The Secret Way to Win the War?

Something occured to me just recently. One of the strategic alliances you can form with house forrester is through arranging marriage to Elena Glennmore in order to get her house's army. But it's possible Roderick is dead depending what you chose for the ending of Episode 5. So it leaves me to wonder. Why was Asher banished to Essos in the first place? Oh that's right he fell in love with Gwyn Whitehill. Funny what relationships and potential marriages can do isn't it?


  • It is a common suggestion around here that Asher should marry Gwyn to end the war, but I think the situation between the two families is too far gone now. They could have avoided all of this, and maybe they could have fixed it with the marriage if only Gryff didn't kill Rodrik, but now I can't see this ending on an alliance.

    If the choice is presented to me, I will kill both Gryff and Ludd to get revenge for Rodrik on my Asher playthrough, and then I wouldn't trust Gwyn not to kill Asher in the middle of the night if they got married after Asher killed her family. I would rather marry Asher to Eleana, if I could, especially if she is carrying Rodrik's baby. It would be like Cat and Ned (Cat was going to marry Brendon Stark, but then he died and she married his brother, Ned), and maybe with time they would even learn to love each other. Besides, if Eleana is pregnant, Asher could assume the baby and Eleana wouldn't have to give birth to a bastard.

  • Wow didn't even realize what I did to the glenn mores in killing Rodrik

    Abeille posted: »

    It is a common suggestion around here that Asher should marry Gwyn to end the war, but I think the situation between the two families is too

  • I feel like everyones completely forgotten that Ramsay is forcing the Whitehills and Forresters to go to war until there's one House left standing. We can't have peace whether we like it or not.

  • We'll worry about that in season two.. But 1 episode won't start and end a war. We can try for peace in episode 6, and then when Ramsay denies us this peace, then it's time.

    Side note: I noticed that Jon snow and Ramsay snow both have the same last names and are both bastards. Anyone who watches the show (only on season two), are they long lost brothers?

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I feel like everyones completely forgotten that Ramsay is forcing the Whitehills and Forresters to go to war until there's one House left standing. We can't have peace whether we like it or not.

  • edited August 2015

    They are not related in any way, they are just bastards that were born on the North. "Snow" is the surname given to bastards that are born on the North.

    Each region of Westeros has a different surname for bastards. A bastard that is born on the Reach is called Flowers; if born on the Vale, Stone; if born on the Westerlands, Hill; if born on Dorne, Sand; if born on the Crownlands, Waters; if born on the Stormlands, Storm; if born on the Iron Islands, Pyke; if born on the Riverlands, Rivers.

    That's why Mira knew Sera was a bastard when she said her real name was Sera Flowers. She didn't have to say "I am a bastard", because "Flowers" is a bastard name for the bastards that are born on the Reach. The same happens on the North. If someone's surname is Snow, it is because they are a bastard born on the North.

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    We'll worry about that in season two.. But 1 episode won't start and end a war. We can try for peace in episode 6, and then when Ramsay deni

  • Thanks!

    Abeille posted: »

    They are not related in any way, they are just bastards that were born on the North. "Snow" is the surname given to bastards that are born o

  • That does explain why ramsay is tickled pink when he's finally allowed to be called "Ramsay Bolton"

    Abeille posted: »

    They are not related in any way, they are just bastards that were born on the North. "Snow" is the surname given to bastards that are born o

  • I think the Whitehills will siege Ironrath and threaten to kill Ryon if Asher/Rodrik doesnt yield.
    We will have a choice to fight and let em kill Ryon or yield but it wont matter as Gwyn will release poor Ryon and the battle will
    The Whitehills will attack the walls and Beskha will kill Harris.
    Asher/Rodrik will duel with Gryff for like a final boss battle.The traitor and Bloodsong will come into play if they are spared saving Talia or Elisa or your sentinel from enemies.If not they die.
    The Forresters will prevail and we will have
    a chance to kill or spare Ludd.
    If u spare him he goes for a sneak attack to avenge Gryff and kills Asher/Rodrik.Sentinel/Beskha kills him.
    If not Gwyn kills Asher/Rodrik to avenge her family and becomes the new lady of House Whitehill and Ryon will become the new lord and playable along with Talia in s 2.

  • It's not intesting to play a child in a man war.

    greensenpai posted: »

    I think the Whitehills will siege Ironrath and threaten to kill Ryon if Asher/Rodrik doesnt yield. We will have a choice to fight and let e

  • I actually wasn't bluffing with ryon before. I wanted him to die. not out of any malice toward him but for the same reason you are supped to go limp when you're a human shield. Without Ryon as a hostage there is nothing for ludd to bargain with.

    greensenpai posted: »

    I think the Whitehills will siege Ironrath and threaten to kill Ryon if Asher/Rodrik doesnt yield. We will have a choice to fight and let e

  • edited August 2015

    No. Bastards (highborn anyways) are given a last name that comes from the region they are from. While lowborn bastards wouldn't have a last name at all.

    ie: North is Snow. Dorne is Sand. The Riverlands is Rivers. And so on.

    Jon and Ramsay are not related, they are like 2 sides of the same coin. We are meant to compare them to each other and think about the implications of upbringing and a loving home. Nature vs. Nurture and all that.

    Edit: Ninja'd by Abielle :)

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    We'll worry about that in season two.. But 1 episode won't start and end a war. We can try for peace in episode 6, and then when Ramsay deni

  • Oh yes. Ramsay vehemently Hates being referred to as a bastard.

    CapnJay posted: »

    That does explain why ramsay is tickled pink when he's finally allowed to be called "Ramsay Bolton"

  • Rodrik* i'msorryikeepdoingthati'msorry

    But, hm, I'm worried about how much time they have in one episode for everything that's taking place. I feel like Asher/Rodrik and Gared need the most time, but I don't want Mira's story to be rushed. I also don't want Season 2 to focus on the same issue.

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