What Comes After(A Walking Dead Fan-Fic)



  • Hal

    Hal glazes as the lady walks in. he then points at her.."you..swore!".

  • Lauren

    "Yeah, I did, that what worries you? not all the corpses walking around?"

  • edited February 2014


    He grabs his stuffed animal slamming it on my finger. "Die!...Die!" He yelled. Then I hear Lauren. "The fuck?" Then the man cries again. "you.. swore!" I nod for Lauren to get out so I can talk to the man.

    I decided to act like it hurt when he hit me, so it wouldn't hurt his feelings. "Ouch! Ouch! Stop it... please!" I yelled. The man continued crying, backing away from me. "Please.. I'm not going to hurt you.. Just listen to me.." I started thinking.There is no way, he's survived all of this alone.. He has to have someone with him...

    "Do you- Do you have a mom or dad with you?" I asked. The man whimpered, and crawled to a corner. "What about a sister?" He continued whimpering, until I asked him another question. "Do you have a brother?" He stopped whimpering, and I got my first good look at him, and he got his first good look at me. He saw my knife hand, and went back to crying. "Don't- Do-n't shooooooot"

    "I won't shoot you, I promise.. It's just the way my hand is..." He continued crying for a few minutes, until he looked back at him. "I'll keep you safe until your brother gets back... I promise.."

  • Theodore

    "Whoa, It's okay." Theo says, while throwing the pistol and raising his hands.

    Ivy kept pulling the trigger while Theo was getting up. Boateng started growling at Her. "I'm not gonna hurt him- Ow!" Theo's arm starts hurting from the Bullet, he immediately starts backing up, reassuring Ivy that he isn't hurting him. The group is completely silent as to what happened, things keep falling apart right before their eyes.

  • Dude... CATCH PHRASE!

    Twistee posted: »

    Theodore "Whoa, It's okay." Theo says, while throwing the pistol and raising his hands. Ivy kept pulling the trigger while Theo was ge

  • You forgot mother fu*ker.

    Twistee posted: »

    Theodore "Whoa, It's okay." Theo says, while throwing the pistol and raising his hands. Ivy kept pulling the trigger while Theo was ge

  • Anton

    Seeing his master in pain, Boateng grows angry. Very angry. "No, steady, boy, ste- OH", Anton said until Boateng bit him in the arm, and charged to help Theodore. "Oh, no".

  • Theo shall never swear to Ivy. Hell to the no. NO ONE SWEARS AT IVY WITH A GUN!

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Dude... CATCH PHRASE!

  • Han

    "im going, whether anyone of you is coming or not, it doesnt matter. I have a feeling my brother is hurt and I have to go!"

    Han looks around and procedes to pack his stuff before he begins to take off.

  • edited February 2014


    No. Aaron saw Boateng running towards Ivy. No!

    His promise to the little girl echoed in his head. "I'll protect you." Aaron kept his promises.

    Despite the pain he was in, Aaron got up and pushed himself in-between Ivy and Boateng. Boateng jumped on him and raised his head, showing his teeth...

  • Do you want Aaron to die?

    Aaron No. Aaron saw Boateng running towards Ivy. No! His promise to the little girl echoed in his head. "I'll protect you." Aaron kept

  • Not really, but I left it up to you as to whether or not he gets injured or you stop Boateng in time.

    Anyway, I'm going to bed now. Night guys, it's been fun.

    Twistee posted: »

    Do you want Aaron to die?

  • ~Molly~

    Molly and Kieran follow the new guy. "We'll bring medical stuff back, right?" She asks.

  • I assume you are asking Han that?

    ~Molly~ Molly and Kieran follow the new guy. "We'll bring medical stuff back, right?" She asks.

  • Han

    "Yeah, take whatever you need, rest if you need to and than we head our seperate ways I guess."

  • edited February 2014


    Boateng starts ripping into his leg, The entire group at the camp runs to break away Boateng's wrath on Aaron.

    "Holy shit! Don't look people!" Theo shouts, "Someone get Ivy!"

    Most of the Group saw Aaron's leg, it had big bite marks in it. Theo deeply regretted everything he did to him. Theo could see the look in Aaron's eyes to just shoot him. After one of the Group members put Boateng back on the Chain, the Group tries to get Aaron and Theo fixed up.

