After all the doubts, recriminations, perpetual waiting, and even outright mudslinging, this is all I have left:
Now we can look forward to the NEXT interminable period of vague, wishy-washy announcements and explosive temper tantrums prior to the release of episode 3.
Five days, two hours, and 41 minutes for us in Sweden.
Finally I can relax. I had to go out and re-supply my stock of energy drinks for Tuesday though.
After all the doubts, recriminations, perpetual waiting, and even outright mudslinging, this is all I have left:
Now we can look forw… moreard to the NEXT interminable period of vague, wishy-washy announcements and explosive temper tantrums prior to the release of episode 3.
Don't start the party quite yet; Telltale still hasn't guaranteed they'll reveal the identity of the "I thought you were dead" individual within episode 2.
After all the doubts, recriminations, perpetual waiting, and even outright mudslinging, this is all I have left:
Now we can look forw… moreard to the NEXT interminable period of vague, wishy-washy announcements and explosive temper tantrums prior to the release of episode 3.
Don't start the party quite yet; Telltale still hasn't guaranteed they'll reveal the identity of the "I thought you were dead" individual within episode 2.
Telltale has announced that Season 2, Episode 2 of The Walking Dead will be out March 4th for PS3 and PC/Mac, with Xbox 360, iOS, and intern… moreational releases following very shortly. Vita owners will be able to pick up the game (Episodes 1 AND 2) around the end of the month.
Telltale has teased that you might want to play through their DLC “400 Days” before playing episode 2…
We’ll get you exact release dates for Xbox, iOS, and Europe as soon as we can.
Just read this on Facebook.
It´s the American counting system.
Month/ Day/ Year
March/ 4th/ 2014
The American date system is so confusing sometimes...
I´m so sad that it´s 6 days for me because of different time zones
Still, my day is made
I´ll be playing on Wednesday! Yay!
Carver looks like a total badass and I think he will make a perfect antagonist btw
The episode one release date thread would have been longer but a mod accidentally deleted the original one and created the new one.
Yeah, I´m not American and get confused easily by this
Five days, two hours, and 41 minutes for us in Sweden.
Finally I can relax. I had to go out and re-supply my stock of energy drinks for Tuesday though.
After all the doubts, recriminations, perpetual waiting, and even outright mudslinging, this is all I have left:
Now we can look forward to the NEXT interminable period of vague, wishy-washy announcements and explosive temper tantrums prior to the release of episode 3.
Give this guy a medal! Or a cookie! He deserves some kind of prize for this
oh fnally i will see the unknown fucking person !
Don't start the party quite yet; Telltale still hasn't guaranteed they'll reveal the identity of the "I thought you were dead" individual within episode 2.
The wait is gone.
Stop posting that fuckin annoying gif pls
Crossing my fingers for no problems downloading Episode 2 with the season pass on 360.
same here
this one?
yes, that irritating overused immature rude gif.
I don't think TellTale as ever excluded canoncy with the TV series. But, its definitely canon with the comics.
Who cares? I never gave it a second thought until I people kept talking about it on here.
Four work days... more than enough time for the big M to make up their mind, I hope.
Doesn't XBOX get it a day later?
I have a feeling Episode 2 will be better than Episode 1 since we now have a proper plot
...And it took them longer than Starved For Help to release. I got a lot of expectations.
"I'm just sayin....."
i hope we see kenny in the next episode or his fate atleast
So March 4th will be date for PS3 and PC/Mac?
kenny was one of the best he and lee and clem are my favorite
We survived the annoying, harsh, cold waiting days, guys. Congrats to us for hanging on to our patience! These next 5 days can't go by quick enough :P
yeah i sided with him the whole time
yeah kenny was like my bro my right hand and if he survived in episode 5 he is one tough son of a bitch
this is always the best part of the waiting period. we finally get to play the game. we know that it's coming. we just gotta be patient
.... that is what he said ....
I am gonna play Thief Game PC until then
you can say that again. he was awesome
Well, rest assured pretty much everyone else did.