Is novelty of "Telltale Formula" wearing off?



  • Its not pointless to bring up that this has been discussed before. Thanks.

    What a pointless comment thanks

  • Tch. I bet you're a Frost fan.

    SazukeEX posted: »

    I just want choices to better. Hate where if you choose to save someone they die in the next episode. Than there's the whole "Traitor" thing that was purely lame.

  • No, it's not. Your misunderstanding of what they're advertising doesn't make them guilty of false advertisement.

    And thats not false advertisement? I dont expect huge dramatic changes, im expecting SOME change that replaying this game wont be total chore later. TWD S1, TWAU did much better in those aspects

  • Guys, we are all worried about the wrong things right now. Look at your calendar! We need to stick together and fight because guess what?

    Literally guess

  • Are you puerile?

    Are you okay?

  • nope. but seems to me that you are mad because i dislike a game that you like

    Are you puerile?

  • Nope, not at all.

    I'm not that low of a person.

    nope. but seems to me that you are mad because i dislike a game that you like

  • My overall hope for the finale is that there was (one) right way to play and (one) wrong way to play. Like in the end us being obliterated by the whitehills and vice versa us demolishing the whitehills.

  • It's even more obvious then that

    Winter is Coming

  • I wish.

    My overall hope for the finale is that there was (one) right way to play and (one) wrong way to play. Like in the end us being obliterated by the whitehills and vice versa us demolishing the whitehills.

  • Yeah, it's not like he added in an image of Chloe seductively licking a lollipop while on her underwear or anything.

    That was the image before editing it out anyways.

  • edited September 2015

    i literally got that image from tumblr. took me no more than 2 minutes

    i also edited it because mods are unpredictable even though there wasn't any nudity in that image

    Yeah, it's not like he added in an image of Chloe seductively licking a lollipop while on her underwear or anything. That was the image before editing it out anyways.

  • enter image description here

    i literally got that image from tumblr. took me no more than 2 minutes i also edited it because mods are unpredictable even though there wasn't any nudity in that image

  • That would actually suck...

    My overall hope for the finale is that there was (one) right way to play and (one) wrong way to play. Like in the end us being obliterated by the whitehills and vice versa us demolishing the whitehills.

  • I really like the way that TellTale has handled the GoT world. I really enjoy the game. But I wish they had built up the final battle like BioWare did in Mass Effect 3. Where you have to collect all of your resources through out the game and then depending on if you did it correctly you will win or you will be obliterated. I also like how in Mass Effect you could tell what number of troops you have. In TTGoT you don't really know how many troops you have, I still don't know how many Forrester troops you have, the most they have shown in one room is like ten maybe twenty Forrester troops. And how many sell swords do I have. The game only shows around twenty, but is that just the game only being able to handle generating twenty, or do I really have 40 or 50 sell swords. That's just my opinion I still love the game I just wish there was a way to check in game.

    I wish.

  • edited September 2015

    They only showed like 6 or 7 sellswords for their supposed "Army" Asher had enough gold to hire HUNDREDS OF MEN, and yet he brought back like 6 or 7 pit fighters, SO LAME AND ANTI-CLIMATIC

    soysauce posted: »

    I really like the way that TellTale has handled the GoT world. I really enjoy the game. But I wish they had built up the final battle like B

  • edited September 2015

    Don't compare GoT to their Walking Dead effort, okay here's one thing that's different, EMOTIONAL TIES TO THE CHARACTERS, I cared so much about Clem and Lee, Kenny and his family, and almost every character in TWD was relatable and interesting, sure choices don't matter so much, but that's fine if those choices carry heavy emotional repercussions. Game of Thrones have no emotional repercussions and I personally can't relate or be attached to any of these characters, maybe Asher. The choices are so bland and uninspired that it makes me cringe. The whole sentinel setup was laughable and so predictable in the worst kind of way. The final battle in episode 5 was uninspired, they try way to hard to mimic the TV show and it suffers under the weight of the ambition of living up to the show. Overall, it's a shame this series did not live up to my expectations, but I know my standard is higher than some, but even those with low standards would be disappointed by Telltales low effort, OH btw I LOVE Tales From the Borderlands!!!

  • Yep. What a shame.. such potential

    Fergudooby posted: »

    Don't compare GoT to their Walking Dead effort, okay here's one thing that's different, EMOTIONAL TIES TO THE CHARACTERS, I cared so much ab

  • "Choices will matter"

    "Oh really? Awesome?"

    buys the game

    "WTF my choices didnt matter"

    "Oh it matters just not in the way you want ;)"

    Yeah, and the story does change. Just not the way you people want it to.

