Will Daenarys even care? [another discussion starter phrased as hypothetical dialogue]



  • isnt drogo is the dragon that escaped her and attacked us?

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    BOOM! I feel like if Asher said that, she would have released Drogo on us

  • The difference is that Stannis is not selfish , he sacrificed people even if they are close to him , while Dany burns people just to feed her dragons , and she seems very conflicted sometimes

    I don't like both , but if i had choose between them i'd choose Stannis

    Dany is not Stannis, so no.

  • edited September 2015

    She doesn't know how to rule , she has the worst army ever , she doesn't control any piece of land , and then she thinks she will get the iron throne lol

    Is she the worst ruler ever ? No , but there are people who can rule better than her

    Maybe she will succeed if she gets some support from the North and learn how to rule properly

    im not a daenarys fan, but she isnt THAT bad

  • Yeah it was

    isnt drogo is the dragon that escaped her and attacked us?

  • edited September 2015

    he sacrificed people even if they are close to him

    Yes he did, and why did he do that? because he is a religious fanatic and he didn't just sacrificed people close to him in season 3 he was sacrificing NON-BELIEVERS! Imagine what would've happen if he sat in the throne. The whole realm had to be apart of his religion otherwise they would've been burnt alive. What a great leader!

    while Dany burns people just to feed her dragons

    We've seen her doing that one time, and later in the same episode she admits that it was a mistake.

    and she seems very conflicted sometimes

    Yes because Stannis a episode after the burning of Shereen said "I won't burn my daughter (or something like that)".

    I don't like both , but if i had choose between them i'd choose Stannis

    It is your opinion and I have to respect it ;)

    P.S.: When I said:

    Dany is not Stannis, so no. ;)

    It was about:

    She will probably burn Malcom alive after he finishes his mission

    Because Stannis is the one who burns alive his supporters.

    HelloMyLord posted: »

    The difference is that Stannis is not selfish , he sacrificed people even if they are close to him , while Dany burns people just to feed he

  • Is she the worst ruler ever ? Yes

    Fixed that for you.

    HelloMyLord posted: »

    She doesn't know how to rule , she has the worst army ever , she doesn't control any piece of land , and then she thinks she will get the ir

  • dany decisions are childish and stupid, she dosent know how to rule, thats true. but she wouldnt burn someone alive after she dosent need him anymore, thats what i ment by she isnt that bad

    HelloMyLord posted: »

    She doesn't know how to rule , she has the worst army ever , she doesn't control any piece of land , and then she thinks she will get the ir

  • edited September 2015

    Aegon didn't go mad and Aerys" predecessor ruled peacefully enough, nor Aemon

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Tbh, she's not better than Cersei and remember, sooner or later, all Targaryens become mad

  • Dany will feed him to her dragons and they will burn him.

    Dany is not Stannis, so no.

  • Why people like Dany? She is insane.

  • ^ My thoughts exactly.

    jarmoksk posted: »

    Why people like Dany? She is insane.

  • So much Dany hate...

  • So much Dany hate...

    Totally deserved

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    So much Dany hate...

  • Nope Dany isn't like that, she doesn't murder people unnecessarily.

    jarmoksk posted: »

    Dany will feed him to her dragons and they will burn him.

  • Eh, other than some select groups (Jews, gypsies, slavs, "undesirables", etc.) he did give people that choice. It was still a shit choice, but the offer was there. The Vichy French are probably the most prominent example of people taking him up on his offer. Even prominent individuals like Henry Ford were on board.

    like hitler gave people that choise

  • Not all Targs go mad, where did you hear that from? The saying is that when a Targaryen is born the gods flip a coin to determine whether they are or not.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Tbh, she's not better than Cersei and remember, sooner or later, all Targaryens become mad

  • Eh.... do we watch the same show/read the same books? She has only unnecessarily killed people.

    Nope Dany isn't like that, she doesn't murder people unnecessarily.

  • Not enough Dany hate...


    AgentZ46 posted: »

    So much Dany hate...

  • chosing who dies and who lives because of their race/religion is not a choise. he decided who lives and who dies, obviosuly if those he decided that should live (russians and germans) would do something he dosent like he will get them torured for years untill they die eventualy like he did to jews, the only death choise they had would be suicide.

