How it must [probably] End.

CapnJayCapnJay Banned
edited August 2015 in Game Of Thrones

First off lets start with Gared Tuttle. "I'll have a sword like that one day" Yes you will Gared just like over in Dragon Age Origins Oren got to see a sword up close. Because your doomed. Honestly even if you could find the north grove how would you bring it back with you are there Ironwood Ents? No and since your friends sister is like twelve you wont even get to touch a girl before you're run through. So ends Gared Tuttle RIP

Now lets move onto our dearest Mira. Clever Snake or Honest girl it matters little when the crown wants you dead you're dead. Even if you managed to wrap your lips firmly on Margeray's sphyncter expect to be taken out by Sara who i won't even give the courtesy of sharing the same spelling as the awesome inquisition character Sera. Possibly while Cersei gets off watching because she seems the time to do that.

This leaves us with the rest of house forrester. The Boltons are bored with the game and the Whitehills have an army and a good number of your pit dogs were killed along with one of the Forrester Heirs leading us to the foregone conclusion. Everyone in House forrester is getting impaled and if Tallia is extremely lucky it'll be by a blade and not something more fleshy.


  • edited August 2015


    But I got the feeling that Talia is either going to be that really emotional death that hits hard or the sole survivor of the forresters.

  • And whatever spawn is put in her belly probably whitehill spawn but thankfully not ramsay's

    AAA_Jane posted: »

    Probably. But I got the feeling that Talia is either going to be that really emotional death that hits hard or the sole survivor of the forresters.

  • If the bad writing is anything to go by so far then Gared will probably teleport beyond the wall full of "mystical North Grove juice" and bring some sort of "North Grove Army" or whatever with him.

    Mira will be instantly safe and the incident of her failure forgotten but it'll present the illusion of some sort of danger by Cersei minorly threatning you but nothing major

    and the surviving brother will most probably wander aimlessly for the rest of the episode

  • Could you got back to your game of thrones episode 5 go to the cersei mira in tyrion's chambers scene and be silent or ... completely for it. i think you'll get a laugh.

    stevean2 posted: »

    If the bad writing is anything to go by so far then Gared will probably teleport beyond the wall full of "mystical North Grove juice" and br

  • I'll give a go. Thanks for the no spoilers. I was planning on doing a silent playthrough.

    CapnJay posted: »

    Could you got back to your game of thrones episode 5 go to the cersei mira in tyrion's chambers scene and be silent or ... completely for it. i think you'll get a laugh.

  • Tell me what happens i wont spoil it because i only know from a second hand source but if they are right you'll love it.

    stevean2 posted: »

    I'll give a go. Thanks for the no spoilers. I was planning on doing a silent playthrough.

  • just because you don't know what the north grove is, it doesn't mean Gared will die

  • Going on a limb here

    a cardinal point of the compass, lying in the plane of the meridian and to the left of a person facing the rising sun.
    Abbreviation: N.
    the direction in which this point lies.
    (usually initial capital letter) a region or territory situated in this direction.
    the North, the northern area of the United States, especially the states that fought to preserve the Union in the Civil War, lying to the north of the Ohio River, and usually including Missouri and Maryland.
    (initial capital letter) North Country.
    the north wind.
    in, toward, or facing, the north:
    the north gate.
    directed or proceeding toward the north:
    a north course.
    coming from the north:
    a north wind.
    (usually initial capital letter) designating the northern part of a region, nation, country, etc.:
    North Atlantic.
    to, toward, or in the north:
    sailing north.


    a small wood or forested area, usually with no undergrowth:
    a grove of pines.
    a small orchard or stand of fruit-bearing trees, especially citrus trees:
    a grove of lemon trees.

    "i'll have a sword like that some day" if in his gullet

    the use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning:
    the irony of her reply, “How nice!” when I said I had to work all weekend.

    a technique of indicating, as through character or plot development, an intention or attitude opposite to that which is actually or ostensibly stated.
    (especially in contemporary writing) a manner of organizing a work so as to give full expression to contradictory or complementary impulses, attitudes, etc., especially as a means of indicating detachment from a subject, theme, or emotion.

    and lastly and this ones special for gared

    noun, Slang.
    a girl with whom sexual intercourse is punishable as statutory rape because she is under the legal age of consent.

