn will soften and mumble his name, but will still hold her gaze. If Rodrik is alive, Gwyn will plead and tell Rodrik that this isn’t lordly and Gregor would never do such a thing. Gwen pulls out a knife and puts it to Ryon’s neck.

“Let my father go! and I will give Ryon back. Kill him, and I will do the same” Ryon isn’t scared as Gwyn is sweating and doesn’t seem ready to kill a child. Rodrik/Asher faces Ludd, who has a smug look on his face. The guards go to stop Gwyn, but Gwyn presses the knife even harder onto Ryon, until the soldiers back off. Gwyn is trembling and she doesn’t seem to be serious. The choice comes up; whether he prioritizes revenge over family. Whether he’s willing to sacrifice Ryon to dispose of his enemy.

Spare Ludd

Asher/Rodrik will drop the sword, and Ludd will laugh and mock Asher/Rodrik by saying that the Whitehills always win and that he will have the last laugh. Commander Rickard will then punch Ludd in face to shut him up. Gwyn thanks Asher/Rodrik for having sense and she gives Ryon back, before grabbing Ludd and pulling him away from the Tower.

Kill Ludd

Asher/Rodrik will turn to Ludd and stab right through his armour into his stomach. Lord Whitehill will sink to the ground with the sword sticking out of him. Everybody is shocked and looking at Rodrik/Asher, especially Gwyn. Gwen will look at the Lord in a new light before saying (in tears) “I’m sorry…” before raking the knife across Ryon’s neck, opening his throat. Gwyn will drop Ryon’s body to the ground and quickly run away. Asher/Rodrik will hold Ryon in his arms before vowing revenge

The following is non determinant, regardless of whether you killed Ludd in the Tower.

If Ludd was spared, while Gwyn is dragging Ludd out of the tower he will start laughing. Amaya asks what is so funny and Ludd replies “You Forrester scum have been here for so long, while Gryff is on his way to Ironrath right now to burn everything to the ground”. If Ludd was killed, in his dying moments he will laugh before saying the same thing (You Forrester scum have been here for so long, while Gryff is on his way to Ironrath right now to burn everything to the ground”). Rodrik/Asher, Amaya, Beskha and the rest of the soldiers stand shocked.

They quickly leave Highpoint and mount the horses back to Ironrath. If Ryon died at Highpoint, then they will take his body back for a burial. They ride back quickly to see war everywhere in Ironrath. Everyone is in battle, and fires are set to the barnyard. Bloodsong (if spared in “A Nest of Vipers”) is seen killing Whitehill after Whitehill. Harys is seen killing Forrester soldiers and Rodrik/Asher spots Harys across the field and flashes back to the other brother’s death. R/A runs across the field and starts sword-fighting with Harys and they are equally matched. Harys knocks A/R to the ground and prepares to finish off the Lord of Ironrath, but he gets hit in the leg by Bloodsong’s staff (if Bloodsong died then it is Beskha who takes him down). Harris falls and Rodrik/Asher takes the end of his sword and hits Harys in the eye, like he did to the brother who died in the ambush. Beskha will grab the unconscious Harys and use his body to block an arrow shot by a Whitehill, killing Harys. R/A runs to the Great Hall to find Talia and Lady Forrester. He runs in and sees Talia, they have the option to hug. Suddenly Talia points a bow at Rodrik/Asher...

PoV switches to Mira

Mira sits in either her chambers in King’s Landing or out on the road dependant on her choice to stay in King’s Landing. it’s been 3 weeks since she made her choice. She had been following Tyrion’s trial closely, though it was obvious that it was a farce and it appears she is out of danger. For the time being. So when she found out Tyrion had escaped and fled to Pentos she was relieved to put it all behind her. A raven drops a letter into Mira’s lap as she takes a moment to sit down after all that has happened. She opens up the letter and it reads:

Dear Lady Mira

After all that’s happened

I would like you to remember

You’re still in my debts.

Don’t get that coal dust in your eyes

-Sincerely, T


Dear Lady Mira

After all that’s happened

I would like you to remember

You’re still in my debts.

And I know where you are,* Lady Morgryn*

-Sincerely, T

Mira has a shocked look on her face as she realizes that she’s not completely out of the blue just yet. The eery tune starts back up and transforms into a more encouraging song (similar to Talia’s song from Episode 2).

PoV switches back to Ironrath

“What are you doing, Talia?!” exclaims Rodrik/Asher. She fires and behind Asher/Rodrik, a male screams. Rodrik/Asher turn around and see Gryff with an arrow sticking out of his shoulder. Asher/Rodrik grabs Gryff and throws him into a table. The table breaks open and Gryff gets up, reeling from the pain. Asher/Rodrik pulls out a sword, but Gryff slaps it away. Asher/Rodrik kicks Gryff into a wall and the splintered wood breaks open. R/A dives for his sword and slashes at Gryff’s ankle, but Gryff jumps over the sword and grabs the handle. Talia aims her bow at Gryff, but she can’t let off a shot without risking hitting Rodrik/Asher. The Lord grabs Gryff and gets him in a headlock. “Shoot him, Talia!” yells Lady Forrester. But Gryff takes out a small knife and stabs Rodrik/Asher in the stomach and gets free. Rodrik/Asher falls to the ground. “What should I do?” asks Talia as Gryff starts to run out of the Great Hall...

