What If The North Grove

edited September 2015 in Game Of Thrones

Is Sylvi?

She said so herself it's not worth it, Cotter stated he wants to go to the North Grove and insists he isn't hiding anything else from Gared.

It also looked like she was in a bit of a hurry to go back South to join Mance. I assume she would do anything to keep her secret (being The North Grove).

Both were shocked when Gared stated they make for the North Grove.

Is Sylvi The North Grove?

I know it's a really stupid theory but it makes sense in some words. Her hut also shows drawings.

Maybe she is trying to pass off as a free folk, people thought Sylvi was weird and they both left.

Cotter also left to find food for her (and maybe him too).

It is adding up for me, that Sylvi is The North Grove.

Iron From Ice.


  • I... I mean I guess your points are actually legitimate, but looking at it from a plot perspective...

    • how will she help the Forresters?
    • what's so special about her?
    • is she some mystical, powerful being? if so, why would HBO agree to let TTG make someone so powerful in a world where magic is rare enough as is?
    • how has Sylvi been around for thousands of years like the NG?
    • why would they eventually cave in to Gared's request to take them to the NG?
  • That's interesting, I'll brainstorm a bit around this theory.

    What if she simply is a warg? Maybe she comes from a whole clan that always have someone with a "title" of North Grove, who has this kind of power. There are not many known wargs, and if the Forresters know of one it would be wise for them to try to protect them and to seek their help.

    If that's the case and she is trained and powerful, she can actually help the Forresters, and in a discreet way. She can warg into Whitehill's horses and make them fall over their riders, for example. It wouldn't annihilate their whole army, but doing that to the right horses (Gryff's, for example) could throw their army into chaos and make them easy to defeat.

    This kind of power is also something easy to be kept in secret, as many people in Westeros don't even believe it is actually a thing. It is not something that would hurt canon.

  • I'm sorry but this theory is really ridiculous. How could a person be the North Grove? I mean, how could she be a citadel?

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