    AstroZombie posted: »

    just because you don't know what the north grove is, it doesn't mean Gared will die

  • Could you speak a bit more plainly? This post makes no sense.

    CapnJay posted: »

    Going on a limb here noun 1. a cardinal point of the compass, lying in the plane of the meridian and to the left of a person facing the

  • in ep 1 gared says he'll have a sword like a lords one day the only sword hes getting is in his gullet because he and his house is fucked. and the last one is jailbait which refers to his crush on tallia according to word of god [tv tropes defines this as the creators] and the girl hes currently with not likely to give him the time of day before he and probably she dies.

    ShampaFK posted: »

    Could you speak a bit more plainly? This post makes no sense.

  • edited August 2015

    I think its Talia who has the crush, not Gared. Gared didnt go see her or ask about her, she did. If anything its more he might see her as a young sister, or simply someone to respect.

    CapnJay posted: »

    in ep 1 gared says he'll have a sword like a lords one day the only sword hes getting is in his gullet because he and his house is fucked. a

  • edited August 2015

    I think this "I will have a sword like this someday" was just a "foreshadowing" of how Lord Gregor gave him the same sword later.

  • Y u do dis 2 me? Now i'm depressed and sad ;_;

  • But.. But... But... Lord Gregor is dead...

    N8eule posted: »

    I think this "I will have a sword like this someday" was just a "foreshadowing" of how Lord Gregor gave him the same sword later.

  • edited August 2015

    I thought Talia might have a crush on Gared, too. Glad to see I wasn't the only one!

    There, that's fixed. And... oops!

    Miny77 posted: »

    I think its Talia who has the crush, not Gared. Gared didnt go see her or ask about her, she did. If anything its more he might see her as a young sister, or simply someone to respect.

  • I thought Talia might have a crush on Talia, too.

    Wait... So, Talia has a crush on herself? XD

    ShampaFK posted: »

    I thought Talia might have a crush on Gared, too. Glad to see I wasn't the only one! There, that's fixed. And... oops!

  • Well, aren't you the optimistic one?

  • ''When the crown wants you dead you're dead'' The crown doesn't want Mira dead,and are you a long lost Clegane? You sound so rough

  • trust me man,it's the same for me :(

    Y u do dis 2 me? Now i'm depressed and sad ;_;

  • Very true about the crown not wanting Mira dead. Also, people say that there must be repercussion because she killed a guard. Well, if one soldier is worth a thousand pig farmers, might it not follow suit that Mira (being of noble birth and all) is worth more than a hired soldier?
    All the scene with Tyrion proved is that she can't hold her own against Tyrion. That is nothing to be ashamed of, and certainly not something to be killed over.
    Please let's not plan her funeral just yet.

    ''When the crown wants you dead you're dead'' The crown doesn't want Mira dead,and are you a long lost Clegane? You sound so rough

  • I agree with everything you said,but

    ''All the scene with Tyrion proved is that she can't hold her own against Tyrion. That is nothing to be ashamed of,and certainly not something to be killed over'' It is something to be killed over,for Cersei,for Tywin,for everyone at court,Jaime Lannister can be an exception. The only way for Mira to die is by Cersei,that's for sure. But @CapnJay said it like she is the most dangerous enemy of the crown,lol :)

    ShampaFK posted: »

    Very true about the crown not wanting Mira dead. Also, people say that there must be repercussion because she killed a guard. Well, if one s

  • I remained silent in my play-through with Tyrion just so Mira could have plausible deniability with Cersei. I didn't like it one bit, trying to lie to Tyrion but I felt it had to be done. We all know Tyrion's fate and that he's in no position to help us. Margaery isn't being of any help? Try getting help from Tyrion. Tyrion's been accused of a crime and brought low? Forge an alliance with Cersei and see if that sticks for a little while. Do what must be done. All this to say, I think there is a way to wriggle out of Cersei's crosshairs. If she can't use us, and we've not done her any harm, then she may forget us because she has other more pressing concerns. And then, eventually, she will lose her power too.