  • How

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    That would actually suck...

  • Going by your comments on these forums, you won't last long here before you get banned. You're being unnecessarily rude now.

    "Choices will matter" "Oh really? Awesome?" buys the game "WTF my choices didnt matter" "Oh it matters just not in the way you want "

  • Because telltale doesn't make games that you can win or lose. They make stories that you can either love or loathe.


  • The person is certainly going to live up to their username.

    Going by your comments on these forums, you won't last long here before you get banned. You're being unnecessarily rude now.

  • Wha..? I dont see any rude remarks in my comment

    Going by your comments on these forums, you won't last long here before you get banned. You're being unnecessarily rude now.

  • "Brother I brought you an army" (1 minute later) andddd 4/7 are now dead.

    Fergudooby posted: »

    They only showed like 6 or 7 sellswords for their supposed "Army" Asher had enough gold to hire HUNDREDS OF MEN, and yet he brought back like 6 or 7 pit fighters, SO LAME AND ANTI-CLIMATIC

  • I know there signed on for another year. So do another family. Or if we win we stay forrester if we lose we turn whitehill I don't know. I just want resolution. And honestly I really want my vengeance haha

    I wish.

  • Your comment is mocking and you're dismissing people's comments on here very rudely. If you don't see your comments that way, then you need to word them better.

    Wha..? I dont see any rude remarks in my comment

  • Keep your GoT hating bullshit in the proper forum, okay thanks.

    Fergudooby posted: »

    Don't compare GoT to their Walking Dead effort, okay here's one thing that's different, EMOTIONAL TIES TO THE CHARACTERS, I cared so much ab

  • edited September 2015

    I feel like people misunderstand story and plot.

    A plot happens regardless of your choices, as it has an ending to be achieved. Ex. Ethan's death was part of the plot.

    A story is how it is told. Ex. How Ethan was killed is how he is remembered by people.

    Telltale says the story is tailored to how you play, not the plot. If we could change the plot the Whitehills would have been dead by Episode 1, Ethan would be alive, Mira would have killed Sera and Gared would have found the North Grove.

  • Hey, look, he/she is banned. No surprise there.

    Your comment is mocking and you're dismissing people's comments on here very rudely. If you don't see your comments that way, then you need to word them better.

  • No there would've been no point to the North Grove if we had our way. We would've searched for it after we beat the Whitehills, if anything. And it'd be the whole north searching

    Barthanax posted: »

    I feel like people misunderstand story and plot. A plot happens regardless of your choices, as it has an ending to be achieved. Ex. Ethan

  • edited September 2015

    there would've been no point to the North Grove

    If the Forresters were not in trouble, which is the whole reason Gared is looking for it.

    We would've searched for it after we beat the Whitehills, if anything.

    Why would we search for it? It's only meant as a back-up for if their House falls.

    the whole north searching

    Why would the Forresters reveal their most well kept secret if the Whitehills had been killed off by then? We wouldn't need it, as the North Grove is meant as a back-up plan if the Forresters are ever threatened to be killed off like they are now. And I doubt the whole North would rally up behind a small House to find a forest of Ironwood trees when the Boltons are in charge.

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    No there would've been no point to the North Grove if we had our way. We would've searched for it after we beat the Whitehills, if anything. And it'd be the whole north searching

  • How does the banning thing work on these forums?

    Hey, look, he/she is banned. No surprise there.

  • soysauce posted: »

    How does the banning thing work on these forums?

  • I wouldn't take anything this guy says seriously. He's a known holocaust denier.

    Hey, look, he/she is banned. No surprise there.

  • I don't think the north grove is a place only for Forresters. This is a selfish attempt at saving a house from demise, and using some place that Gregor has barely any experience with is is only gonna end bad for Gared.

    Best kept secret? Everyone has heard about it but they believe they are wilding myths, as Duncan said.

    Why would we search for it you ask? Because Winter is Coming. This is the telltale way to stop the war of dawn

    Barthanax posted: »

    there would've been no point to the North Grove If the Forresters were not in trouble, which is the whole reason Gared is looking fo

  • You know...if you are familiar with other tt will know that you're choice will have little impact. That's how TT roll. If you can't roll with it, roll over.


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