serah is working for cersei?

allright heres what i think, cersei send her to spy on you after your display maybe she was being paranoid and dont trust you for being northen (thats was her reasone to call you in the first place), or because she was impressed by your display and wanted you to be her usefull little bird, depends on your choice.

evidence: 1) she had cersei's wine (giving to her for the same reasone it was given to you when before speaking to tyrion) unfortunaly for her tyrion interrupt before she got you say whatever she needed you to say. (and later cersei "magicly" knew about you talking to tyrion)

now you may be asking why will she tell you that she is a bastard, if the wine was there so you will lose your tongue and not to talk about her feels as she made it look like. well for one she will be gaining your trust and get the conversition more personal ("she just told you a deep secret now its your turn to say something" kind of personal), other then that serah still seems like she wanted to say it to somebody, and she isnt too smart. maybe cersei forced her into working for her using this info.

evidence: 2) cersei knew about you talking to tyrion, telling margery her handmaiden place is not with her brother. guess who told her that.

evidence: 3) lucan allows her to let you in the party after promising that you will stay out of trouble. why would he let a random girl enter with a uninvited guest?

evidence: 3) cersei knowing about you forcing a girl to help you getting in tommen's party, even though cersei has spies this is way too specific detail for anyone but serah (or lucan i guess) to notice.

evidense: 4) cersei knowing about you lieing to margery and some more small details that seems like she heared from a spy in margery's room

what do you think?


  • Well I haven't trusted her since episode 1. She had suspicious facial animations! So it's possible but I'm not sure how it's relevant for episode 6 even if she was.

  • Wouldn't surprise me in the slightest. She always rubbed me the wrong way and I pretty much dropped her from episode one on, and I'm glad I did. She goes from begging for your help to being mightier than thou and then almost cordial again like we're supposed to forget she was a total beyotch to us before. Mira doesn't have time for this high school nonsense!

  • edited September 2015

    That makes a lot of sense and it will get me good if it is true, because all this time I didn't give Sera any credit, seeing her like just some lowborn that is not very bright and not seeing her as a possible threat. I was probably too obsessed about Morgryn to consider that. I can see her being manipulated by Cersei, though.

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