    I agree with everything you said,but ''All the scene with Tyrion proved is that she can't hold her own against Tyrion. That is nothing to

  • There will be King Tommen,maybe Mira's fate will be decided by Margaery,as King Tommen is nothing. Just plain out dust.

    ShampaFK posted: »

    I remained silent in my play-through with Tyrion just so Mira could have plausible deniability with Cersei. I didn't like it one bit, trying

  • According to "word of god" aka the creator. Tallia and Gared have had feelings for each other but nohing ever came of it and that moment in the gae with the necklace was all they could work in. I don't blame em though if Tallia was a legitimate love interest she'd be dead that's how TTG rolls. which is why i have my avatar but little faith anything canon come of it.

    Miny77 posted: »

    I think its Talia who has the crush, not Gared. Gared didnt go see her or ask about her, she did. If anything its more he might see her as a young sister, or simply someone to respect.

  • To me it's more his ambition to rise above his station besides he doesn't "have" one hes just holding onto it.

    N8eule posted: »

    I think this "I will have a sword like this someday" was just a "foreshadowing" of how Lord Gregor gave him the same sword later.

  • And i'm probably wrong in considering Cersei "The Crown" anyway pehaps "When a Lannister wants you dead you're dead" [go do he mira cersei in tyrions chambers scene with a silent mira just for giggles]

    ''When the crown wants you dead you're dead'' The crown doesn't want Mira dead,and are you a long lost Clegane? You sound so rough

  • My first playthrough i was completely honest with tyrion and yeah the guard basicall said i was fucked but tyrion did drop a name mira could use. not of someone testifying on his behalf but his only friend besides mira which cersei might value anyway though i'm still not sure i'd use that option even if it was available though knowing TTG they'd just have the guard use it if i don't..

    ShampaFK posted: »

    I remained silent in my play-through with Tyrion just so Mira could have plausible deniability with Cersei. I didn't like it one bit, trying

  • i knew it was irony, that's not my point. if the north grove was really an unimportant grove with nothing to help the forresters, Lord Gregor wouldn't care about it it's all.

    CapnJay posted: »

    Going on a limb here noun 1. a cardinal point of the compass, lying in the plane of the meridian and to the left of a person facing the

  • Ha! You're so underestimating the power of bad writing.

  • But this is HBO affiliated. They'd never make something of poor quality.

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    Ha! You're so underestimating the power of bad writing.

  • Or wait do you mean the fact the gared is in an icey setting and in the next episode an ice dragon is major plot point?

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    Ha! You're so underestimating the power of bad writing.

  • I think you mistake "have" with "own/possess". "Have" could mean that he temporary uses one and then give it to the maester. But Gared probably meant that he oneday wants to possess his own great sword, like Lord Forrester.

    CapnJay posted: »

    To me it's more his ambition to rise above his station besides he doesn't "have" one hes just holding onto it.

  • All I have to say is that if anyone does anything of the sort to Talia, I'll drown them in a boiling vat of bacon grease.

  • Tallia seems more likely to not let that happen to her if worse comes to worse. I can see her shouting "Iron from Ice" before throwing herself from a window or stabbing herself in the chest with a dagger.

    lilithnight posted: »

    All I have to say is that if anyone does anything of the sort to Talia, I'll drown them in a boiling vat of bacon grease.

  • You Win or You Die.

    Y u do dis 2 me? Now i'm depressed and sad ;_;

  • I'm just the third glass

    Kateis posted: »

    Well, aren't you the optimistic one?

  • I'm 100% sure this won't happen.

  • I was just joking to be honest. :P

    But seriously, I believe they're going to come up with something plausible without getting every Forrester killed.

    CapnJay posted: »

    Or wait do you mean the fact the gared is in an icey setting and in the next episode an ice dragon is major plot point?

  • Yeeeah, at least most (if not all) of House Forrester will be dead by the end of this season, if you ask me. Gared is definitely a goner, as well as whoever you didn't save in Nest of Vipers.

  • edited August 2015

    no, gared alive 5ever (100% not in denial)

    But, yes. Determinant characters = death.

    SerMarve posted: »

    Yeeeah, at least most (if not all) of House Forrester will be dead by the end of this season, if you ask me. Gared is definitely a goner, as well as whoever you didn't save in Nest of Vipers.

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