Evil Dead reference...?
I just finished the game, and I can't help but wonder if the whole comically posessed hand thing is inspired by the Ash character from the Evil Dead trilogy.
Just throwing that out there.
Just throwing that out there.

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- One of the books in the game is called "An Adieu to Arms, by the Marquis De Singe" ("A Fairwell to Arms" is the book Ash uses to weigh down his trapped hand in Evil Dead 2)
... or...
- Guybrush screams "Give Me Back My HAAAAND!" at some point,
- Guybrush screams "Who's laughing now!!!" as he saws off his demon hand.
This sort of blatent movie reference wouldn't be out of place in a Monkey Island game, considering the obvious The Graduate reference at the end of Monkey Island 1.
I don't know if evil dead was the first movie to use this or not.
When guybrush grabs a chainsaw and cuts the damn hand himself we'll know for sure :eek:
"It's a trick, get an axe"
Even then, he would never find gas for it. Maniac Mansion has taught us that.
Also the way people possessed by the pox is very similar to the possessed from ED.
Now I just wished Bruce Campbell had a guest role. :P
Also, everyone knows Evil Dead 2 is the best one.
Maybe the third one wasnt all horror, but still funny. And the effects were actually quite good at the time. With the budget it had at least.
I got both the 2nd and third movie on DVD. Truly classics. I just wished my DVD had all 3 endings, not just two of them.
Hmmm... looked into it again. My DVD is directors cut and it only has the apocalypse ending. So its just two endings, just remembered it as being two endings on that DVD but not the hail to the king ending. Just couldnt remember the other ending on it :rolleyes: Because it isnt there it seems.
There are 3 endings? I have the Boomstick Edition and it only has 2 on there.
I kept hoping there'd be a bit with Guybrush hitting himself over the head with plates.
Bruce Campbell is the man.
... Evil Dead 2 wasn't a student film. I also don't believe anyone claimed that Sam Raimi invented possessed hands. Just that it's one of the greatest films to have ever used the premise.
Also obviously the hand wasn't just "an evil dead reference" -- it was definitely something that came up in design meetings but we didn't all sit down and say "oh man lets put Sam Raimi's Evil Dead hand in the game!!!" because that would be weird.
anyway, there are a lot of evil, possessed and walking on their own hands so far. take that hand from the adams family for instance....that's way before evil dead 2. i am not sure if it ever was attached to anybody while being possessed, but it still has a will of it's own. so, it's almost a classical element in comedic horror...
No, the fuel would actually be the least of the problems. Various oils have been used by people looong before MI is supposed to take place. Mixing something that would combust in the right way would be quite possible.
If the engine is crude enough, you can run it on a LOT of stuff, including processed poop.
Having the tools and knowledge to produce the engine itself on the other hand, would be a different matter