    Eh, other than some select groups (Jews, gypsies, slavs, "undesirables", etc.) he did give people that choice. It was still a shit choice, b

  • edited September 2015

    she has the worst army ever

    lol what? she has the best and most elite army ever, and the way she got them was so badass.

    she doesn't control any piece of land

    she controls Meereen just as much as the Starks controlled Winterfell, Stannis controlled Dragonstone, etc...

    she thinks she will get the iron throne

    she isn't the only one. even as far away as she is from Westeros, she still scares the sh** out of them (:

    Honestly, there are so many reasons as to why Daenerys isn't the best, but all of your arguments, imo, were so illegitimate with the exception of the first one.

    HelloMyLord posted: »

    She doesn't know how to rule , she has the worst army ever , she doesn't control any piece of land , and then she thinks she will get the ir

  • Insane?Shes a teenager who grew up abused by her brother without a home who sold her to a savage who raped her at first.Then she got tricked by a witch and lost her child and the man she loved.She barely survived a harsh desert and a warlock pshicopat who wanted to hold her captive?Yeah im so sure you would be normal after that and dont forget NO ONE taught her how to be a queen.She had no guidance until Barristan and Jorah and shes still learning.Dany has liberated 3 cities of slaves that she now has to rule with no experience in a culture brutal as the ghiscari one.There are many more characters that are more insane then her.(Joffrey,Balon Greyjoy,Aeron Greyjoy,Euron Greyjoy,Stannis,Litlefinger,Boltons,Thenns)

    jarmoksk posted: »

    Why people like Dany? She is insane.

  • edited September 2015

    K, you start the list.

    Oh and I'm talking about show Dany, I haven't read all the books.

    Eh.... do we watch the same show/read the same books? She has only unnecessarily killed people.

  • Will she get the iron throne? No. Even if she wins this is how it ends probably

    "The breath of the greatest dragon forged the Iron Throne and the breath of the greatest dragons destroyed it."

    she has the worst army ever lol what? she has the best and most elite army ever, and the way she got them was so badass. she d

  • how any of what you said disprove that she is insane

    greensenpai posted: »

    Insane?Shes a teenager who grew up abused by her brother without a home who sold her to a savage who raped her at first.Then she got tricke

  • there might be plenty of reasons to love or hate her. But my stance is simply this.

    If I do a job you pay me

    If the job is completed but one minor factor changed that had no effect and im going to be out of your life so it doesnt make you look weak. You pay me just less then you intended. ever heard of "taking it out of my pay"? Because the phrase isn't "Taking my entire paycheck because you are unhappy".

    And then when you refused to pay me you expect me to give up my uncle to come work for you. Gotta say i'm slightly impressed. usually you have to pay whores extra to piss on you they rarely do it for free.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    So much Dany hate...

  • edited September 2015

    Whether Dany makes it in the end game is irrelevant, though. We're talking about her actual character here and now. Either way, that would be a cool way to end it, but I actually think it will end with a Bran POV, followed by an epilogue, the same way it started except reversed with a prologue. I'm hoping the epilogue will take place a few years after ADoS, maybe even towards the ends of the Winter and really kind of explain to us how the events of the ASoiaF series have really changed that world 5eva.

    CapnJay posted: »

    Will she get the iron throne? No. Even if she wins this is how it ends probably "The breath of the greatest dragon forged the Iron Throne and the breath of the greatest dragons destroyed it."

  • If shes insane then half the ppl in the world are

    how any of what you said disprove that she is insane

  • In the GoT universe i'd say more then half ARE insane. but that depends on your definition.

    insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results

    insanity; severe schizophrenia

    insanity: any serious mental disorder.

    if number 3 there are numerous psychopaths and sociopaths in GoT universe I dare say more then our own.

    If you meant in the real world then i can't argue there.

    greensenpai posted: »

    If shes insane then half the ppl in the world are

  • Eh, WWII and the Holocaust are far more complicated than "Hitler killed people!"

    chosing who dies and who lives because of their race/religion is not a choise. he decided who lives and who dies, obviosuly if those he deci

    • Literally everone she has ever killed/had killed outside of Westeros. Their deaths are as pointless as her plot.

      Except the Masters at Astapor. I'll give her that one because fuck those guys.

    K, you start the list. Oh and I'm talking about show Dany, I haven't read all the books.

  • I guess Xaro could count.

    * Literally everone she has ever killed/had killed outside of Westeros. Their deaths are as pointless as her plot. Except the Masters at Astapor. I'll give her that one because fuck those guys.

