Hopes and Expectations

I think there are many possibilities for wonderful things to happen in episode six, and definitely things I'm looking forward to. To start
1) I am looking forward to the meeting between Asher and Gynn.
2) I'm looking forward to Asher killing lots of Whitehills, especially Gryff. Don't know how that will affect the reunion between Ash and Gwynn, but should also be fun. If Ash meets Gwynn before he has a confrontation with Gwynn most likely she'll ask him to not kill Gryff. In which case, we can remind her that Rodrick is dead because of her brother, and that he needs to pay.


1) He finds out that Elaena is pregnant
2) He gets to kill Gryff.


1) I ship Mirgryn. He proposes to Mira and she accepts.
2) Morgryn's family lends them some soldiers to take with them to Ironrath.
3) They take Tom with them and Tom becomes Morgryn's squire.


1) finally finds the North Grove
2) has a confrontation with his uncle (depending on who the traitor was)


  • I like it, I just think your prediction for Mira is a little to optimistic. There's no way Mira can kill a guard, steal a decree, and possibly forge a letter without some repercussions. Sera, Margery, Cersei, and Tyrion will probably play a big part of her story as well.

  • I know that my hopes for Mira are too optimistic. My more realistic expectation is that Morgryn causes her downfall in some way. Or we learn that it was him that hired Damian to kill her.

    LoseMyHome posted: »

    I like it, I just think your prediction for Mira is a little to optimistic. There's no way Mira can kill a guard, steal a decree, and possib

  • edited August 2015

    Yeah, I sorta ship Mirgryn too but I would not be surprised if that were the case.

    ShampaFK posted: »

    I know that my hopes for Mira are too optimistic. My more realistic expectation is that Morgryn causes her downfall in some way. Or we learn that it was him that hired Damian to kill her.

  • Isn't Morgryn just a merchant lord? Why would he have soldiers?

    Unless Tyrion was right about him and Andros being upjumped sellswords.

  • I maybe mistakenly thought that he was an actual lord. We don't really know much about them (Andros and Morgryn that is) and their family situation.

    Isn't Morgryn just a merchant lord? Why would he have soldiers? Unless Tyrion was right about him and Andros being upjumped sellswords.

  • We all make mistakes but there is a 50% chance that Morgryn has somewhat of an army at his disposal.

    ShampaFK posted: »

    I maybe mistakenly thought that he was an actual lord. We don't really know much about them (Andros and Morgryn that is) and their family situation.

  • i wanna see dis

    enter image description here

  • I'm guessing that's Gared, I'm just gonna ask why he has 3 legs???

    i wanna see dis

  • it aint a leg ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    I'm guessing that's Gared, I'm just gonna ask why he has 3 legs???

  • oh..

    it aint a leg ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • edited August 2015

    But why is it black...?

    it aint a leg ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • Why wouldn't it be?

    But why is it black...?

  • Fair enough.

    MarteenPyro posted: »

    Why wouldn't it be?

  • Happy ending?? Pssh

  • Is that a Nat Sherman in Ice D's mouth?

    i wanna see dis

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