Tell Talia to get help

Asher/Rodrik yells for help and Talia gets the maester. Asher/Rodrik is given milk of the poppy and the operation is successful, but Gryff gets away. After he wakes up, he sees his family crowded around him (Talia, Lady Forrester, Ryon[determinant]) and his friends (Beshka, Bloodsong [determinant], Commander Rickard etc.). If Ludd was killed at Highpoint, Rodrik/Asher informs her of Ryon’s death and she goes into a state of depression. If Ludd was spared, no such sequence happens. R/A is informed that the Forresters have lost the fight and that they are on the run. “Where are we going?” asks Asher/Rodrik. Beshka looks at him and replies “Essos."

Tell Talia to kill Gryff

Asher/Rodrik yells at Talia to kill Gryff. She runs down the hall and lets an arrow loose into Gryff’s neck. She calls for help, but it’s too late. As Asher/Rodrik slowly bleeds out, his family and friends inform him that they have won the fight and Gryff’s death put the Whitehills into a tailspin. Asher/Rodrik smiles when he realizes that his family is safe and the conflict with the Whitehills is over, before closing his eyes.

PoV switches to Gared for the final scene

The dramatic music continues as Gared and Cotter/Sylvi walk into a cave-like entrance. Gared takes out the map and Cotter/Sylvi says "This is it. The North Grove." They walk in and stare into the centre of the cave. Their eyes widen and Sylvi/Cotter looks worried.

"Aye, this will help my family" utters Gared.

The End

Main Choices
Who did you save from the wights?

Did you accept Morgryn’s proposal or go home?

Did you spare Ludd to save Ryon?

What did you tell Talia to do?

Minor Choices
Did you lie to Cersei?

Did you kill Lucan?

Who did you plan on attacking?

What did you say to Talia in the Great Hall?


  • Really good plot. I enjoyed reading it a lot.

  • I can't believe you left the North Grove on a cliffhanger...

  • Strong choices and if this happens, i will not be disappointed,

  • "Don’t get that coal dust in your eyes"

    enter image description here

  • Better than my plot. :)

  • And the North Grove is left on a cliffhanger. That's a great plot and the choices are interesting! Nice job! :D

  • Thanks bud. I appreciate it.

    Merdonis posted: »

    Really good plot. I enjoyed reading it a lot.

  • That was really great, you should write a Season 2 continuation for this

  • edited August 2015

    I really like it, although I have a certain image of Morgryn that keeps me from imagine him like that.

    For example, I can see him casually stabbing Lucan like it was nothing and then saying "Seven hells, the imbecile bled on my boots. I hate when they do this". I can see him kidnapping Mira and keeping her with him until one house is destroyed, so that he can get the favor of any of them (Whitehills by handing Mira over to them, or the Forrester by taking care and keeping Mira alive). It is the Littlefinger vibe I get out of him, I just can't see him hugging Mira or being fine with being rejected.

    Of course this is not criticism in any way, there is not much that supports my vision of him at all and I most likely am just paranoid. I would prefer if your vision of him was the canon one and I really hope my gut feeling is wrong. He is an interesting character and I want him to stick around for season 2.

  • I also thought about that style, but I preferred this version of Morgryn. He honestly is very interesting, and I think if TT can make players debate about a character's personality, then they did a good job.

    Abeille posted: »

    I really like it, although I have a certain image of Morgryn that keeps me from imagine him like that. For example, I can see him casuall

  • They sure did!

    I am really hoping that TellTale won't kill him. I think that if he and Mira could menage to stay in King's Landing, they could make for a very interesting story in the second season. I would love if we could play them both on the same place like we play Rhys and Fiona sometimes (at the same time, with two different "styles" for the time bar), scheming and plotting while Cersei gets crazier.

    nsarma103 posted: »

    I also thought about that style, but I preferred this version of Morgryn. He honestly is very interesting, and I think if TT can make players debate about a character's personality, then they did a good job.

  • Thanks man.

    Strong choices and if this happens, i will not be disappointed,

  • Your plot was great! The choices you came up with I could definitely see happening.

    IR0NR4TH posted: »

    Better than my plot.

  • I was hoping that in episode 6 we would find out who Tom actually works for. I'm hoping little finger as he's one of my favourite character and is in a way an unpredictable person to be getting involved with ironwood business.

  • After episode 6, we have to re-read this version because you're plot has some great choices

    Maybe they could learn from this

  • My guess would be Varys, but Littlefinger would be great.

    Tulipstue posted: »

    I was hoping that in episode 6 we would find out who Tom actually works for. I'm hoping little finger as he's one of my favourite character and is in a way an unpredictable person to be getting involved with ironwood business.

  • edited September 2015

    i liked it, some of your choises are better then those we actually get in game.
    whats your thoughts about making youtube videos where you read those? not trying to sound like i want to get spoonfed, it might get your stories more popular and get people who dosent read alot to hear them.

  • edited September 2015

    But what happens If Ryon dies and Rodrik\Asher dies, than house Forrester has no lord? Besides that little thing I just mentioned, I thought your storyline was great I hope TT is just as good.

  • My only problem with this version is Gared has barely any role in this, and he doesn't even fight the white walker, pretty much making his story a sort of filler so that we don't forget.

    How does he end up in the north grove? Does he defeat the white walker?

  • I'm in love with your choices, like seriously. You had me tapping my feet on the ground in excitement. Well done!

  • Thanks. I appreciate it

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    And the North Grove is left on a cliffhanger. That's a great plot and the choices are interesting! Nice job!

  • I can somehow guarantee you that the majority of players would choose to save Sylvi over Cotter.

  • This is really cool, but I doubt Telltale could program multiple scenes like that

  • OOOOH I'M SO HYPED Although the on the run ending is not my favourite but at least we killed Hayrs.

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