The Walking Dead: The Game Season Two - Ep 2: 'A House Divided' will arrive for download Tuesday March 4th on PC/Mac via Steam and other digital distribution outlets worldwide, as well as on PlayStation 3 in North America.
Additional dates next week for Xbox 360, PlayStation EU, and the iOS App Store are to be confirmed shortly, stay tuned here for updates. Also look for Ep 1 & 2 arriving for download later in March on PlayStation Vita!
Clem is stepping up her game!
Still says "Coming Soon"...
get ready....... BEGIN SPECULATION!!!
Right, time to kill off this five days. Any suggestions? I just started a new character on Fallout: New Vegas, and hoping to finish it before Tuesday. The game is freaking huge though, probably not gonna finish it in time.
Right, time to kill off this five days. Any suggestions? I just started a new character on Fallout: New Vegas, and hoping to finish it before Tuesday. The game is freaking huge though, probably not gonna finish it in time.
That's not me. My OCD-level is high enough to force myself to do the side-quests as well before I consider the game finished. Pretty much all Bethesda games can be finished in a few hours if rushing through the main quests. :P
The Walking Dead: The Game Season Two - Ep 2: 'A House Divided' will arrive for download Tuesday March 4th on PC/Mac via Steam and other dig… moreital distribution outlets worldwide, as well as on PlayStation 3 in North America.
Additional dates next week for Xbox 360, PlayStation EU, and the iOS App Store are to be confirmed shortly, stay tuned here for updates. Also look for Ep 1 & 2 arriving for download later in March on PlayStation Vita!
That's not me. My OCD-level is high enough to force myself to do the side-quests as well before I consider the game finished. Pretty much all Bethesda games can be finished in a few hours if rushing through the main quests. :P
Don't start the party quite yet; Telltale still hasn't guaranteed they'll reveal the identity of the "I thought you were dead" individual within episode 2.
Of course I got sick 5 days before episode release and I have no idea what I should do.
I could go to school when healthy, but what to do when you're sick? Any ideas?
finally after SO MANY WAITING we have episode 2 almost upon us btw guys my advice is to ignore spoiler's when it's out and play it for yourself first IF you have the game of course
My reaction to the recently registered Kenny fanboys (snip). Don't get me wrong, I like Kenny, but these people are really getting annoying. some of them even say they won't play the game anymore/ask for a refund if Kenny won't appear in the next episode. Kinda shit is that?!
Yes it isreally annoying, but what are you going to do?
I was actually not a Kenny fan because of me Lee's relantionship with him, but I would find it interesting that he returned, I mean I can understand how cool the charatcher is even if I didn't agreed with his oppinions, but these overexagerated fanboys/girls are kind off annoying me towards the charatcher...
My reaction to the recently registered Kenny fanboys (snip). Don't get me wrong, I like Kenny, but these people are really getting annoying.… more some of them even say they won't play the game anymore/ask for a refund if Kenny won't appear in the next episode. Kinda shit is that?!
I like Kenny. Probably more than a lot of people and I would love it if he came back. I would never go as far as to threaten to not play or request a refund if he doesn't appear in this episode (or for the rest of the season for that matter).
I have a feeling that TT is taking notice of some of the Kenny fandom and if they do bring Kenny back then he's going to meet his end shortly after.
My reaction to the recently registered Kenny fanboys (snip). Don't get me wrong, I like Kenny, but these people are really getting annoying.… more some of them even say they won't play the game anymore/ask for a refund if Kenny won't appear in the next episode. Kinda shit is that?!
My reaction to the recently registered Kenny fanboys (snip). Don't get me wrong, I like Kenny, but these people are really getting annoying.… more some of them even say they won't play the game anymore/ask for a refund if Kenny won't appear in the next episode. Kinda shit is that?!
Black Flag Baby!
Hopefully Xbox has a release date by tonight or tomorrow.
I feel you, I'm sitting here stir crazy wondering if it will be the 4th 5th or 6th for us.
i hope it will be the 5th
The freedom Cry
I feel real good about the 5th. I got a nice pipe dream about the 4th and am a bit worried about the 6th
Clem is stepping up her game!
Still says "Coming Soon"...
get ready....... BEGIN SPECULATION!!!
filthy casuals..
the feels man the FEEEEEELLLLSSSSS.
yes i broke the chain..
cos i forgot what she says next lol
the wait for ep3
The Walking Dead: The Game Season Two - Ep 2: 'A House Divided' will arrive for download Tuesday March 4th on PC/Mac via Steam and other digital distribution outlets worldwide, as well as on PlayStation 3 in North America.
Additional dates next week for Xbox 360, PlayStation EU, and the iOS App Store are to be confirmed shortly, stay tuned here for updates. Also look for Ep 1 & 2 arriving for download later in March on PlayStation Vita!
If you didn't already notice we have release dates already.
Right, time to kill off this five days. Any suggestions? I just started a new character on Fallout: New Vegas, and hoping to finish it before Tuesday. The game is freaking huge though, probably not gonna finish it in time.
you can finish it in 5 days if you just rush through the main quest
Trailer comes out wednesday, release day thursday.
Explanation: Telltale likes to freak people out with the word soon :P
If they were dead and about to become a zombie? Yes, Yes I could.
That's not me. My OCD-level is high enough to force myself to do the side-quests as well before I consider the game finished. Pretty much all Bethesda games can be finished in a few hours if rushing through the main quests. :P
Their definition of the word Soon is a constantly evolving thing
5 th
these five days are gonna kill me...
let's see how can i kill time guys?
replay gta 5 if you have that game lol or play the entire first season of the walking dead
they will trust me....they will.....
Don't be like nick now...
Of course I got sick 5 days before episode release and I have no idea what I should do.
I could go to school when healthy, but what to do when you're sick? Any ideas?
hell yeah he was
nothing but lay on bed i guess
finally after SO MANY WAITING we have episode 2 almost upon us btw guys my advice is to ignore spoiler's when it's out and play it for yourself first IF you have the game of course
My reaction to the recently registered Kenny fanboys (snip). Don't get me wrong, I like Kenny, but these people are really getting annoying. some of them even say they won't play the game anymore/ask for a refund if Kenny won't appear in the next episode. Kinda shit is that?!
Good for them...
Or doesn't really have to conform to your idea of "timely"...
Yes it isreally annoying, but what are you going to do?
I was actually not a Kenny fan because of me Lee's relantionship with him, but I would find it interesting that he returned, I mean I can understand how cool the charatcher is even if I didn't agreed with his oppinions, but these overexagerated fanboys/girls are kind off annoying me towards the charatcher...
The confirmed release date is a Tuesday for PS3 and PC/Mac. The 4th is a Tuesday.
I like Kenny. Probably more than a lot of people and I would love it if he came back. I would never go as far as to threaten to not play or request a refund if he doesn't appear in this episode (or for the rest of the season for that matter).
I have a feeling that TT is taking notice of some of the Kenny fandom and if they do bring Kenny back then he's going to meet his end shortly after.
i'm gonna lmfao so hard if the ITYWD guy is not gonna be kenny lol
What kind of shit? Why that is Troll shit, it has no value and smells twice as bad as regular shit.