Would you like to see Season 2 continue the Story of Forresters or Not?



  • Who says they won't make Gared stay at the North Grove until a seaosn three? He isn't just there to find it, he has to make sure it's never lost.

    sounds like ppl want the north grove also

    Pabster23 posted: »

    well I said them because we can already play as them, i'm talking about in terms of who is gonna replace roderick and asher as playable char

  • edited September 2015

    It depends on how this season's gonna end. But I'd like to see a new story, and it doesn't have to be about a northern house. Maybe a story set in the Iron Islands or something? It would give us a new perspective, since we don't get to see much about the Iron Islands in the TV show.

  • Oooh, or maybe even Dorne!

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    It depends on how this season's gonna end. But I'd like to see a new story, and it doesn't have to be about a northern house. Maybe a story

  • But Asher, you hate your brother!

    Ahhhh get it (yeah I'm horrible)

  • Yep! Why not both?

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    Oooh, or maybe even Dorne!

  • if it's a place that just "can't be lost" and he stays there to protect it how can it ever help house forrester? and if it's a place to be a safe heaven how can he even contact them to let them know where it's at?

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    Who says they won't make Gared stay at the North Grove until a seaosn three? He isn't just there to find it, he has to make sure it's never lost. sounds like ppl want the north grove also

  • Yeah Telltale, he has questions?!!

    I don't know what they plan to do with the north grove, but I believe that if we even get close, we will have to either leave or be taken away (Please Jon Snow, you're Gareds only hope of not being executed). It would be great to find out what is there, but when we realize that white walkers are everywhere, we will either die or telltale will find us a way out. But the north grove won't effect the Forresters in any way until late season 2/early season 3.

    I believe Sylvi will be very important in the next episode, and the next season(s). Her hair is making me want to think she is something.

    Pabster23 posted: »

    if it's a place that just "can't be lost" and he stays there to protect it how can it ever help house forrester? and if it's a place to be a safe heaven how can he even contact them to let them know where it's at?

  • I guess that depends on if there will be any Forresters left after the next episode. Asher/Rodrik are both essentially done. So you have Mira/Gared and not much else.

    Episode 4 was soo good and they ruined it with episode 5. I'd rather they not do another GoT season, or if they do then spend some quality time on the writing, and fixing the graphics so it doesn't look so bad compared to the other TT games.

  • I think a continuation could be good if done right. You could add more playable characters to the game not just Forresters like Beska, Talia, Maybe some White hills. The great thing about the books is that once a character you love (or hate) is killed off in the next book more POV characters are introduced that you will love (or hate). But there is a big problem after the war there isn't really anything else left to do. The game takes place during the end of season 3 of the show and ends around the end of season 4. After that there isn't really much to write about or get a new perspective on. But if TT takes there time putting out another season maybe a year or two and they get some writers from the show, or maybe even George RR Martin himself (which would be unlikely) then I think season two could be much better than season one. Although I still think GoTS1 is better than TWDS2 . At least in TTGoT they take time to develop characters instead of killing off two or three characters every episode like in TWDS2. But that's just my opinion feel free to disagree.

    TwitchyJC posted: »

    I guess that depends on if there will be any Forresters left after the next episode. Asher/Rodrik are both essentially done. So you have Mir

  • Interesting I could see maybe the Ebbert one working. The problem with the other is that the way you have Gywn is that the Forresters would be the bad guys, which I think is a problem for all of these. Playing as Torrhen the way you described it, it seems like you'd just be playing as Rodrik\Ethan again. (I put Rodrik\Ethan because I always thought they were very similar characters, the choices you make as lord I mean) And Britt's brother if he is anything like Britt than he probably doesn't give two fucks that his brother was killed by some pig farmer, he would probably laugh about it instead. Also following Garred on the other side of the wall isn't enough story to fill a second six episode season. Sorry if what I said came off as rude.

    House Whitehill, in the aftermath of Episode 6. Ludd and Gryff are slain by the surviving Forrester brother. Torrhen Whitehill receives a ra

  • True, although didn't Benjen disappear whilst already north of The Wall? Gared escaped from Castle Black whilst under penalty of death. In any case, just thinking aloud, I don't think it's actually what we'll see. Although I do think it would be interesting and quite Game of Thrones-ey if we were to see a House Whitehill PoV character.

    KronusX posted: »

    I don't see that happening. For 1, Gared is not important enough to be hunted by the Night Watch (he has no information about their numbers,

  • Actually they don't hunt down the deserters in the books. In the books the deserters are killed by Coldhands.

    In the show they only hunt down the deserters because Jon supposes that they know about Castle Black's numbers and could reveal the truth to Mance Rayder if Mance and the Wildlings get to them first (Jon having previously exaggerated the Watch's numbers to deter a full frontal assault) and lead Mance to act quickly and decisively.

    As you said there's no reason to hunt down Gared. Not only does he know nothing (like Jon Snow), he's also alone. They'll safely assume he died, and if they ever come across him again by chance, then they'll kill him.

    KronusX posted: »

    I don't see that happening. For 1, Gared is not important enough to be hunted by the Night Watch (he has no information about their numbers,

  • I agree that there are too many deaths in TWD. We know that universe is deadly... but seriously, does it have to be that deadly? TT games are deadlier than the TV counterparts and that's not an improvement.

    soysauce posted: »

    I think a continuation could be good if done right. You could add more playable characters to the game not just Forresters like Beska, Talia

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