A song of Ice and Fire. new theory.

Any game of thrones fan has probably heard the original theory.

He is the bastard son of Ned Stark, and nobody knows who his mother is -- Ned refuses to say, only implying it was some random whore he banged when he was traveling, because they had not invented condoms back then. For much of the series, it's not at all clear why Jon's even in the story -- he goes off to the north and does shit duty along the icy Wall bordering the frozen wilderness. He sort of just ... hangs around the series, the only major character we follow who doesn't seem to have some kind of tie to the core story. Or so we thought ...

To explain this theory, we need to rewind a bit. One of the most pivotal events in Game of Thrones occurs before the story even begins -- a war, triggered by a kidnapping. At the time, the aforementioned Targaryens were still the ruling family. There was a pair of friends who controlled parts of the kingdom under them -- Robert Baratheon.

Ned had a sister, Lyanna Stark, who was going to marry Robert. But before that could happen, the evil Prince Rhaegar Targaryen kidnapped her. Robert and Ned were so enraged that they rallied their friends and launched a rebellion that ultimately deposed the Targaryens and led to Robert Baratheon seizing the throne and becoming king. The climax of this conflict is Robert hammer-killing the kidnapping shit out of Rhaegar at the Battle of the Trident, while Ned rushed inside the tower where Lyanna was being kept, only to find her dying in a "bed of blood" just in time to hear her last words: "Promise me, Ned." In retrospect, her choice of dying gasps was remarkably unhelpful.

Now, initially we're given the impression that Rhaegar is a mustache-twirling villain with a head full of rape, but as the series unfolds, we learn that our image of him was somewhat tainted by Robert and Ned's perspective. It's heavily implied that Rhaegar loved Lyanna, and, more importantly, that Lyanna loved him back.

Now, we're led to believe that Rhaegar killed her, or she was otherwise wounded in battle somehow, but here's where the theory steps in: Lyanna was pretty well protected inside a fortified tower, with a bunch of Kingsguard watching over her. It seems unlikely that an errant sword thrust or poorly aimed arrow could've found its way to her. Also, if Rhaegar actually did care about her, he probably wouldn't have stabbed her on his way out to fight a losing battle to keep her. So why was she lying in a "bed of blood"? Because, the theory goes, she'd just given birth, to Rhaegar's son.

Who would later be named Jon Snow.

Ned's unspecified promise, then, would have involved not telling Robert that his arch nemesis Rhaegar had impregnated the love of his life with a child that could some day quash his claim to the throne. So Ned took the baby and claimed it as his own illegitimate son, though how he managed to smuggle a screaming infant out onto the battlefield without Robert noticing is anyone's guess

There are several different references in the books that support this: Daenerys has a vision of Lyanna's favorite flower blooming on a wall of ice (Jon Snow on The Wall); Ned is said to have "lived lies" for 14 years (Jon is 14 when the story begins); Ned always calls Jon his blood, rather than his son; Lyanna's chamber was guarded by Kingsguard, who would only have been there to protect royal blood (as Rhaegar's child would be).

Why does this potentially spoil the whole series? Because George R.R. Martin has come out and said that one of the fan theories has correctly guessed the ending, and this one spells it out: Daenerys Targaryen will show up with her dragons, Jon Snow will be revealed to also be a Targaryen, and the two of them will end the war once and for all by getting married and taking the throne as king and queen.

Jon Snow on The Wall = Ice

Daenerys Targaryen and her dragons = Fire

Thus, "A Song of Ice and Fire."

So taken from Cracked.com. But heres where things get new. And before you ask I KNOW the big shocking finale of last season even without watching and if you know the show/books well enough you also know the big theory on why it's not going to stick because of a certain visitor in the area.

But lets assume said finale doesn't stick. And lets assume Jon is a Targaryen. And lets assume Targaryens get on well with Dragons. And lets assume the new episode has an ice dragon possibly as the secret of the north grove. What would all these assumptions lead up too?


  • I know you said lets assume there will be an ice Dragon, but I really I can't imagine they will give the game that much leway.

  • CapnJayCapnJay Banned
    edited September 2015

    Dammit when i saw your avatar i began weading... i mean reading the post in homestaw... homestar's voice.

    kaza125 posted: »

    I know you said lets assume there will be an ice Dragon, but I really I can't imagine they will give the game that much leway.

  • I didn't even know who he is, I thought it just looked funny :D

    CapnJay posted: »

    Dammit when i saw your avatar i began weading... i mean reading the post in homestaw... homestar's voice.

  • I agree with this theory more or less but I dont think Jon would have intention to be the king. Remember that Stannis offered to make him Warden of the North and he declined. About the Ice Dragon it is questionable whether there are any living ice dragons left in the world and more importantly if they are they would be probably tied to the Great other.

  • New theory? this theory has been around before you even started to know what Game of Thrones is.

  • Lol I had a feeling, not about Jon being a targaryen, but about his death definitely not being final. He got stabbed what 5 or so times, while the red she-devil is in castle black. I saw that coming, but does that mean he starts worshipping the lord of the light?

    But hopefully, this does happen.

  • Well he can still develop as a character, and as soon as he sees the rest of westeros, he'll be ready to lead them.

    And after getting stabbed like that, I'm pretty sure he'll be a little less trusting when it comes to ppl. Maybe he becomes power hungry. Maybe he becomes a whole different person

    I agree with this theory more or less but I dont think Jon would have intention to be the king. Remember that Stannis offered to make him Wa

  • He's the Homestar Runner.

    He is a terrific athlete

    kaza125 posted: »

    I didn't even know who he is, I thought it just looked funny

  • I dont think so. That isnt in his character. Only person I think he would kill is Sir Allistair.

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    Well he can still develop as a character, and as soon as he sees the rest of westeros, he'll be ready to lead them. And after getting sta

  • Yeah, only purpose of Mellisandre coming back to Castle Black was to bring him back.

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    Lol I had a feeling, not about Jon being a targaryen, but about his death definitely not being final. He got stabbed what 5 or so times, whi

  • I hope he goes batshit crazy for a season and kills off the Freys at least. Maybe roose and Ramsay Bolton also..?

    I dont think so. That isnt in his character. Only person I think he would kill is Sir Allistair.

  • I knew it, I saw right through that bs death scene.

    Yeah, only purpose of Mellisandre coming back to Castle Black was to bring him back.

  • Yeah that would be satysfying...

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    I hope he goes batshit crazy for a season and kills off the Freys at least. Maybe roose and Ramsay Bolton also..?

  • Well if he marrys Daenarys he can be the Alistair to her Anora. The good hearted one and she can be the pain.

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    I hope he goes batshit crazy for a season and kills off the Freys at least. Maybe roose and Ramsay Bolton also..?

  • the last part is the new bit unless people have been talking about a dragon in the north grove and jon snow for some time?

    New theory? this theory has been around before you even started to know what Game of Thrones is.

  • Eleven times times i think the scene is up on youtube now.

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    Lol I had a feeling, not about Jon being a targaryen, but about his death definitely not being final. He got stabbed what 5 or so times, whi

  • Shots fired!

    New theory? this theory has been around before you even started to know what Game of Thrones is.

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