  • Hal

    He looks over to the man. "Please keep me safe until my brother comes back, he might be worried."

  • Oh lawd, we did 7 full pages...

    Zyphon, please understand that once you start writing, it's hard to stop.

  • Phoenix

    "I promise I will." I say, as I walk over to the man. He seems to have begun to trust me more..

    I give him hug, and sit next to him, awaiting his brothers return.

  • You can balance it out by having him borrow Negan's quote, "Motherfucking motherfuckers" for every post you didn't use Motherfucker.

    Twistee posted: »

    I keep forgetting the Godly quote of Theodore. My whole Life is ridiculous.

  • Clem?

    Aaron Aaron walked over to Ivy, stumbling on the way. He hands her one of the groups spare guns. "You can't come with us, sorry Ivy. You

  • It's fine, I don't have a clue what to do now anyways in terms of story. Well... Besides find the RV.

    Twistee posted: »

    Oh lawd, we did 7 full pages... Zyphon, please understand that once you start writing, it's hard to stop.

  • Well I mean there's the subject of
    Aaron now missing a leg chunk.

    Zyphon posted: »

    It's fine, I don't have a clue what to do now anyways in terms of story. Well... Besides find the RV.

  • I realize, I'm just having trouble trying to fit my characters in now seeing as they've been ignored for seven pages worth of content.

    Well I mean there's the subject of Aaron now missing a leg chunk.

  • I've mentioned they've been in the background. It wouldn't be hard to include them.

    Zyphon posted: »

    I realize, I'm just having trouble trying to fit my characters in now seeing as they've been ignored for seven pages worth of content.

  • you could possibly be trailing behind Han, Molly, Kieran back to the cabins?

    I've mentioned they've been in the background. It wouldn't be hard to include them.

  • That wouldn't make sense anymore, everyone is occupied with the Aaron situation.

    you could possibly be trailing behind Han, Molly, Kieran back to the cabins?

  • Why is nobody commenting?

  • People must not be here right now.

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Why is nobody commenting?

  • My character, James is a set character made by me since I was told to just create one myself. He is kind but yet mean when he has to be, and looks out for his family. But they are gone now, well.. his sister made it with him. At first, he is running away from the walkers, and i hope IN the story he meets the group. If this is okay.. I'm not going to post anything like that yet, tell me what you think I should do.

  • I'm the biggest procrastinator ever... There's no reason for me to not comment on this, and no reason for me to not start on the solo fan-fic... and yet I just go around doing... nothing.

    Just thought I'd share that.

  • Will

    Will looks into the cabin and sees that things have calmed down. "Don't Shoot! I want to help" Will says as he walks into the cabin door.

  • edited February 2014

    ...Accepted I suppose. (I've edited out the last part that you may have seen in your notifications because I realized that that was someone else. sorry about that.)

    InHarmsWay posted: »

    My character, James is a set character made by me since I was told to just create one myself. He is kind but yet mean when he has to be, and

    edited February 2014


    "Stand back!" she commands the guy as she pulls out her katana, "Who are you?! How can you help us?!"

  • Will

    Will raises his hands. "My name is Will. I want to help in anyway I can. I haven't seen people in months! I just want to be in a group. Its more safe that way." Will says looking scared and happy at the same time.

  • Hal

    Hal begins to cuddle even more. "Please drop the weapons. stop fighting!"

    edited February 2014


    "I can understand how you feel.. me and my friend are also very lonely, but I can't take risks, I'll have to tie your hands for a while, see if you end up as an ally, or a threat.." She says as she takes a rope out of her bag and ties his hands together "Sorry, but if you know what it's like to lose someone close to you, you know why I'm taking these precautions. I'll untie you when I think you're ok to group with"

  • Will

    Will sighs and holds his hands forward. "If that's what it takes to gain trust these days then so be it." Will replies. His hands are bound and Will walks over to a couch and sits down.

  • Han

    Han and the group finally arrive at the cabins, Han runs off and heads straight towards his brother's cabin. He is about to knock on the door, but he hears noises from the back, He takes out his gun and steadily moves along the wall of the cabin, he rushes in and screams "Stop it, all of you. Get away from my brother, I am not afraid to shoot."


    Hal points at pheonix and steps infront of him. "No! Brother,..no! This man with the robot hand is my friend, he was protecting me while you left..and one more thing, please dont leave me behind again."

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