  • Ah, yup. Forgot about him.

    Xaro, Masters of Astapor, and Pyat Pree.

    Clemenem posted: »

    I guess Xaro could count.

  • She specificly tells you follow Crofts order EXACTLY or you get NOTHING.Asher agreed to that when he decided to complete the task.And besides she is his rightful Queen so making demands to her so she gives some petty lord from the North which fought AGAINST the Targaryens in the rebellion is not really a wise thing to do.
    Asher is lucky she even offered him help.I listened to her excactly and gladly left my uncle with her who btw was a TARGARYEN bannerman in the rebellion so when she returns to Westeros not only can House Forrester profit house Branfield can get their lands back.SERIOUSLY all you have to do is follow your queens orders.

    CapnJay posted: »

    there might be plenty of reasons to love or hate her. But my stance is simply this. If I do a job you pay me If the job is completed b

  • Yeah if some bitchy blonde told me to stab my best friend in the back I totes would.


    What matters is the people who stand at your side not the people who sit above you. And Beshka's at Asher's side. I'm her "Little Brother" if it gives her catharsis to kill her master so be it. Regardless at this point I am not Lord Asher Forrester. I am a sellsword. And I am completing a task. If I complete a task you pay me. IF you don't pay me you don't demand more of me. That is why guillotenes are built. After all Fire might not kill a dragon but her neck looks supple enough for a blade.

    greensenpai posted: »

    She specificly tells you follow Crofts order EXACTLY or you get NOTHING.Asher agreed to that when he decided to complete the task.And beside

  • Imo the only people she killed pointlessly was the crucified slave masters (but I think she did it out of anger since she had just seen a lot of children crucified) and the slave master that she fed to her dragons. Everyone else she killed was wither to stop slavery or to reach her own objectives.

    * Literally everone she has ever killed/had killed outside of Westeros. Their deaths are as pointless as her plot. Except the Masters at Astapor. I'll give her that one because fuck those guys.

  • edited September 2015

    wwii is more complicated, hitler reasones are not. his reasone for killing people was just their race/religion and his delusional stories about them corrupting germany. the way he got the world and germany to be blind to/accept it was complicated, and took him years of planing.

    Eh, WWII and the Holocaust are far more complicated than "Hitler killed people!"

  • edited September 2015

    Excactly you are a sellsword who defied orders and endangered a mission despite specifically being warned not to right before it.Also that bitchy blonde is a queen you (an exiled second born from a minor house which is in a really bad postion) ask favor from.Then u complain about her keeping her word to not give u anything if u dont follow Crofts orders.Despite that she offers your uncle an alliance with 1 of the strongest Houses in the world and the chance to hire the pit fighters yet u still complain.And u WATCHED THE SHOW that guy gets crucifed anyway and if u do kill him Beskha still feels like shit and like she didnt accomplish anything
    PS:ur pic is hot

    CapnJay posted: »

    Yeah if some bitchy blonde told me to stab my best friend in the back I totes would. Not. What matters is the people who stand at your

  • CapnJayCapnJay Banned
    edited September 2015

    I'm sorry where did you ever assume i have read the books or watched the show? I get all my information in game or from google. And yeah Catharsis doesn't always come cheap. She doesn't "Give us the chance" she basically says "fuck off and look in the city i'm far too busy." and perhaps it is my inexperience with the show or books but from an outsider perspective she's just a woman who can hang out with dragons and not get roasted to death Even if she's magical enough to survive flames having a little magic doesn't make one a queen. Services rendered are still services rendered Asher could hardly go back and unkill all those guys and light the torch. He did a job and potentially got fucked. .Even Payday 2 only docks your pay if you kill a civilian and doesnt say "ok thats it nobodies getting paid". Thats the point of pay docking. And then afterwards she demands malcolm stay. serious case of "Fool me once same on you fool me twice shame on me" my only headcanon for malcolm staying is

    Malcolm:I've decided to stay with Daenarys

    Asher: Good because you'd be fuckin useless back in westeros you crispy bastard.

    As for my picture it's the infamous Chloe kiss scene from Life is Strange an up and comer who is TTG's only contender in the Episodic RPG Gaming department. And the name is a tribute to my TftB ship

    greensenpai posted: »

    Excactly you are a sellsword who defied orders and endangered a mission despite specifically being warned not to right before it.Also that b

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