Mine craft story mode is imaginary

We all know that this game takes place in the mine craft universe and it has original character so. But what if- it was not real. What if the characters are people playing mine craft and ending shows that people turning of their computers. It is possible that the main characters are playing a computer game.
Have a great day and let me know what you think


  • Im confused. Is this another insult to this MC:SM Or isn't this a real question?

  • It's a question. It is the same thing as a dream throry

    Smellmeh posted: »

    Im confused. Is this another insult to this MC:SM Or isn't this a real question?

  • Well im pretty sure this will be a Solo game.

    It's a question. It is the same thing as a dream throry

  • Let's wait for the game to come out before doing this.

  • Telltale said in their Minecon panel that these aren't people playing at their computers, they're not going to cut to Will Ferrell at the end.

  • I see, i really see what you did there.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Telltale said in their Minecon panel that these aren't people playing at their computers, they're not going to cut to Will Ferrell at the end.

  • Let's make theories when it is released.

    I would be a bit mad if it was all somebody playing a game.

  • Yup. To elaborate on what Dojo said, Job has clarified that the game won't really rely on meta-humor - although it will be a blend of comedy and action similar to movies like Ghostbusters, Goonies, or other movies from that era. Lots of people say the trailer tried to look too serious, but I think in part that was Telltale trying to sell the premise to a younger audience by treating it as the equivalent of an adventure cartoon or something. It's been clarified in interviews the game will still be comedic at times.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Telltale said in their Minecon panel that these aren't people playing at their computers, they're not going to cut to Will Ferrell at the end.

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